Electronic floor scales. Video
Regular weighing helps to monitor your health and appearance, because sudden weight loss or weight gain may indicate a malfunction in the body. Buying a personal scale makes it much easier to control those extra pounds. You can choose from both mechanical and electronic models.
Electronic bathroom scales: video
Mechanical or electronic?
Despite the huge variety of models of scales in stores, they are all subdivided into electronic and mechanical. Each group has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the main difference lies on the surface: mechanical scales are several times cheaper. “Is it worth paying more?” – this question worries many buyers.
The mechanical watch operates by a measuring spring, which, when loaded, moves the hand. The measurement error is quite large – up to 1 kg, so it will most likely not be possible to measure a weight of 100-200 grams. Another drawback is that before each measurement, you need to set the zero mark again. But such scales do not need external power supplies and batteries, with careful use they will last for more than a dozen years.
The correct weighing of any scale can be determined simply – weigh a pack of salt
Electronic scales convert mechanical impact into data displayed on the display. The measurement error of most models is about 100 g. The scales are powered by batteries, accumulator or simply from the mains. If you plan to use the scale for weighing children, it is best to avoid mains powered models in the interest of safety.
Such scales can measure not only weight, but also the ratio of muscle, bone and adipose tissue in the body. For this, a weak electrical discharge is passed through the human body using electrodes brought out to the surface. As a result, the display shows the percentage of muscle, bone and fat.
Scales with an electronic analyzer are contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for people with pacemakers.
To record measurements, many models of electronic scales have built-in memory, it is possible to save the results for one or several people, show the difference between weighings, build a graph of weight changes over a certain time. If you enter a value for your height, you can find out your body mass index.
Additional functions of electronic scales:
– luminous screen or backlit numbers; – remote control unit for floor scales; – the ability to print the result through a printer; – the ability to transfer data to a computer via USB; – automatic shutdown after a certain time; – clock, thermometer, moisture meter; – stadiometer; – choice of weighing unit (kilograms, pounds); – musical accompaniment; – the function of automatic weight fixation (especially relevant for children and animals); – add-on function (you can fix a certain weight and subtract it from the result).
The durability of the scales largely depends on the manufacturer, compliance with operating conditions and luck. Inexpensive models may have the following disadvantages: incorrect result on an uneven or uneven surface (on linoleum, carpet), response to vibration or even loud sounds. In general, electronic scales are much more convenient than mechanical ones and, with proper care, will serve faithfully.