Emergency meditation for specific anxiety attacks
Guided Meditation
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, offers in this guided meditation session a refuge from stressful situations that are difficult for us to manage

There are days when anxiety, worry or uncertainty for the future they make it difficult to support the different situations that occur on a day-to-day basis. Return to the present moment, to the contact with your sensations and rest in your breathing it can help you more than you imagine.
That is why I invite you, in this week’s meditation, to take a moment for yourself, a moment to inhabit your sensations and rest in it. present.
Find a quiet place and 7 minutes to be with you, to return to you, because finding the equilibrium in the calm of the present and concentrating for a few moments on your breathing, can be very beneficial for your mental health.
And remember, if you practice it daily, little by little, you will begin to feel its benefits.
Happy meditation.