Embryo implantation in the uterus: sensations, signs, on what day
Embryo implantation – the introduction of an egg or a full-fledged embryo into the uterus. After this procedure, the body determines the viability of the embryo. If he has genetic abnormalities, the body rejects him.
How and on what day does the implantation take place?
So, after the egg is fertilized, it is covered with a special membrane. This is to protect the embryo. Now the egg is moving through the fallopian tubes. It takes 7-10 days.
At the time of implantation, a process called hatching takes place. The ovum sheds its protective membrane and attaches to the endometrium with the help of villi. The villi secrete special enzymes that allow them to sink deep enough. In the bowels of the endometrium there is a supply of nutrients.
For the implantation to work, the thickness of the endometrium must be 10-13 mm, and it must have a normal supply of nutrients for the embryo. In addition, the woman must release the hormone progesterone in sufficient quantities. It delays menstruation and helps the endometrium develop.
In rare cases, implantation may occur earlier than 7 or later than 10 days.
After the end of this process, the woman’s body begins to change. Its hormonal background changes, hCG is actively produced, and the blood flow of internal organs improves. At this moment, you can state the onset of pregnancy.
Implantation into the uterus with IVF
The main problem of IVF (in vitro fertilization) is the difficulty with implantation. They occur in 30-40% of cases.
To solve this problem, modern clinics use a laser to make small incisions on the shell of the embryo. This procedure is called assisted hatching and it simplifies implantation. Usually they resort to it if frozen embryos are used or IVF is done to a woman over 35 years old.
Implantation is a slight shock to the body. Therefore, most women experience a number of unusual symptoms. These include:
- Minor vaginal discharge with blood impurities. Their color can be pale pink or pale brown. If you are planning a pregnancy, then such discharge should not be scary. But if there was no sexual intercourse, then such discharge may indicate an infection in the body, so you need to contact the clinic.
- Mild abdominal pain. It appears at the time of implantation and quickly passes. The intensity of the pain is mild.
- Tingling and heaviness in the mammary glands.
- Metallic taste in the mouth.
- Poisoning symptoms. There is almost always severe or mild nausea.
- A slight increase in body temperature. The maximum it can rise to 37,3 ° C.
- Dizziness, lethargy, weakness.
In addition to physical, psychological sensations may appear, which will help to understand that implantation has occurred. For a while, the woman falls into a state close to depressive. She constantly takes offense at everyone, it seems to her that those around her are completely indifferent to her. Don’t worry, this unpleasant condition will go away pretty quickly. At this time, try to surround yourself only with pleasant things.
Why does implantation sometimes fail?
Sometimes the body perceives the embryo as a threat to the woman’s body and rejects it. In this case, implantation does not take place. Most often, the reason for this is the unhealthy state of the endometrium, it can be thinner or thicker than the norm. Also, the cause of the problem may be in genetic abnormalities of the embryo.
If you have not fully understood the process of implanting a fertilized egg, consult your gynecologist. He will give all the necessary advice for consultation.
fertility specialist at the REMEDI clinic
– With in vitro fertilization (IVF) at the last step of the procedure, when the embryos are transferred into the uterus, a complication may occur – an ectopic pregnancy. This happens extremely rarely, in about 2% of cases. Women who have chronic pelvic inflammatory disease are at risk. But if you undergo a full examination before the procedure and eliminate health problems, the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced.