Elevated TSH levels – what tests should be performed to rule out thyroid disease?

What additional tests to perform? What additional tests should I do to rule out thyroid disease?

I am 34 years old. Studies have shown that TSH levels are elevated but within the upper limit. Could this mean that I have a thyroid problem? What additional tests should I do to rule out thyroid disease? Nina

Increased TSH concentration may indicate hypothyroidism, which in young people without a history of surgery or radioiodine treatment of the thyroid gland is most often autoimmune chronic thyroiditis – the so-called Hashimoto’s disease. To confirm the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, free thyroid hormone testing is necessary. The evaluation of anti-thyroid antibodies and ultrasound examination allow to differentiate the causes of hypothyroidism. I suggest going to an endocrinologist for advice.

Read also: Japanese disease

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