Elk meat: video recipe for cooking

Elk meat: video recipe for cooking

Today, dishes from the meat of the inhabitants of wild forests on the home table are a rarity, which is why housewives are lost when spouses from a hunt suddenly bring a horned artiodactyl. Most often in the European part of Russia, elk are brought from hunting, in the Urals – deer, and in Siberia you can even get a red deer. The meat of all these animals is different in properties and taste, but the principle of preparation is very similar.

Unlike animals raised in captivity, wild ones have significantly tougher meat with a lot of muscle tissue, little fat, but it is very dense. Experienced housewives manage to cook jellied meat from such meat, but, as a rule, they add pork legs during cooking.

It is recommended to marinate “wild” meat. The usual onion or mayonnaise marinades will not work; prefer the vinegar solution. It is correct to prepare it like this: dilute 3 cups of vinegar to a 2% concentration, put a tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, chopped carrots and onions. Boil and pour the washed pieces of meat with the cooled liquid. It is advisable to stuff the meat of goat, elk and deer with lard.

If vinegar does not suit you, boil the meat in a slightly salted solution for at least one and a half hours, add 10 tablespoons of sour cream to the broth 15-2 minutes before cooking and do not remove from the broth until the very moment of cutting the meat.

For half a kilogram of meat you will need: – 3 tablespoons of ghee, – 2 onions, – garlic, – 2 tomatoes, – seasonings to taste.

Pre-marinated in a weak vinegar solution, carefully beat the meat to a thickness of no more than 1 cm.Throw into a hot frying pan along with the oil, fry until golden brown without a lid. Add finely chopped vegetables to the meat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the gas and, without removing the lid, leave the dish on the stove for another 15 minutes, then throw the chopped garlic into it. After 5 minutes, you can decorate with herbs and serve.

For half a kilogram of meat you will need: – 1 loaf of rye, – 0,5 cups of milk, – 1 onion, – sunflower oil, – butter, – seasonings.

If you dry the meat on a napkin before frying, then it will brown well

Pass the boiled or marinated meat through a meat grinder twice with onions and bread. Add milk and 1 teaspoon of butter to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, form patties. For convenience, you can sprinkle them with bread crumbs. Fry in a hot skillet without a lid on one side. Turn over, cover, hold for 3-4 minutes. Transfer the patties to a baking sheet and cook in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Stewed vegetables or boiled young potatoes with herbs are perfect for garnish with cutlets.

Often buckwheat is added to the cutlets instead of bread, but then add an egg to the minced meat for a more convenient formation of cutlets.

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