Elos epilation: the effectiveness of the procedure. Video
Ever since the fashion for smooth, hairless skin emerged, ladies seeking to live up to conventional standards have been looking for ways to get rid of excess frizz effectively and lastingly. And, of course, modern cosmetology offers them its help. One of the methods is Elos hair removal.
Elos hair removal: video about the procedure
Elos epilation is a deep combined effect on hair and hair follicles with high-frequency electric and laser radiation. The authors of the method emphasize that the signal acts very selectively, destroying the structure of unwanted hair without damaging the skin. It is impossible to cope with all the hairs in 1 session, therefore, it will take from 4 to 8 procedures at intervals of a month, depending on the client’s genetic and physiological characteristics, as well as body parts. At the same time, the hairs weaken and fall out, and the new ones grow thinner and thinner. You can even process the skin above the upper lip – there will be no marks on the face. The success of hair removal depends on the structure and density of hair growth. For example, hair removal in the bikini area will require fewer treatments than above the upper lip.
Since each session is very expensive, it is worth calculating in advance the possible costs of the full course in order to determine its feasibility.
Experts promise clients almost painless epilation. Before the procedure, the doctor collects data about the patient’s health.
Contraindications for its implementation are:
- inflammatory processes
- skin and oncological diseases
- pregnancy
- immunity weakened as a result of diseases or treatment
- allergic to light and sun
- the presence of implants or a cardiac pacemaker
- decreased blood clotting
The day before, the patient should shave off the hair at the place where the epilation is planned to ensure the most effective procedure.
A cooling protective gel is applied to the patient’s skin, which transmits light, and the eyes are protected with dark glasses. A dermatologist uses a device that generates impulses to treat a selected area of the body. After the procedure, the skin is treated with a softening spray or cream that relieves discomfort. The doctor will schedule the next Elos hair removal session. Until that time, growing hair should be removed with a depilatory cream or razor, so as not to negate the effect of the procedure.
To avoid the appearance of age spots, you should avoid direct sunlight for XNUMX hours after Elos-epilation.
Sometimes reality differs from rosy promises. Many patients complain of severe pain in the procedure. In addition, as a rule, the number of sessions required for a lasting result is significantly higher than the promised 4-8. Due to the high cost and discomfort, clients often cannot complete the full course of elosepilation. Accordingly, the effect of smooth skin does not last long, and they have to return to traditional methods of depilation.
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