Elizabeth II is 96 years old. How does she do it? The secret of, among others earl gray

Queen Elizabeth II is now celebrating 70 years of reign on the British throne. Her age also inspires respect – she turned 96 in April. And although the British media has recently been writing about her health problems, it cannot be denied that Elizabeth II has become a symbol of longevity and great condition. How to explain this phenomenon? There are several potential causes.

  1. British Queen Elizabeth II turned 21 on April 96. He has been sitting on the British throne for 70 years
  2. It has been fascinating with its longevity for a long time. Perhaps her secret is that she never lit a cigarette
  3. The Queen eats healthy and regular, her meals consist mainly of fish, vegetables, fruits and grains
  4. Until recently, she was still riding a horse regularly
  5. More important information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Longevity according to Elizabeth II – the right diet

According to a study by Norwegian scientists, published in March in the scientific journal PLOS Medicine, a proper diet can extend life by up to 10 years. A healthy and balanced diet reduces the risk of many diseases, improves well-being and delays the effects of aging. The 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II is a great example of this.

British media reports show that the menu of Elizabeth II is not particularly sophisticated or varied. The Queen has her favorite dishes, which are dominated by fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins. This provides energy, promotes a better immune system, and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

For breakfast, the Queen usually eats a bowl of cereal and fruit. – Fruits are high in calories and nutrients, contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber that keep cells healthy, protect the heart and give energy – says dietitian Dr. Alona Pulde in an interview with Express.

– Whole grain cereals are also high in fiber to help you control your weight and keep you full for a long time, and contain vitamins and minerals that reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

For lunch, the queen reportedly prefers protein-rich fish or grilled chicken, served with vegetables, especially zucchini and spinach.. – Protein is an important component of bones, muscles, skin, hair, nails and blood. In addition, it participates in the regeneration of tissues, regulates the work of hormones and supports the immune system – says Dr. Pulde. – Vegetables are a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber to help prevent chronic disease.

For dinner, the British Queen also prefers dishes based on proteins and vegetables. It is often grilled or boiled fish with a salad and a set of vegetables. – Meals rich in proteins and vegetables help you stay lean, support the functioning of the immune system, increase energy levels and ultimately contribute to a longer and healthier life, comments the dietitian.

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The queen also does not forget about the dessert. She is a famous chocolate lover, especially the dark ones. And dark chocolate is rich in minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc, important for the functioning of the circulatory and immune systems.

When it comes to drinks, Elizabeth is said to drink coffee sporadically. She prefers tea. The first cup of earl gray tea at 7.30 am is said to be a daily ritual.

However, he does not avoid alcohol. Until recently, she reportedly drank four drinks a day, including gin, champagne and wine, but for some time – at the urging of doctors – she limited herself to one glass of the latter drink with dinner.

Longevity according to Elizabeth II – avoiding cigarettes

In the past, cigarette smoking had a rich history in the family of the future Queen of Great Britain, and unfortunately also such consequences.

Her father, George VI Windsor, had his left lung removed in 1951 because of smoking. Her grandfather, Jerzy V, died at the age of 70, incl. because of breathing problems related to smoking. Elizabeth II’s great-grandfather, Edward VII, died of bronchitis, which was exacerbated by smoking 12 cigars a day. Edward VIII, a king who abdicated in 1936, died of laryngeal cancer and smoking-related heart disease.

Princess Margaret smoked so much that when Vanessa Kirby played her as a young Margaret on The Crown, she found consuming industrial amounts of herbal cigarettes as one of the most difficult parts of the role.

So Elizabeth II lost her sister, father, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather to smoking-related diseases. This is why the current queen reportedly never lit a cigarette and forced Prince Philip to give up the addiction right after his wedding.

The decision not to smoke could be one of the main reasons for Elizabeth II’s longevity. The nicotine addiction shortens life by several or a dozen years, and the risk was even greater if you take into account the huge amounts of unfiltered tobacco smoked by Elizabeth’s ancestors.

Longevity according to Elizabeth II – physical activity

Regular physical activity also affects the comfort and length of life. And as we wrote about the compulsive consumption of huge amounts of tobacco by her ancestors, now we can praise the younger part of the family for their love of sports. Of course, disciplines that are appropriate for such high-ranking people are dominant. These are mainly those with horses.

Prince Philip and Prince Charles played polo, Princess Anna, daughter of Elizabeth II, was a member of the British Olympic team and world horse riding champion. The sport is also no stranger to the queen herself. She rides on horses even at the age of 94.

Members of the Royal Family must remember about being active, because they know perfectly well what its neglect leads to. The once very fit Henry VIII Tudor became morbidly obese after an accident during a tournament in 1536. Queen Victoria barely moved in the last years of her reign, and her obesity was hidden under carefully selected gowns.

Longevity according to Elizabeth II – goal in life, that is work

Life for a senior is not easy. It is associated with diseases, fatigue, worse sleep and weaker functioning of the senses. However, as shown by many studies, for such people a goal in life is very important. According to the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, volunteers live longer, as do people with strong religious beliefs, researchers at Ohio State University have found.

Purpose in life, involvement in social life and constant rituals are also common features of the inhabitants of the so-called blue zones, i.e. several regions of the world where the number of seniors and even healthy centenarians is above average.

Queen Elizabeth is also apparently moving to the magical line of 100 years. It is hard to imagine a senior in the world who would have a greater purpose in life than Queen Elizabeth II. Given the modest popularity of her son Charles, the British monarchy may face serious challenges when it comes to replacing her on the throne. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain will have to face its most groundbreaking event since the Second World War.

Elizabeth is equally aware of this. On her 90th birthday, the British Telegraph called her “the hardest working woman in the world”. And the media calculated that the queen had at least 500 must-see events each year. So she opened hospitals, clinics and schools, welcomed the world’s greatest leaders, took part in military celebrations and opened every session of the British Parliament (she did not do this a few weeks ago, it only happened to her three times during her office).

On top of that, there are constant rituals. Andrew Marra, the creator of the film and book about the Queen once said that in the case of Elizabeth II, “year after year, summer after summer, the same things happen at the same time.” Looking at her life, it was possible to adjust the watch.

Longevity according to Elizabeth II – good medical care

The British royal family can count on help from the best British medical specialists. At the same time, Elizabeth II never experienced a serious health crisis. The list of her hospitalizations can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Of course, on the condition that we include only those that the world has learned about. The secrets about the health of the queen have been closely guarded for years.

It is known, among others about a visit to King Edward VII Hospital in central London in 1982 to have a wisdom tooth removed, hospitalized after suspected gastroenteritis, and quarantined after contracting measles from the two-month-old Prince Charles.

On the one hand, the quality of medical care, and also regular prophylaxis. Many Britons die of cancer or heart problems that are not diagnosed early. For members of the royal family, such neglect is unlikely to be an option.

Longevity according to Elizabeth II – good genes

Queen Elizabeth was avoided by serious ailments that could significantly shorten her life, such as heart disease, cancer or neurological diseases.

And the threat was considerable, due to the low genetic diversity typical of European royal families. Thanks to Queen Victoria, hemophilia appeared in the British royal family, later also in the Spanish royal family, in the family of the German emperor and the Romanov family. In turn, King George III, Elizabeth’s great-great-grandfather, became famous due to serious mental disorders.

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However, despite not very large genetic exchange in the Windsor family, both Elizabeth II and Philip and their descendants managed to avoid genetic disorders.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to ecology. How to be eco and not go crazy? How can we care for our planet on a daily basis? What and how to eat? You will hear about this and many other topics related to ecology in the new episode of our podcast.

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