Elena Petrovna Blavatsky: biography, books and facts

Elena Petrovna Blavatsky: biography, books and facts

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The concept of “Atheosophy” in modern society is associated primarily with the activities of Blavatsky. The personality of this woman causes conflicting emotions even among her fans. Who was she really? A philosopher and a scientist? A magician and a psychic? An adventurer and a charlatan?

We will try to acquaint you with the main milestones in the biography of E.P. Blavatsky, give a short sketch of her life.

Helena Blavatsky: biography

Elena Petrovna Gan was born in 1831 in Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk), into a family of poor nobles. Elena’s father was a military man, her mother was a famous writer.

Elena grew up as an outstanding child. In addition to excellent academic success, she was distinguished by a penchant for music and painting, and rode horseback. Later, she herself recalled that in childhood she felt some kind of support from above, was sure that she had to do something lofty and grandiose.

In 1849 Helena got married and took the surname Blavatsky. The marriage was fictitious – it was needed in order to become financially independent. After a while, she leaves the house and embarks on her first journey.

The defining meeting in Elena’s life took place in 1851 in London. After talking with the teacher Moryu (whom, according to her words, she constantly observed in childhood visions), the girl realizes her mission, and new wanderings begin.

Over the next twenty years, she travels the world: practically all of North and South America, Europe, Asia. The most valuable was the trip to India and Tibet, where she develops her already outstanding occult abilities.

She and her teachers had a specific goal – to bring to the world information about the oldest and most extensive science – theosophy, to refute the erroneous positions of contemporary theology, on the one hand, and science – on the other.

Helena Blavatsky: books

The next, and most important, period of Blavatsky’s biography is associated with social activities. 1875 – the year of the founding of the Theosophical Society (founders – E. Blavatsky, H. Olcott, W. Judge).

The society aimed to familiarize people with the true laws governing the universe. The program of the society included the dissemination of new ideas in philosophy, science and religion, the analysis of unknown natural laws, the release of the hidden possibilities of man.

It was planned to create a “Ecumenical Brotherhood” free from national, racial and religious prejudices.

Many of these provisions were seen in the book Isis Unveiled (1877). This fundamental work reports on the secret teachings and societies, the essence of religion and magic, the main delusions of modern scientific thought.

In 1879, The Theosophist magazine began to appear – a serious publication that still exists today. During the first half of the 1880s, Blavatsky and Olcott lived in India, moving the headquarters of the society there. During this period, Theosophists were criticized, and then openly opposed by the Jesuits.

Lawsuits do not bring success to the Jesuits, but lawsuits take away a lot of strength and health from Blavatsky. In 1887 she returned to Europe, where she wrote her famous works:

  • “The Key to Theosophy”;
  • “Statement of Ethics, Science and Philosophy”;
  • “Voice of Silence”;
  • “The Secret Doctrine” – the study of this comprehensive work continues to this day.

Elena Petrovna died in 1891 during a flu epidemic. In the XNUMXst century, Blavatsky’s work has many admirers, her works still find their readers. The XNUMXth Dalai Lama said that Buddhist theologians highly value the works of E. Blavatsky.

It is impossible to understand a person just by studying his biography – you need to read, think and be aware. Blavatsky’s books are available both in libraries and on the World Wide Web.

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