I’m afraid. I will never dare to do it!
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Impressionability and impulsiveness are negative elements of emotionality.
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In emotional people, relationships are more often subordinated to feelings and emotions, depend on moods, and an emotional person usually cannot (has not taught himself) to be responsible for his relationships and actions in them. «I fell in love with you — it’s like falling on me!» “I fell out of love with you — what can you do about it?” The position is emotional, but not responsible.
From correspondence
You know, I adequately understand all your judgments and advice, BUT how to introduce them into your life, how to teach them to behave correctly and deliberately, and not as usual? because in emergency situations you forget about everything and give in to emotions that do not always lead to good things!!!!
Ksenia, if girls are brought up by other girls, namely their mothers, then the girls really only know how to understand, but they are not accustomed to do what has been said. That is, they perform only when they want, according to their mood. If a girl is brought up not only by her mother, but also by her father, she brings up like a man, then the girl begins to understand that if she was told to do it, then it really needs to be done. (see →) And she does, doesn’t forget about anything and doesn’t give in to emotions without asking. Becomes an adult.
If you set yourself the task of compensating for what you weren’t given enough in your upbringing, I’m sure you can do it.
Education and development of responsibility
Responsibility, as one of the most important social skills, can be developed, and in its absence, brought up. Responsible — are not born, responsible — become. See →