Emotional security, you can never do too much!

Tenderly take Baby by the hand or better, in the arms, hug him very tightly, tell him and tell him that we love him and prove it to him every day several times a day, we are 100% for! No, you won’t make her a “capricious” or a “sissy”… it’s quite the opposite.

You can imagine, no question of “mothering” Baby to the point of locking him in a hyper protective bubble and supposedly reassuring which, in the end, would freeze him and prevent him from truly being himself. No, it is rather a matter of preparing a solid breeding ground for love in which your little budding plant can sow its own seeds and cultivate firm roots, those which will allow it to flourish fully and take off … without a guardian. !

First links among mine

This is the case with the little man … it is written in the genes of Monsieur Bébé: if, at the start, he is totally dependent on adults and more particularly on his parents, it is also “programmed” to attach. For him, it’s a matter of survival, both physically and psychologically. Without these attachment figures (most often her parents and the person who welcomes her during the day), there is no salvation… This is what Lucie (Paris) expresses when she speaks of the “I” moment when she saw Anatole arrive: “He came out of me, the midwife turned him around to present him to me and there, I saw two big huge eyes coming up that clung to me like a mussel on a rock. I looked at him and I was overcome with a very strong feeling of love: I could no longer lift my gaze from his. Unbelievable. I had the impression that we mutually created a new “cord” through this intense gaze… And that this one, no one could cut it! ”

The first mother-baby bonds often come through the eyes. Remember, in the hours following your delivery, the long moments spent contemplating your wonder! Of course, for some of us it could have taken longer, less spontaneous. Whatever, to each his own rhythm and it is all the open senses (sight, smell, touch …) that Mom and Baby (and Dad too) then set off to meet each other …

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