Adoption leave and dismissal

The employee on adoption leave is protected against dismissal, under the same conditions as the pregnant employee. he cannot be dismissed during this period for any reason. During the month following adoption leave, he still enjoys relative protection, except for serious misconduct unrelated to the adoption or for economic reasons. If the employer pronounces an illegal dismissal, the victim must produce, within 15 days following the notification of the dismissal, a certificate (issued by the departmental service of social assistance to children or the body authorized for the adoption ) justifying the arrival of a child in the home.

Adoption leave and paid leave

Who says adoption leave does not mean loss of paid leave. Even though the adoption leave coincided with the period of rest leave applicable in the company. The holidays can then be taken upon returning to the company.

Adoption leave and salary development

Adoption leave necessarily rhymes with (brief) career break. To remedy this, a law of March 23, 2006, relating to “equal pay between women and men” has put in place a guarantee of “salary catching up” for the benefit of employees who are on maternity or adoption leave. Clear, as soon as they return from their adoption leave, the mom or dad must find out if salary increases have been decided or paid during their absence. It can equally well be the general increases applied to the company as those granted to employees falling within the same professional category. If this is the case, a salary catch may be paid to him, as of his return to the company.

To know

When the collective agreement provides for additional benefits in favor of employees on maternity leave, these are also applicable to employees on adoption leave.

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