Elizabeth II launches a luxurious “royal” gin made at Buckingham Palace

Elizabeth II launches a luxurious “royal” gin made at Buckingham Palace

The last few months have been for the British royal family quite busy, and we do not mean that they have a very tight schedule, but the news that arises around him and her. From the controversies regarding the life of prince harry and meghan markle across the pond, or the sale of the mansion where Charles of England cheated on Princess Diana with Camilla Parker.

Well, now it is the turn of Isabel II, that since the coronavirus pandemic began, he decided to seclude himself in his palace and refrain from attending the events that required his presence. Perhaps these reasons have been the cause of the revenue from your trademark have suffered a remarkable decrease in billing. According to the British media to date, they were forecast to have a profit of 77 million pounds and yet they do not reach 13, a complete fiasco considering the success it reaps every year.

Far from letting the business sink, the monarch seems to have decided to make her contribution materializing your favorite drink so that the world can taste it with their personal touch. We refer to an exclusive gin made with botanical products grown on the grounds of Buckingham Palace that for just a few days has been available in the gift shop of the Royal Collection at a price of Libras 40 the bottle. It should not be forgotten that the Queen Mother usually has a glass of gin before lunch and another of Martini at night, hence her eagerness to try to relaunch the company through tradition.

«This gin is infused with citrus and herbal notes derived from 12 botanicals drawn directly from the Buckingham Palace garden, including lemon verbena, hawthorn berries, bay leaf, and mulberry leaves. Mulberry planting became popular in England during the reign of James I and this royal association continues today, with 40 different species of trees in the Palace garden, ”explained a spokesperson for the collection, making it clear that it is a luxury for the most exquisite palates.

It may not be the most expensive in the world – the Guinness record is held by the Japanese firm Watenshi whose price exceeds 2600 euros a bottle- but it is undoubtedly one of the most elegant, both for its origins and for the exclusivity of the ingredients that make it up. However, the only problem we observe is that only available in the UK starting next August 31. Only time will tell if they decide to expand their production to the rest of the world.

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