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The emotional format is not conducive to mutual understanding.

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The emotional format of communication is a way of communication where a person releases control over himself, allows himself irresponsible reactions and statements, prompted only by emotional impulses. The emotional format is an irresponsible variation of the personal format. This way of communication is typical for a person-child, more common among women.

The language of the emotional format differs significantly from the business format. As a rule, such a speech lacks thoughtfulness, plan, responsibility, negativity prevails and emotions are pumped up. The author draws attention more to himself, his experiences, and not to the actual event.

Examples of statements in an emotional and business format:

Why and why do people use the emotional format of statements? Sometimes the emotional format is also intentional behavior with special — manipulative or pedagogical — goals, more often this happens without any «intention», simply from the lack of habit of self-control. At the same time, there are some internal or everyday benefits in this kind of emotional outbursts, usually they are the same as in demonstrating the position of the Victim, see the causes of problematic behavior. In any case, the emotional format draws attention to a person well, although it does not contribute to mutual understanding.

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