elevation of the trunk in the trainer
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Calves, Glutes
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: The Simulator
  • Level of difficulty: Medium
Подъем туловища в тренажере Подъем туловища в тренажере
Подъем туловища в тренажере Подъем туловища в тренажере

The elevation of the trunk in the trainer — performance technique of the exercise:

  1. Adjust the simulator for themselves. Place the feet under the stand, as shown and lie face down. Knees should be directly over the stand.
  2. Start with the bottom of the movement. The back should be slightly arched, bend knees, resting his heels in the stand. Keep moving up until the torso is not straight.
  3. Return to starting position, lower yourself slowly, controlling the movement.
  4. Complete the required number of repetitions.
exercises for the legs exercises for thighs
  • Muscle group: Hip
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Calves, Glutes
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: The Simulator
  • Level of difficulty: Medium

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