Residents of both capitals, aged 18 to 50, took part in the survey. It turned out that the cost of the contents of a Moscow resident’s cosmetic bag is estimated at 3-7 thousand rubles.
Residents of the northern capital more often answered that they were ready to spend no more than 1 rubles a month on luxury brands. Thus, St. Petersburg women turned out to be much more economical than Muscovites.
Most often, the weak half of humanity chooses the perfumes of such proven brands as Chanel, Clinique and Dior. In addition to leading brands, Estee Lauder, Givenchy, Lancome and Yves Saint Laurent are also popular.
The weaker sex believes in the magical power of elite cosmetics brands. Every third customer is sure that luxury cosmetics are more effective than mass products. For many, this is a way to experience luxury.
Naturally, business is not limited to elite brands. They are chosen when it comes to problem areas, for example, the area around the eyes. But on face cream and decorative cosmetics they can save money.
The majority of Russian women (9 out of 10 respondents) prefer to go to specialized networks of perfumery and cosmetics, where there is plenty to choose from. The most popular in Moscow are Ile de Beaute, Arbat Prestige and L’Etoile. The residents of St. Petersburg are loyal to the local network Rive Gauche.
By the way, Duty Free shops at airports became the second most popular place to buy luxury cosmetics for women in the capital.
Based on materials