Elevated bilirubin during pregnancy

Elevated bilirubin during pregnancy

Bilirubin is an unusual pigment of an interesting yellow-green color, which is always found in the blood serum and always in bile. It is formed as a result of the inevitable breakdown of hemoglobin. In most cases, pregnancy itself does not affect the decrease or increase in bilirubin, usually the indicators of this pigment remain normal.

It happens that increased bilirubin in expectant mothers is observed with intrahepatic cholestasis, when the outflow of bile from the liver is significantly impaired. With hemolytic anemia, cholecystitis and viral hepatitis, some violations of the concentration of the pigment are also possible. An elevated level of bilirubin in a pregnant woman always requires a full examination. After finding out all the reasons for the change in indicators, the doctor prescribes treatment.

An increase in the level can be caused by the destruction of red blood cells, in other words, hemolysis. After identifying the causes of hemolysis, it will be possible to determine the impact factor. With various liver diseases, such a change in the level of bilirubin is always considered only a kind of clinical symptom. In order for the amount of this pigment to return to normal, it is necessary to eliminate the stagnation of bile, which provokes an increase in the content of bilirubin.

It should be noted that a similar destruction of erythrocytes in newborns has a different character. As a rule, the so-called jaundice in infants does not require treatment. This is due to the fact that in the womb, the child produces hemoglobin, which is different from the hemoglobin of an adult. It is the increased destruction of red blood cells in newborns that causes a darker yellowish skin tone. In this case, the indicators can reach 256 µmol / l. Which is not typical for pregnant women.

To date, with certain symptoms, it is not difficult to determine the level of bilirubin in a future mother. A biochemical blood test allows you to detect this pigment and set its amount.

How dangerous is elevated bilirubin during pregnancy?

If before conception, a woman led a healthy lifestyle, then a slight increase in bilirubin does not pose any danger to her health and the fetus. Often, a change in analyzes causes fear in expectant mothers, which leads to stress. It is the stress of the mother that is dangerous for the proper development of the baby. A highly elevated level of a pigment such as bilirubin in the blood can be a serious pathology that leads to jaundice. The causes of such conditions are often various liver diseases. But it should be noted that high rates are very rare and all the fears of a woman are groundless.

After the birth of a child, the mother’s bilirubin quickly returns to normal, while its slight increase does not affect the intrauterine development of the child. after a thorough examination of violations of the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, you can accurately determine their cause, and, if necessary, carry out the necessary treatment.

After a biochemical blood test of a pregnant woman, it will be possible to establish a specific factor that provoked an increase in bilirubin. Incorrect preparation for analysis can significantly distort the real results. Severe nervous tension, malnutrition and stress can change blood test results. As a result, the expectant mother begins to worry about the health of the child, thereby worsening the situation.

The growing fetus itself can provoke an increase in bilirubin in the mother in small amounts, and this is the norm. Due to excessive pressure, the outflow of bile is difficult on the liver, but this is not critical. In any case, bilirubin is easily processed by the liver, and then excreted through the bile ducts. Only when it is difficult to remove such toxic substances, in rare cases, there is a slight accumulation of pigment in the body.

What to do if an increase in bilirubin during pregnancy is detected?

As soon as the immediate cause of such an increased bilirubin in the blood of a pregnant woman is identified, appropriate treatment should be started. If this pathology is caused by the typical destruction of red blood cells, then it is necessary to act only on the very cause of hemolysis.

In all kinds of liver diseases, even an insignificant change in the level of bilirubin always serves as a simple clinical symptom. With stagnation of bile, which causes an increase in bilirubin, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of immediate stagnation so that the indicators return to normal.

If a pregnant woman is faced with this pathology, it is recommended to refrain from uncontrolled intake of various pharmaceuticals. Liver cleansing is possible only after consultation with a highly qualified specialist. With proper nutrition, you can effectively normalize your performance in a short time.

With insignificant changes in the indicators, you should not worry and carry out treatment. It is possible to exclude dangerous diseases by conducting a modern ultrasound examination of the liver and, of course, the gallbladder. It should be noted that with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, bilirubin in the blood will be increased tenfold. It is strictly forbidden to starve and practice various mono-diets.

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