Elsa Pataky’s hard training with trx, truck wheels and battle rope

Elsa Pataky’s hard training with trx, truck wheels and battle rope


The actress does functional exercises in which she uses the weight and load of her own body, with auxiliary materials such as dumbbells, kettlebells, pulleys, ropes, etc.

Elsa Pataky’s hard training with trx, truck wheels and battle rope

The hard training that Elsa Pataky performs weekly has gone viral in recent days due to the complexity of the exercises and the enormous strength that the actress uses to perform them. Ross Edgley is the personal trainer who is behind this rude and tired fitness routine, which is on everyone’s lips because of the physical changes that are already being seen in the body of the also producer, who is preparing for a new project.

But although the videos of Elsa Pataky published on social networks have not left anyone indifferent, personal trainers as Miguel Ángel Peinado has been able to differentiate in the first attempt what type of training the actress faces: «They are functional exercises in which she uses the weight and load of her own body, with auxiliary materials such as dumbbells, kettlebells, pulleys, battle rope, trx, etc. ‘

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What functional training is looking for is to get an exercise routine that is useful to anyone, whether an athlete or not, and that these trainings help them to be in shape for their day to day. In the case of Pataky, as Miguel Ángel Peinado (@ miguel.trainer) recounts, with whom she can train online through her Better Naked Club app, the actress puts material into some exercises, which makes it harder and more varied. What kind of material? Mainly pulleys, dumbbells, wheels, ropes … and in most exercises several muscles are involved at the same time, which makes you burn more calories: «His abdomen is so defined because exercise the core with the use of these complements “, concludes the expert.

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Features of functional training

If you are considering starting a training session like Elsa Pataky’s, these are the factors, according to coach Miguel Ángel Peinado, that you should take into account. “Functional training should pursue the objective of being useful for any user, helping them to be more efficient and healthy in their daily movements,” he says.

In addition, this type of training seeks work the muscles through the imitation of everyday life, that is to say, that the exercises that are developed repeat parameters similar to those of certain daily movements such as walking, jumping, climbing stairs, lifting loads, dragging, etc.

Finally, so that this training can be considered as functional, this «must be able to engage all the muscles of the body and the exercises should not work the muscles in isolation.

Tips for functional training

Yes, identify if you are doing functional exercises You should observe, as advised by Miguel Ángel Peinado, if they meet the following characteristics:

You don’t do them sitting down. “Try to do your exercises in a standing position because when the body is supported, it stops working the stabilizing muscles,” he explains. Without this participation, strong muscles but weak couplings are achieved.

They are free weight exercises and not analytical. Select free weight exercises such as barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, etc. “The forces and stimuli received will be much more natural than the modified force vectors in machines,” says the personal trainer.

Introduces inertias and accelerations. In the management of inertia, the muscles perform a different job since eccentric braking or rapid contractions are executed, important stimuli to achieve new force adaptations.

Think global. The movements in the exercises of a functional training must be general, that is, multi-joint, exercises that generate greater intermuscular coordination and are capable of mobilizing greater loads and, therefore, of applying more intense stimuli.

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Functional exercise ideas

These are just some of the functional exercises you can do to turn Elsa Pataky’s fitness routine into yours too.

Planches to work the core. To execute an iron correctly we have to take into account that the surface where we do it does not slip because otherwise it will not be possible to do them.

– Hands or elbows just below the shoulders.

– Create pressure with both feet equally against the ground. And in the case of the lateral support the greater surface of the lateral of the foot.

– Do not let the hips fall towards the ground and keep it approximately at the height of your shoulders. Keep the scapular area contracted.

– Keep your gaze aligned with your body.

And finally, contract the core.

Squatting with or without load. Here’s how squats are done right:

– The first thing would be to position yourself with your gaze forward and your chest out.

– Afterwards, we will have to position the feet, exceeding the width of the hips, and with the toes facing slightly outwards.

– The next step would be to perform a squat as if we were sitting in an imaginary chair.

– We must descend until our thighs are as parallel to the ground as possible, carrying the weight on the heels.

– Finally, you have to ascend by fully extending your knees and hips, activating your entire body by using force from your heels.

Strides. To begin striding, the legs are placed slightly hip-width apart and after inhaling, one leg takes a step forward, keeping the torso straight perpendicular to the ground. The forward leg should be bent at the knee until the thigh is parallel to the ground and the knee is bent 90 degrees. The leg that does not move also descends without touching the ground with the knee. Once this movement is done, you return to the starting position. This exercise is done by alternating the legs in series or one by one.

Funds arms and triceps. The dips can be done in parallel bars so that the pectoral and triceps are worked intensely by placing the arms stretched to the width of the shoulders and raising and lowering the body vertically until making a 90 degree angle with the elbow. Depending on the weight of the athlete and his state of form, the parallel bars will be more or less affordable.

Dominated. The exercise that is practiced in the chin-up consists of holding onto a fixed bar or holding it and hanging from that point with the limbs stretched out and then doing a push-up until the bar is surpassed with the chin. To do this, we start from the position of stretched arms and apply different grips with the hands. With the help of the strength of the arms, the back and the abdomen, the chin is brought to the level of the bar.

Ripped and loaded. To do this exercise you have to lift the bar from the ground using the strength of the legs and hips without bending the waist, keeping the torso at the same angle. As a note: do not let your hips rise before your shoulders. We will continue with extended elbows and the head will have to have a neutral position.

Dead weight. The deadlift is an exercise with weights that involves lifting a barbell from the floor to the waist, and it is one of the three movements that are part of the powerlifting. The world record for the deadlift at the highest absolute weight lifted is held by strongman Zydrunas Savickas with a deadlift of 524 kg, with supportive equipment.

Swing con kettlebell. Kettlebells or kettlebells are a fitness accessory shaped like a cannonball with handles. It is a very useful accessory if you want to gain muscle mass and improve balance.

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