Elodie Gossuin: a happy young mother

Elodie Gossuin: “I have always imagined myself as a mother”

Six years after Jules and Rose, your elders, you have once again given birth to twins. Younger, did you dream of having a big family?

I think we evolve over time. But one thing is certain: I have always imagined myself as a mother. It was vital for me, obvious. I likened it to a rebirth even though, paradoxically, I had a happy childhood. I lived in a family of 3 children. I was the oldest and I have always been keen to play the role of a big sister. When I was 6, my mother told me she was expecting twins. At that moment, I thought to myself, this is great, there will be one for me. I have always thought that having children was the greatest gift in life. Moreover, it was also my husband’s dream. I am happy to have been able to offer him this. From now on, I say to myself, at 33 years old, children, it’s done!

So you are a fully developed woman?

Yes, it’s true. Today, I feel fulfilled, accomplished. It is certain that the fact of having been Miss France offered me great opportunities. Corn it was important for me to use my body for something other than my job. Especially since I was a real tomboy before. In beauty contests, superficiality and appearance take precedence. Today, I feel like I’m more useful, and more of a woman, even though my body has changed a lot. I tell myself that it was used to give life four times, it’s a source of pride. And I still use it to feed my children. The bond that binds us to them during breastfeeding is extraordinary. We give them something that comes from us. VSit gives me the feeling of being unique in their eyes. Professionally I would say I haven’t accomplished everything I want yet even though I love what I do. We must constantly find inspiration to move forward. 

Twin pregnancies are known to be difficult. Have you experienced any complications during your pregnancies? Have they been similar?

The first was magical. On the other hand, the second was more difficult. We often talk about the difficulties associated with everyday life but there are also emotional shocks that can lead to complications.. While I was 7 months pregnant, my dog ​​had to be euthanized. It was a real violence and it caused me contractions. Suddenly, I was bedridden for several weeks. Every day, I prepared myself psychologically for the idea of ​​giving birth, I was quite stressed. And each day won was like a victory. I was happy even though, paradoxically, I wasn’t going to be able to see and touch my babies right away. Finally, I have delivered at 8 months of pregnancy. In fact, it is as if my childbirth lasted a month.

How did the two older children welcome the arrival of the twins?

I think the age gap plays a big role. They are 6 years old (it’s funny because that’s exactly the age I was when my brother and sister were born) and are more mature. They really wanted us to expand the family and were looking forward to them. Jules and Rose always believed they were going to have a brother and a sister at the same time. For them, this is the norm (Laughter). I explained to them that they were probably going to have a sibling, but having twins a second time, who are also different sex, was extremely rare. Now they keep telling me, “you see mom, we told you so”. (Laughter) Between adults and children, it’s a real touching relationship. There is no jealousy. Already, when I was pregnant, they talked to them. They fully play their role of big brother and sister. They know babies need special attention. And Rose, my big girl, is a real little mom.

How did you choose the first names of your children? In September 2013, you launched a call on Twitter for Internet users to give you ideas. Did it help you?

Yes, it served me well. I wanted the first names to have a historical reference, like to give my children personality. For the elders, in 2007, we chose short first names because the children have both family names. But for the last two, we didn’t really agree, and tastes are changing. Suddenly, they are longer. Jules refers to Jules Vernes, who was also Picard. Joséphine to Joséphine de Beauharnais, and then, he also echoes Rose. We chose Leonardo in relation to Da Vinci. I also found that the diminutives Jo and Léo fit well together. And as I am nicknamed Elo, it was perfect!

Since last February, you are back on TV in the program Touche pas à mon poste. Was it important for you to get back to work quickly?

In 2010, I was present on the pilot of the show shot for France 4, and during the first two years of broadcasting. When Cyril Hanouna left on D8, I decided to stay on the channel out of loyalty. Cyril had promised me that he would call me again. Two months after my delivery, he called me back. He is truly a man of his word. I was very happy. However, if I could have taken six months of maternity leave, as is the case with twin births, I would have taken it. But I am not an employee and I cannot claim parental leave. I am in liberal profession. I have no choice, you have to find the right balance between home and work. Fortunately, I like my job. It allows me to flourish differently. With the elders, I couldn’t do it, I had this need to be with them all the time. And then, I have this chance: when I’m not there, the dad is present. I leave them in their environment. Even so, I hear a lot of thoughts coming from outside like “are you leaving your kids at this time?”. It particularly touches me. There is no a miraculous recipe. Like everyone else I have to work. It’s very complicated to be a woman today and to take responsibility for your choices. Either way, you get criticized for whatever you do.

What is the most difficult to manage on a daily basis?

The reflections of others (Laughter). Seriously, with four children including two babies, the key word is organization. You have to try to find a balance between your life as a mother, wife and wife. Of course, like everyone else, we have ups and downs. Moreover, we should not be afraid to face them and talk about them without taboos. It is important.

You are now the sponsor of the Unicef ​​announcement site. What made you want to get involved in this cause, rather than another?

By becoming a mother, my navel moved on my children. I want them to have a better view of the world. I want to transmit to them values ​​such as generosity and sharing on a daily basis. Also, having a first daughter, and now two, made me more aware of the condition of little girls in the world (the inequalities they suffer and the violence to which they are victims). Rose knows, for example, how lucky she is to go to school. I often talk to her about it. Schooling offers freedom and millions of girls are deprived of an education. The figures on female circumcision are also appalling. While this practice is on the decline in Kenya, it persists in Mali. Finally, with the successive conflicts in Syria and the Central African Republic, the number of families and children who are emergency refugees continues to increase and this particularly affects me.

Tell us about the Unicef ​​announcement site.  

The announcement of a birth is something symbolic. Thanks to this site, all by passing on the good news, parents can take advantage of this moment of sharing to help children in distress around the world. They contribute in their own way. I liken this to the image of the stork: the one which announces the arrival of the baby to relatives but which also brings the good news to other children in need. This gesture of solidarity should become a reflex because it is a promising initiative. On the site, there are nearly 500 invitation models. Parents will therefore have no trouble finding their happiness.  

More information on the site .

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