Eliminacid – indications, properties, contraindications

Eliminacid is a dietary supplement that helps in the states of acid-base imbalance, commonly known as acidification of the body. Taking the Eliminacid supplement is to improve and accelerate the excretion of metabolic products and to ensure the maintenance of acid balance in the body. Eliminacid is available in packs of 30 tablets.

Indications for taking the Eliminacid supplement

Eliminacid It is recommended for people who, due to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, may have disturbed metabolism, leading to acidification of the body. Acidification of the body it is an imbalance of pH, or acid-base balance. This condition is based on a reduced ability to eliminate harmful waste products and impaired absorption of nutrients from food. It manifests itself, inter alia, by weight gain (in the absence of overeating), poor skin condition (acne lesions), hair and nails, fatigue and weariness.

With acidification of the body, caries, fungal infections, problems with the digestive system, gastritis and a reduction in the body’s resistance to pathogens may also appear. Lasting longer time acidification of the body it can accelerate the development of many ailments and diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer, degenerative joint changes and obesity, and exacerbate the symptoms of existing diseases.

Eliminacid stimulates metabolic processes and supports the body in cleansing itself of toxic products resulting from metabolic processes, and thus helps to fight problems resulting from acid-base imbalance.

Properties of the Eliminacid dietary supplement

Eliminacid is a preparation that includes herbal extracts, vitamins and trace elements. Eliminacid tablet contains centipede rose flower extract, green tea extract, dandelion root extract, vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, iron, zinc and iodine. Most of the ingredients cover the body’s daily requirement for a given nutrient.

Eliminacid lets get rid of the effects of acidification of the body caused by poor diet and lack of physical activity. It contributes to the acceleration of fat burning processes, thus supporting weight loss. It improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and reduces fatigue.

Contraindications and precautions when using the Eliminacid dietary supplement

Preparation Eliminacid should not be taken by people who are allergic or hypersensitive to any component of the supplement. In time pregnancy and during breastfeeding the use of a dietary supplement should be consulted Eliminacid with your doctor.

It should be remembered that Eliminacid cannot be used as a substitute for a healthy diet, but only as a supplement and a factor supporting the body in removing waste products. By acidification of the body it is optimal to change your diet to a healthy one and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance doses supplement Eliminacid, that is, one tablet a day. Do not use the preparation after its expiry date. It is important to follow the recommendations in the information leaflet. When taking other medications or dietary supplements at the same time, it is advisable to consult your doctor or pharmacist about the use of Eliminacid.

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