Inexperienced gardeners may face various problems, one of which is the lack of ovaries in zucchini. Bushes, as a rule, may not bear fruit when growing in the open field, but sometimes this phenomenon can be observed in greenhouse conditions. There are several reasons why zucchini have an empty flower, having studied which, you can try to correct the situation and subsequently get a good harvest.

Empty flower on zucchini in the open field: what to do, photo

The main cause of empty flowers on zucchini is improper care.

How to identify an empty flower

Zucchini belongs to the pumpkin culture, which has same-sex flowers (staminate and pistillate). It is due to cross-pollination that fruits are set. Many inexperienced gardeners mistakenly consider the male flowers to be empty flowers and remove them, which leads to the termination of pollination. It is not recommended to do this, since with proper care, more female flowers form on the bush.

It is not difficult to determine the presence of female flowers on a bush; at their base, you can see the germ of the future fetus. After pollination, the ovary begins to develop, and the flower fades. Male flowers initially lack this rudiment; as a rule, they have a longer pedicel.

Why zucchini is not tied in the open field

There may be several reasons why zucchini bloom with a barren flower. The main ones can be called poor-quality planting material, poor soil preparation and improper care. The formation of ovaries is also affected by the immunity of the plant, its resistance to diseases and pests, since the defeat of zucchini by any ailment directly affects the quality and quantity of the crop.

Poor quality seeds

The germination and immunity of the future plant depend on the quality of the planting material. And, if you use seeds of dubious quality, then in the event of germination, the squash seedlings may develop incorrectly, which will lead to the absence of ovaries in the future.

Seeds must be of good quality, dry and not deformed, stored in suitable conditions for at least a year and not more than three years. If they were damaged or too fresh (collected from the last harvest), then the squash bushes grown from them will form more male flowers.

Diseases and pests

One of the reasons for the formation of empty flowers on zucchini is the defeat of the plant by diseases and pests. Immunity in this case is greatly reduced, which leads to a weakening of the plant, and it begins to spend more energy on maintaining viability, and not on the formation of fruits. Therefore, predominantly male flowers without rudiments appear on the squash bush.

Among the dangerous diseases of the culture, mosaic, powdery mildew, and white rot should be noted.

Of the pests, melon aphids and sprout fly most often attack zucchini.

To prevent the occurrence of ailments, preventive measures are required at the time of planting and during the period of active growth. It is also important to follow all the rules for care.

Empty flower on zucchini in the open field: what to do, photo

When mosaic is affected, squash bushes are dug up and burned, since the disease is incurable


Unfavorable weather conditions are also considered the main reason why there are no ovaries on zucchini. For example, if the summer turned out to be rainy, then you should not expect a big harvest. This is due to the fact that moisture provokes sticking of pollen, and cross-pollination does not occur. Also, in cold damp weather, insects practically do not appear near the plantations.

The scorching heat also has a detrimental effect. Due to the large amount of sunlight hitting squash bushes, pollen sterilization can occur. You can prevent this by installing a canopy over the bed. Shading will have a positive effect on plantings, not only prevent pollen damage, but also protect plants from sunburn.

Place of planting

Despite the fact that zucchini is an unpretentious crop, the wrong choice of a place for planting directly affects the amount of the crop. The plant prefers slightly acidic, nutritious soil. It is better to place the bed in a well-lit place without through winds. The presence of strong shading and the close location of groundwater will cause the squash to be dominated by barren flowers and the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Attention! The lack of boron in the soil leads to delayed fruit formation, the problem can be eliminated by treating the planting site with a solution of boric acid.

Improper care

Improper care is one of the main reasons that zucchini is not tied up not only in the open field, but even in a greenhouse. With insufficient experience, young gardeners can make the following mistakes:

  • waterlogging of the soil – this happens due to frequent watering on clay soil, and stagnant water provokes the appearance of rot;
  • frequent planting – if plants are planted close to each other, they will begin to compete with each other, spending a significant amount of energy;
  • improper feeding – the use of a large number of nitrogen-containing compounds will contribute to the formation of green mass, and not the formation of ovaries.

Watering should be done when the top layers of the soil dry out. The soil must be moist, but not damp (watery), otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

Attention! With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, it must be treated with ash infusion, as well as feed the zucchini with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Lack of insects for pollination

Zucchini do not set and form only barren flowers in the case when there are no pollinating insects. It is thanks to them that cross-pollination occurs. In the case when pollen does not fall on female flowers, they simply dry up without forming fruits.

The lack of insects on the site may be the result of adverse weather conditions or the absence of growing honey plants nearby. To attract pollinators, experienced gardeners advise planting bright-smelling bushes (mint, poppy, rudbeckia) in free areas. Often bait with sweet syrup (honey water) helps.

Empty flower on zucchini in the open field: what to do, photo

An effective method to attract pollinating insects is to spray zucchini with sweet water.

Do I need to pick empty flowers from zucchini

It is not recommended to pick barren flowers from zucchini, since the life of male flowers is short. They develop rapidly, wither and fall off, so they do not take a lot of strength and energy from the plant. But, cutting off barren flowers, you can not only prevent the cross-pollination of flowers, but also significantly harm the zucchini bushes. Pathogenic bacteria or other infections can get into the places where the flower stalks are cut.

What to do if zucchini bloom, but the ovaries do not

If it is discovered in time that zucchini blooms profusely in the garden, but fruits do not set on them, the situation should be corrected immediately. The following steps may help in this case:

  • regular feeding with complex fertilizers with a minimum nitrogen content (potassium-phosphorus compounds can be used);
  • spraying zucchini with a solution of boric acid (it is desirable to treat the inflorescences with the composition);
  • creating bait for pollinating insects (spraying with sweet syrup);
  • regular watering with special preparations Effecton, Biosporin – this helps to strengthen the immunity of the plant.
Advice! If the zucchini bloom profusely, but the weather conditions change quickly, then it is advisable to cover the plantings at night to avoid pollen sticking together, and in extreme heat it is better to organize a canopy of translucent material.

preventive measures

Prevention of the formation of ovaries facilitates the fight against empty flowers on zucchini. It should begin even before planting plants in the garden. It consists in the correct choice and preparation of planting material and place. It is best to purchase seeds from a specialized store, and if using your own seed, it must be aged for at least a year. Old ones that are more than three years old should also not be used, since their germination will be unlikely.

The soil for the future beds is dug up and, if necessary, fertilized. Landing is carried out according to the scheme 60 by 60 cm, you can maintain a longer distance, but in no case should you bring them closer together.

After the emergence of seedlings, it is required to water the zucchini with an infusion of onion peel. Ash is also added to the soil. An excellent measure of prevention is the timely removal of weeds, loosening the soil around the bushes.

To ensure a stable harvest, it is important to observe crop rotation. Constant planting of zucchini in the same place over time will give worse fruiting results, and more and more empty flowers will appear on the bushes. The reason for this will be the depletion of the soil.

At the beginning of the growing season, zucchini can be fed with complexes with nitrogen, and at the time of flowering, fertilizers are changed to those that contain more potassium and phosphorus. With an excess of nitrogen, the bushes will begin to grow and form more male flowers. In this case, experienced gardeners are advised to pinch the growing point.


In zucchini, a barren flower may indicate improper care of the crop. It is very easy to find out about the appearance of a large number of male flowers on a bush, and if you notice the problem in time, then it will be easy to deal with it. And timely assistance to the plant will allow in the future to get a bountiful harvest of quality fruits.

Barren Flower on Zucchini 3 Ways to Increase Yield. Zucchini in open ground.

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