Diary of emotions — what are the results?
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This exercise is easy to do, just start a diary. Namely, in a notebook or in Excel every half an hour, start marking your internal state on the scale “The world is beautiful”, “The world is good”, “The world is neutral”, “The world is hostile” and “The world is terrible”. You will like this scale, in it the world seems to be alive, and you establish certain relationships with it. Then decryption:
- MP — life is wonderful, we love and are loved;
- MH — life is friendly to us, as we are to it;
- MN is the world on its own, I am on my own. We are not friends with the world and do not quarrel;
- MV — life is hostile to me, but I have a chance to be the winner;
- MS — in this world it is impossible to win, my fight is lost. I’m still alive, but it’s only for now, because I can be crushed at any time …
As you will quickly understand, it is not so much the living emotion itself or a specific state that is fixed here, but rather our view of what is happening, our kind of philosophy of life …
It will be very good if you now tear yourself away from the book and start a Diary. Yes, yes, now is the time! Therefore, we stop ourselves, break away from reading: one, two, three, break away — go and do it!
Done? Thank you! This is right!
Sometimes such a scale turns out to be quite monotonous: the world is good, the world is beautiful, the world is good… In this case, deviations from it are all the more important: is it true that after this event I changed my mind about the world? The children did not clean up their toys, I got angry with them — and after that the world ceased to be friendly, did it become downright hostile?
Yes? You must have gotten excited…
Therefore, in all important cases, write down your comments, in connection with which your vision of the world has become different. Where it leads? In addition to the fact that your internal state will become more stable only by keeping this Diary of Emotions, mood swings will become a rarity for you.
Something your children and your loved ones will be delighted with!
Such a diary of emotions is already being kept by many hundreds of people, and reliable statistics confirm the stabilization of the internal state. And not only stabilization, but raising the general emotional tone. Indeed, after a maximum of a week of work, most people confidently make a decision: anything can happen in my world, but at the same time there is a bar below which I do not fall. The world in which I live is usually good and friendly, often beautiful, rarely I can admit the world is ordinary. But is the World really hostile?
When you figured this out, you can add the Mood Scale to the Emotional Tone Scale, where you can rate yourself, for example, from -2 to +2 (Very Bad, Bad, Normal, Good, Excellent!) or, as in the iMoodJournal game program, from 1 up to 10 (It can’t get worse, Very bad, Bad, So-so, Average, Normal, Good, Very good, Excellent, Insanely good!). Here are examples of scales that were developed and used by the Remotes themselves.
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