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EllaOne is a so-called “po” pill. It is a contraceptive in emergency cases, when the contraceptive used has failed, or after unprotected intercourse when the woman is not planning to become pregnant. Currently, in the European Union, it is allowed to be sold in pharmacies without a prescription. EllaOne should only be used occasionally and should not be used as a method of permanent contraception.

Tabletka EllaOne

This is a so-called “pill” to be used in emergency situations, after unprotected sexual intercourse or when contraception has failed (eg during intercourse a condom has broken or you have missed or incorrectly used contraceptive pills). EllaOne should be taken within 24 hours after sexual intercourse and up to a maximum of five days (for 5 days sperm from the sperm can survive in the woman’s body).

The composition of the ellaOne tablet is ulipristal acetatewhose main action is based on inhibiting or delaying ovulation (it is the opposite of progesterone). Thus, it prevents the proper ovulation and implantation of the embryo in the uterus. In the event of fertilization, the tablet protects the embryo and reduces the contractility of the uterus, while when the egg is combined with the sperm, it causes menstruation. The other ingredients are: lactose monohydrate, povidone, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate.

EllaOne can be taken in an emergency as soon as possible and no later than 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse when the probability of pregnancy became apparent. The measure should be used after consulting a specialist and carefully reading the leaflet. The tablet can be taken with or without food, and if vomiting occurs within three hours after taking the tablet, the dose should be taken again. Importantly, ellaOne is not useful in a situation where ovulation has already occurred, nor is it used to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.


EllaOne prevents or delays ovulation, thereby preventing the embryo or fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. For those who believe that the beginning of life is an embryo, the use of this form of emergency contraception will be controversial.

Check it out: Contraception in Polish. How do women protect themselves most often? At all

EllaOne without a prescription?

In the European Union, ellaOne was approved for marketing in 2009. On the other hand, in January 2015, the European Commission allowed the sale of “non-prescription” tablets.

In June 2017, the Senate adopted an amendment to the law that concerns changes in the availability of ellaOne over the counter. The amendment stipulates that the ellaOne tablet will be available only on prescription (from 2015, people over 15 years of age could buy the drug without visiting a doctor). Such behavior is explained by the government with regard to the safety of pharmacotherapy. Although on June 24, 2017, President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the healthcare act. Any doctor can prescribe the “po” pill.

You can buy ellaOne over the counter in the following countries:

Croatia, Bulgaria, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, France, Germany, Portugal, Luxembourg, Romania, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Great Britain, Netherlands, Sweden, Malta.

EllaOne prescription is in Lithuania, Estonia and Hungary.

The price of ellaOne tablets is PLN 120-160 per one.

Research on the effectiveness of ellaOne

There are studies confirming the effectiveness of ellaOne. 1533 women (average age: approx. 24 years) were invited to conduct them, who urgently needed contraception and had intercourse 2-5 days earlier (without protection or contraception had failed). The main indicator of tablet effectiveness was the percentage of women who did not get pregnant. Of those who participated in the experiment to the end, 2,1% were pregnant (26 out of 1241). This result was compared with the percentage of women who expected pregnancy but did not take contraception – among them 5,5% of cases ended in pregnancy.

The additional study also compiled the results among women who took ellaOne and another drug with a similar effect – levonorgestrel. Observations showed their comparable effectiveness. (1)

EllaOne can be used in sexually mature adolescents. The studies did not show any difference in efficacy or safety between the use in adult women and adolescent patients. The preparation should not be used in girls before puberty.

See also: Escapelle – emergency tablet containing levonorgestrel

EllaOne – leaflet

Before taking ellaOne, the doctor or pharmacist should be informed about some conditions, illnesses and medications that are taken, as these may contraindicate taking the tablet. Belong to them:

  1. hypersensitivity to ulipristal acetate or the excipient contained in the tablet,
  2. severe bronchial asthma,
  3. severe liver dysfunction (the use of the drug is not recommended due to the lack of data on the safety profile of the drug),
  4. medicines: contraceptives, some medicines used to treat epilepsy, bacterial infections, HIV or AIDS, to reduce stomach acidity, herbal preparations with St. John’s wort,
  5. breast-feeding – do not feed within a week of taking the pill (to maintain lactation, use a breast pump and discard the collected milk).
Have a question about contraception?

Do you need a quick consultation with a gynecologist? Want to know more about ellaOne or other contraceptives? On the haloDoctor platform, your doctor will see you within 10 minutes. Your gynecologist may issue an e-prescription for ellaOne

Possible side effects after taking ellaOne

Not all women experience side effects after taking ellaOne, but as with all medicines, the likelihood of this should be taken into account. Down potential side effects belong:

  1. nausea,
  2. vomiting,
  3. headaches and abdominal pain,
  4. sore breasts
  5. painful menstruation (sometimes it happens earlier or later than usual)
  6. mood changes
  7. dizziness,
  8. tiredness,        
  9. stomach discomfort,
  10. pelvic pain,
  11. muscle aches.

By reading the leaflet, you can find out about the entire list of possible side effects. Due to their nature, there is the risks associated with driving motor vehicles. Thus, the ellaOne tablet is not indifferent to the woman’s body. Of course, the use of the drug according to the doctor’s recommendations should not cause side effects.

Be aware that some of the side effects of this medicine can also be signs of pregnancy (stomach pain, vomiting, breast tenderness and malaise). If the patient experiences similar symptoms after taking the tablet, and moreover, there is no menstrual bleeding at the expected date, a pregnancy test is recommended.

So far, no cases of health problems related to taking more than the recommended dose of the drug have been reported. However, if an overdose of EllaOne occurs, medical advice should be sought as soon as possible.

Having another intercourse after taking EllaOne

If you have unprotected sex after taking EllaOne, it will not prevent pregnancy. After taking the tablet, use condoms during each intercourse until the next period.

Late menstrual periods after taking EllaOne

It is normal for your period to be delayed a few days after taking EllaOne. If your period is more than 7 days late; is unusually scanty or unusually heavy; you experience symptoms such as abdominal (stomach) pain, breast tenderness, nausea or vomiting, possibly a pregnancy. A pregnancy test should be performed immediately. It is important to consult your doctor if you are pregnant.

EllaOne – reviews

The ellaOne tablet, like any emergency contraception, is highly controversial. Opinions on this matter are very divided. Many people make their point of view dependent on their upbringing, religious values, as well as their morals and conscience. Some argue that ellaOne prevents unnecessary abortions (the lesser evil), and others say that emergency contraception is one form of abortion. This is often due to a lack of understanding of how ellaOne works properly.

Also read:

  1. Contraception – natural, hormonal, chemical and mechanical methods
  2. The 10 most common questions about contraception
  3. What are the side effects of birth control pills?

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