Elizabeth II: interesting facts, biography, video

Elizabeth II: interesting facts, biography, video

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Elizabeth II, full name – Elizabeth Alexandra Maria, amazing queen – a living British legend. The skills and talents of this pleasant little old woman can only be envied, and some of the facts are simply amazing.

Elizabeth II: interesting facts, biography, video

Elizabeth II: short biography

Interesting Facts:

  • the reigning queen is the oldest monarch in history. She ascended the throne in 1952. To this day, she is the queen of fifteen states;
  • parents wanted to name the born girl Victoria. But for some reason they changed their minds and named after three generations of women: mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers;
  • when World War II began, young Elizabeth was only 13 years old. Having reached the age of eighteen, the girl joined the women’s self-defense squad and unlearned to become a driver;
  • on the day of her majority, the princess vowed to devote her life to serving the empire;
  • the beginning of the queen’s reign fell on the era when television was just developing. The popularity of television increased markedly when the Queen’s coronation or the Queen’s Merry Christmas was broadcast;
  • Elizabeth II is a trustee and public figure in charitable foundations and organizations. There are more than six hundred of them around the world;
  • the queen’s maintenance is controlled by the government. In years of crisis, the monarch’s income also decreases;
  • the queen observes the ceremony with zeal. Despite the democratization of relations with her subjects, Her Majesty does not like touching and does not take off her gloves;
  • today the reigning person is the queen of fifteen states, not counting Great Britain;

Elizabeth II: facts

Queen of Great Britain. Film by Leonid Mlechin

  • Elizabeth II has several hobbies. She breeds dogs. For many years, she has been in favor with the Corgi breed. Little Elizabeth got acquainted with this breed in 1933, when the father gave his daughters several puppies of this breed;
  • from a young age, the queen is perfectly kept in the saddle. More than a dozen horses passed through the hands of the rider. She is the breeder and owner of some thoroughbred horses;
  • Elizabeth II’s interests include a passion for birds. The pride of the nation – swans, which are considered to be the property of the monarch, are recounted every year;
  • Over the past ten years, films have been constantly being released in which Elizabeth II is played by the best actresses in the world. The Queen herself played a cameo in 2012, and even received a prestigious award for this, as a James Bond girlfriend;
  • parks and bridges were named in honor of Elizabeth, statues and monuments were erected, a variety of roses was named;
  • at the beginning of the reign, the face of the queen was captured on stamps and coins of 1953 and 1961;
  • the crown of Elizabeth 2 is in the Tower of London, where all the crowns of the kings of England are kept;
  • the main residences of the Queen: Buckingham Palace in London and Windsor Castle, which is more than 900 years old, 20 km from London.

Windsor Castle, England

This is the oldest and most inhabited castle in the world! Tourists are allowed to enter the castle, but before that they must go through a thorough screening procedure like at the airport. Still would! The Queen of Great Britain herself lives here!

Elizabeth II: interesting facts, biography, video

View of Windsor Castle from above

My husband and I were lucky enough to wander inside the most unique castle! There is a continuous story inside! Luxurious halls, fireplaces, candlesticks, weapons, antique clocks, old carpets, tapestries, chandeliers, huge paintings, among which there are masterpieces of great masters like Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck; sketches and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci!

An indescribable feeling when you look into medieval mirrors framed with gilding with monograms! These mirrors reflected the faces and outfits of queens and kings.

The castle has many magnificent collections of French, English furniture and priceless collections of unique porcelain. Sheer delight! This is a must see! Unfortunately, photography inside the castle is prohibited.

Elizabeth II: interesting facts, biography, video

Right Chapel of St George at Windsor Castle (1528)

On the territory of Windsor Castle there is a chapel of St. George (1528). Here are buried Henry VI, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, Edward IV, Charles I, George V and Queen Mary, Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, (Queen Mother) Elizabeth.

Elizabeth II: interesting facts, biography, video

An old mailbox (valid!) With a royal monogram on the grounds of Windsor Castle.

Elizabeth II: interesting facts, biography, video

Windsor. Crooked House – 1718

Another very interesting fact! The world famous crooked house (1718). The construction of this house dates back to 1592, but it did not receive its trademark slanting house until 1718. Its curvature attracts attention. But the main thing is that in its foundation there was a secret passage to Windsor Castle, the residence of the royal family.

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