Electrical safety access groups, first, second, third, fourth, fifth

Each employee whose profession is related to electrical equipment must have highly qualified knowledge. This is confirmed by an electrical safety certificate.

This document must have electricians, power plant operators and other specialists in this field.

Where is the training

Training is carried out in special educational institutions. There are three ways to study: full-time, part-time and remote.

Upon completion of studies, an exam is taken to confirm qualifications. Upon successful completion, a certificate with a certain electrical safety approval is issued.

When applying for a job, you must have this document with you. It confirms that the applicant has the relevant knowledge.

All employees of industrial enterprises whose work is related to electrical installations, as well as their managers who distribute tasks and are responsible for subordinates, must have an electrical safety certificate.

Each of the employees at the next certification is obliged to confirm their qualifications.

Applying the knowledge gained in an educational institution in practice, specialists reduce the likelihood of injuries at work.

If necessary, they can provide medical assistance for electric shock injuries.

It is possible to obtain an electrical safety certificate at the workplace without training in a specialized institution.

To do this, you must have the appropriate knowledge and responsibly perform work on electrical installations, as well as clearly understand that injuries in this area are dangerous and can lead to death.

An employee who has been instructed and tested is assigned a certain permit.

The certificate is issued by a commission specially created at the enterprise.

Electrical safety groups

There are 5 electrical safety groups. This distinction is made for a simpler distribution of specialists by category in production.

Let’s take a closer look at each group.

First group.

1. Includes persons who are not directly involved in the operation of electrical equipment, but should be able to provide medical assistance to the victim in case of electric shock.

Second group.

It is assigned to those who have a short work experience in the specialty related to the maintenance of electrical appliances.

A person must have technical knowledge of electrical installations, be able to maintain them under supervision, but without the right to independently connect.

It is necessary to clearly represent the danger from current-carrying parts and be able to provide medical assistance to the victim in practice.

Third group.

It is assigned to those who have good knowledge of the design of industrial electrical installations and have at least ten months of experience, working all this time with the admission of the second group.

A person must clearly understand what a huge danger the electric current carries, having the ability to strike when touching the conductor.

With a third level of clearance, an employee can service electrical installations with voltages up to a thousand volts.

He is obliged to provide medical assistance to the victim in case of electric shock and evacuate him.

Fourth group.

Assigned to employees who have worked with a previous permit for at least ten months.

With a lot of experience and experience with electrical installations, you can get this tolerance group, bypassing the previous one.

Such cases are considered on an individual basis.

Level XNUMX professionals:

  1. Possess extensive knowledge in electrical engineering;
  2. Be able to understand electrical circuit diagrams and use them to find faults;
  3. Supervise and organize preventive and repair work on electrical installations;
  4. Give a report on the danger of operating electrical installations;
  5. To be able to professionally provide medical assistance to those who have suffered from electric shock.

Fifth group.

When assigning the fifth group, each specific case is considered individually.

It takes into account experience, education and professionalism.

Members of this group must:

  1. Understand electrical drawings;
  2. Be able to visually inspect the equipment if there are no diagrams;
  3. Organize work safety;
  4. Responsibly supervise the ongoing maintenance and operation of electrical installations with any voltage;
  5. Providing professional medical care;
  6. Be able to train subordinates in practical skills;
  7. Participate in the rescue of victims of electric shock.

What happens at the enterprise

The head of the enterprise approves the list of employees who undergo electrical safety certification and receive a certificate.

This list includes all employees working with electrical appliances and at risk of suffering from electric shock: electrical repair teams, maintenance and management personnel, etc.

Every professional and leader at every level strives to obtain the highest level of electrical safety certification.

This is necessary for building a career for those whose work is related to electrical equipment.

Of course, to repair electrical wiring at home, you do not need to have any electrical safety group. But this is if the repair is not complicated.

But with a complete replacement of electrical wiring and installation of complex devices (panel boards, safety blocks, etc.), the master should have such a document.

Well, if the complex repair of the electrical wiring in the house is done by the owner himself, then he takes full responsibility for the consequences of this repair and his safety.

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