The articles included in this collection are the result of seven years of research by psychologists at St. Petersburg University. They are devoted to topics little studied in psychology, in particular, the expression and recognition of emotions in children in the first months of life, relationships in the «child-adult» system, and the influence of early experience on the further development of a person.
The articles included in this collection are the result of seven years of research by psychologists at St. Petersburg University. They are devoted to topics little studied in psychology, in particular, the expression and recognition of emotions in children in the first months of life, relationships in the «child-adult» system, and the influence of early experience on the further development of a person. The work is based on experiments conducted by scientists with the participation of children aged from three months to six years. The book clarifies the mechanisms of emotional behavior of a child and an adult and emphasizes the role of loved ones (and the social environment in general) in the life of a growing person.
St. Petersburg University Press, 2009