Emotional betrayal – 5 signs of betrayal alarm

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Emotional betrayal, although not always, can be an announcement or introduction to physical betrayal. Emotional betrayal is much more difficult to recognize, as well as not easy to spot when we started to cheat on our partner. How to recognize that a relationship with a colleague is no longer a harmless camaraderie? Learn the 5 warning signs of emotional betrayal.

What is emotional betrayal?

Emotional betrayal is establishing a close or even too close relationship and bond with someone who is not our partner. Emotional betrayal is not accompanied by sexual contact, although it often occurs in the later stages of the relationship. Emotional betrayal is often wrongly equated with friendship. Friendship is a positive relationship that does not hurt any of the parties. In emotional betrayal, however, there is a situation in which acquaintance with another person becomes more attractive than the relationship and contact with a partner. The modern world based on new technologies and contact mediated by new media is conducive to emotional betrayal. Hours spent in messaging and chats often contribute to establishing close relationships with other people, which ultimately end in emotional betrayal. 

Emotional betrayal – increasing frequency of meetings

One of the first signs of emotional betrayal may be comments from friends or family about too frequent meetings with a given person. These meetings are becoming an inseparable part of everyday life, for which we are waiting impatiently. At some point, you start to realize that your relationship is based on half-truths or lies because you are afraid to admit to having such frequent contact with another person. If you lie to your partner and enjoy running to the daily meetings with your new friend, you can talk about emotional betrayal.

Emotional betrayal – the intensity of telephone and online contacts

Emotional betrayal also occurs when the contact with another person is maintained to a large extent by phone, text message or in social media. If you don’t take your eyes off your computer screen, keep checking your phone, and wait for a message from the other person, you can be sure that you are cheating on your partner’s emotions or are on your way to such a betrayal. Additionally, in the case of emotional betrayal, usually your first thought upon waking up is to send a text message to that person.

Emotional betrayal – entrusting secrets and secrets

If you first share your secrets, secrets, or important life events with the other person and not with your partner, it is a sign of emotional betrayal. A partner is a person who expects you to share an intimate world, if you start to share this world with someone else, you should not leave yourself under any illusions, we are dealing with emotional betrayal. 

Emotional betrayal – focusing your thoughts on the latter

You wake up in the morning, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, listen to music, do anything else and your thoughts are focused only on the other person. Are you wondering what he is doing, is he still sleeping, is he taking a bath, or is he going shopping? If you are constantly thinking only of the other person, most likely you are emotionally cheating on your partner. 

Emotional betrayal – constant comparison to your partner

In the case of emotional betrayal, our new acquaintance is often compared with our current partner. Unfortunately, our regular partner is always in a losing position in this comparison. Even if you ultimately decide not to have a relationship with the other person, you will use the comparison to highlight your partner’s alleged faults. Hence, a short path to quarrels, misunderstandings, and ultimately ending an unsatisfactory relationship.

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