Elizabeth Gilbert “The Last Romantic”

The best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert, tells the story of a man who once left on his journey forever. The American naturalist Eustace Conway circled Alaska on a kayak, lived in the Maya tribe for six months, rode a horse across America in 103 days, setting a world record, but most importantly, he founded his own utopia in the mountains of North Carolina.

The best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert tells the story of a man who once left on his journey forever. The American naturalist Eustace Conway circled Alaska on a kayak, lived in the Maya tribe for six months, rode a horse across America in 103 days, setting a world record, but most importantly, he founded his own utopia in the mountains of North Carolina. The plot of land he bought, Turtle Island, is a place for those who want to learn how to live a primitive and self-sufficient life: hunt, plow the land, light a fire without matches. There are many who want to become savages, however, most of them soon run away. Eustace still stubbornly hopes to change the consumer society and infect Americans with his love of natural life, the forest, the mountains, the land, and non-covetousness.


Maya Kucherskaya

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