Children come to the first grade with the expectation of new, interesting events. But it is the first years of study that some of us later remember as the most boring. What can parents do to keep their child interested in learning?
Create a safe space
The first disappointment is often due to unfulfilled expectations. Parents rarely talk with their children about how the school works, how to behave with a teacher, they don’t explain whether it’s possible to go to the toilet or chat with a friend during the lesson if it suddenly becomes boring … “Try to show the child where he will study in advance, — advises child psychologist Elena Morozova. — And play with him «to school», «to the teacher» (even after he goes to first grade). This will help him adjust to his new life and make his expectations more realistic.” “It is difficult to study with pleasure even when parents constantly criticize the school at home, when they themselves do not like the teacher,” adds family psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya. The child feels that his mother leaves him at school with a troubled heart. The reaction of adults means one thing for him — the school is not safe. And he gets scared, feels defenseless and spends a lot of energy trying to cope with his fears. He just doesn’t have the energy to study.” “Helping younger students learn means being there, responding and supporting,” continues Elena Morozova. “To be involved in the life of a son or daughter, to be a real adult.”
Develop curiosity
The child needs us, but at the same time he should not be dependent on us. It is in the first grade that he begins to seriously learn independence. But there are situations with which he himself can not yet cope. It’s boring to learn letters when you already know how to read. It is difficult to force yourself to write endless rows of squiggles and memorize the rules. Interest in learning and the need to learn are gradually fading away. “Of course, it is worth explaining to the child that this is only the beginning and then the tasks will be more complex and more interesting,” says psychologist Tamara Gordeeva. “And yet, let’s face it, the school routine is really boring.” It is the parents who have to “take the child by the hand” and discover new things for him. “Look with him at the clouds and tell him about the planets, walk through the forest, smelling it and listening to the sounds,” suggests Elena Morozova. “The many discoveries, the pleasure that the child will certainly feel at such moments, will allow him to maintain a joyful curiosity for the world, the desire to explore, experiment and observe.” Real interest is always connected with vivid impressions, and not with pressure and coaching, which gradually cause disgust for learning.
Notice achievements
Everyone wants to be successful. But repeated failures give rise to a sense of helplessness, children stop trying and lose faith in themselves. “In this case, try to restrain yourself and not point out to the child his every mistake, and at the same time saying “how it should be,” advises Elena Morozova. “The best thing parents can do is to teach a child to compare himself not with others, but with himself. Praise him for the fact that he used to make 25 mistakes in dictation, and now only 22. Notice even the smallest achievements. Studying, especially in the lower grades, is impossible without constant “refueling” with positive emotions. It is important for every boy and girl to experience the feeling of victory — in school, creativity or sports. But at this age, children quickly forget about their small successes. Sometimes, in order to feel stronger, it is enough for a child to say to himself: “Let me count slowly, but write carefully.” For those who doubt their abilities, this feeling — «I can» — helps to break the vicious circle of failure. “Therefore, it is so important that in those subjects where the child feels at least a little interest, parents often remind him of his successes,” Elena Morozova clarifies.