Elvis (Elvis)

Indian rum Elvis is a serious competitor to analogues of Caribbean origin. Fragrant, mild in taste, seasoned and at the same time inexpensive drink is simply doomed to popularity among connoisseurs of good rum. Although Adinco Distillers entered the international market only at the beginning of the XNUMXst century, it has already established trade relations with Russia, the USA, Canada, Sierra Leone, and is preparing to supply products to China.

Historical reference. In Goa, locals still set up small distilleries in back rooms to make fenni, an alcoholic drink made from cashew nuts or palm juice. It was this distillery built at the beginning of the XNUMXth century by Alekso Diniz.

The products of the home distillery were very popular with friends and neighbors of Diniz, the master was constantly inventing new recipes, so he had no end to customers. The successful enterprise was inherited by the founder’s children, then by his grandchildren.

Until the 70s of the XX century, the family company did not work quite legally. It was not until Goa, until then a Portuguese colony, joined India that Mr. Alleluia Diniz, great-grandson of Alexo Diniz, finally registered the firm.

Hallelujah Diniz believed that Adinco Distillers should take its place among the largest Indian producers of spirits. For this, it was necessary to expand the range of products. In the 70s and 80s, the company’s technologists created unique recipes for brandy, whiskey, wines, vodka, liqueurs and rum.

Goa has always been a real mecca for hippies and other representatives of subcultures. To please the tourists, the Dinises named the rum after Elvis Presley. To match the name and design of an elegant bottle with a catchy label, made in an abstract style.

Rum “Elvis” is made from molasses. The distillate for the production of Dark and Black varieties is aged in charred oak barrels. As a result, the drink acquires a dark color and a spicy aroma of old oak. Then the rum is mixed and carefully filtered. Thanks to the peculiarities of manufacturing technology, even unaged Elvis rum does not feel the dryness characteristic of young Caribbean (especially Puerto Rican) rums.

Types of Roma Elvis

Adinco Distillers produces 3 varieties of Elvis rum with a strength of 42,8%:

  • Elvis White – colorless transparent rum with a slight fruity smell;
  • Elvis Black 5 years – amber-brown rum, aged 5 years, with a spicy-fruity aroma. Taste – with tones of dark sugar and honey;
  • Elvis Dark (Luxury) 12 years – premium rum, dark brown with a hint of mahogany. Vanilla, coffee and chocolate notes on the palate end with a hint of honey aftertaste.

Elvis (Elvis)

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