Electric lock on the gate: electromechanical and magnetic

We try to make our life more convenient. Once again, visitors do not want to go to open doors or a gate at all. Especially in winter or at night. Therefore, the idea arises of putting an electric lock on a street gate. It opens directly from home (remotely) by pressing a button. Also, it is intercom compatible. So you can control who came and cut off unwanted visitors.

Types of electric locks and principles of their operation

There are two main types of electric locks: electromagnetic and electromechanical. What is the difference? The fact that the first one keeps the doors closed due to the attraction of an electromagnet (usually mounted on the door frame) and the counterpart (on the door leaf). As long as power is applied, there is electromagnetic attraction. The power is removed, the magnetic field disappears, the doors are released, you can open them. There is no mechanical lock here. Only attraction.

Two types of electric locks: electromagnetic (left) and electromechanical (right)

An electromechanical lock works differently. It is very similar to an ordinary crossbar lock. The difference is that the latch is equipped with an electromagnet that moves the locking mechanism. And so, the same locking element that enters the response plate and blocks the opening of the door.

Electric lock on the gate: which is better

Each type of electric lock has its own advantages. Electromagnetic can be opened using chips, which can be made in any number. For this reason, such locks are placed in high-rise buildings. Also, there are no mechanics. Nothing to eat or break. In fact, this is an electronic lock that can be controlled remotely. They have one feature – the electromagnetic lock heats up a little. This contributes to the fact that when installed on the street, even in the most severe winters, it does not freeze. This type of lock is compatible with a security system and can be integrated into a smart home.

The main disadvantage of electromagnets is the price. Secondly, they need constant food. The third disadvantage is that they are quite massive and require a significant amount of space for installation. And yet, for their correct operation, a controller, a chip / key reader, a button to exit are required. As a result, the system is not cheap.

You can not carry the keys, but the card. And open with remote control

Can I put an electromagnetic lock on the gate? Certainly. And if power goes out frequently, add a battery to the system. The current consumption is small, the supply voltage is 12-16 V, so a small and inexpensive (relatively) battery will be needed.

For the gate it is more rational to use electromechanical models

Electromechanical locks are more often installed in private homes. Like ordinary crossbars, they can have three or four keys. In the event of a power failure, they function like normal latches with a cocking system. This type of locks can be controlled by power supply (a button in the house), connected to an intercom with video or a handset (only audio communication). In general, this is a good option for a lock on a gate or gate.

For installation on a gate or gate, a plate is welded under the lock

How do they behave in the winter on the street? Like a normal latch. With slanting snow, they can clog, ice can freeze. To avoid this, they regularly lubricate, make visors over the castle or a canopy over the entire entrance group. But no matter how you close it, they get wet. And this means that you need to choose stainless steel models (the best option), galvanized or powder-coated for outdoor installation.

Electromechanical locks: types, types, varieties

There are two types of electromechanical locks: normally open and normally closed. Doors normally open for locking must be energized. To open the lock, the power is removed. Normally closed, the magnet is only energized to open. When power is applied, the latch retracts, releasing the doors.

Installing an electromechanical overhead lock on a gate is no different. It is only necessary to provide for the possibility of supplying and connecting wires

Both options are not ideal. In the first case, in the event of a power failure, the doors will be open and anyone can enter. There is a solution – installing a battery that will supply power if the mains voltage fails. So that’s a good option.

The second option – when the doors remain closed during a power outage – is not much better. Doors can be opened by sliding the latch, and this can only be done from the inside. But there are models that additionally open with a key – in many cases, an ideal option.

Types of electromechanical locks by installation method

Like conventional locks, electromechanical locks can be overhead and mortise. Overheads are presented in a wider range. They are easier to install and change. Since they are tightly mastered by the Chinese, they cost much less.

Putting an electric mortise lock on the gate makes sense if you have a double-skinned one. Then the lock will not be visible. It is much more practical to put one of the overhead models on an ordinary gate or gate.

Mortise electromechanical locks can be installed if the bill of lading simply cannot be physically installed

In stores, there is a larger assortment of electromechanical overhead locks. They are popular for installation on gates and gates. They can be right or left (at the place of installation of the locking block), they can be with the possibility of changing the position.

How an electromechanical lock works

There are two types of device. mechanical locks: deadbolt with mechanical locking and electromagnet in the locking part. Consider the principle of operation using the example of a spring lock with a solenoid (in the photo below, the lock is in the closed state). Most models have two elements of the obturator: a cocking roller and a deadbolt.

As long as the cocking roller is not pressed, the locking bolt will remain inside the housing. That is, to close the lock, you need to press the roller. To do this, in the reciprocal part of the castle under the roller there is a small platform. When you close the doors, the roller rests against the platform, then goes inside the castle. Thus, he releases the spring, and she pushes the crossbar. The doors are locked.

Electromechanical lock device with solenoid

To open the electric lock, it is necessary to briefly energize the solenoid. The plate attached to the solenoid is attracted, the lever releases the bolt, and it is drawn inward. At the same time, the cocking roller pops out, blocking the deadbolt inside the body. To close the lock, press the locking roller again. This is an electric/remote opening option. Remote, because the power supply button may be located indoors.

There are also models that can be opened using the button on the lock body. When it is pressed, a power pulse is also supplied. This is convenient if you are near the castle. If you choose an electric lock on the gate, take it with an opening button. Otherwise, even if you are near the gate, you will have to go into the house to open it.

Key option

In many models, the possibility of opening the lock with a key is also implemented. The mechanism of action is almost the same as when opening with a current. Only the force that drives the bolt changes. This time it’s pure mechanics. The key moves the plate, which also goes to the solenoid. She acts on the bolt, and he jumps in, unlocking doors, gates or gates.

There is a key to open without electricity

Please note that in some models, the lock can only be opened with a key from the outside. If you turn the key by inserting it from the inside, you block the possibility of opening at all. The lock will be locked. It cannot be opened either from home or from a button. To unlock, you will need to turn the key in the opposite direction. This option can be useful at night.

Motor el. mechanical lock

There is another type of electromechanical locks – motor. This is also a bolt lock, but it is driven by a small built-in motor. There is a second difference: instead of a cocking roller, they put a magnetic plate and a reed switch. When the doors are closed, the reed switch reacts to the magnetic field (the contact of the reed switch closes, passing power to the motor), starts the motor. He pushes the bolt. When you need to open the doors, the motor is powered by reverse polarity, it draws the lock inward.

Electromechanical motor lock

What are the advantages of such electric locks? They work very softly. No effort is needed to close the doors. If you want to put on the door or gate with a closer, this is one of the best options.

If we talk about prices, then there are inexpensive (Chinese). They are slightly more expensive than solenoids, but the difference is not that great. The main drawback is the opening time of 2-3 seconds. This is what makes them not so popular.

Increased reliability

There are so-called invisible locks. These are mortise motor electric models that only respond to power or the presence of a chip. No larvae or keys. Nowhere will you be able to insert a master key. With such models, even the position of the bolts on the door is not easy to determine.

Flush mounting options

For such models, the availability of power is very important. Therefore, in addition to mains power and an external battery, additional batteries are installed inside the lock. In case of problems with external power, they will support constipation for 24-36 hours. The disadvantage of this system is the high price.

What to look for when choosing

In general, the designs of modern electromechanical locks on our market are very similar. However, there are a few things worth knowing.

  1. It is better if the cocking roller moves gently, with little effort. Otherwise, to close the gate, you will have to make a solid effort or slam it hard. Even better, if there is a possibility of adjusting the rigidity of the stroke.
  2. For installation on a gate or gate, choose locks that are made of metal resistant to corrosion. Ideally – stainless steel, acceptable with good galvanization, in extreme cases, with powder coating.
    Rust appeared inside the cheap lock during storage in the warehouse. Choose better models
  3. Springs should be stainless steel, and it is better if they are rather big.
  4. As few plastic parts as possible. It’s better if they don’t exist at all.

Also pay attention to the temperature regime of use. The temperature spread should more than cover the temperature delta in your area.

Popular manufacturers

This market segment is filled with Chinese brands and fakes. Like any other product from the Middle Kingdom, there are very cheap “brands”, there are more expensive ones. Electric overhead locks brand ATIS (Atis) have normal quality. ATIS is a Chinese company founded in 2009.

It is clear that it is better to buy a lock from a trusted company. But European brands similar in properties are many times more expensive, and outwardly they can not even always be distinguished. Although there is definitely a difference in quality.

If you want a really good and reliable electric gate lock, buy CISA (in the Russian version it may sound like TsIZA, TsISA), ISEO (ISEO), VIRO (VIRO).

Italian electric gate lock by ISEO

Not so long ago, the Italian company Ciso released a new type of constipation Elrtrikka. This is not a bolt lock. The lock “swallows” the metal rod of the counterpart of the lock. The remaining functions – opening with a button on the case, a remote button and with the help of keys – are all available. Well, and a massive cast body.

One of the highest quality electromechanical locks Cisa ElettriKa

There are also Russian manufacturers – Falcon Eye (Falcon Ai), Polis. Electromagnetic locks are from Abloy, the Russian company Tantos.

How to connect an electromechanical lock: diagrams

The set of the electromechanical lock includes the locking block itself, the counter plate, the larva, the set of keys. There may also be bolts, decorative overlays. All. To make it work, you have to buy something. At least the power supply.

Here’s what’s included

The easiest way to connect

To implement the simplest connection scheme, you will need a power supply and a button with normally open contacts. The nutritional parameters are indicated in the passport. Usually 12 V is required (it can be up to 16 V), the current consumption is 1-2 A. With these parameters, we are looking for a suitable power supply. A button is needed with similar characteristics, but the transmission current may be higher.

The simplest scheme for connecting an electromechanical lock (without an intercom or calling handset)

As you can see the circuit is very simple. Connect the cable to the output of the power supply, put a button in the cut of one of the wires (better – in plus), then pull both wires to the lock. Two wires come out of it, plus from the power supply you apply to red, minus to blue. Polarity is important here, so don’t mix it up. Actually, everything. With the power supply connected to the network, you can open the lock using the button. But this option does not provide for the presence of an opening button on the lock itself. In fact, this is not a lock, but an electromechanical latch for the gate. There are also such models. There are no keys or opening buttons. But you can open the gate / gate only from home. And you don’t see who came. Yes, and to notify that you need to open the gate, you will need at least a call.

Intercom connection

Many owners of private houses come to the conclusion that the presence of an intercom is necessary. Any intercom provides for the presence of an electrically controlled lock. Any type. It is important that the intercom has outputs with the required parameters to power the lock. This connection requires a cable. It is a reliable cable, not a cord. And, moreover, not a twisted pair. What do we need:

  • for connecting the call panel and monitor cable KSVP 4 * 0,5;
  • if the distance between the gate and the house is more than 50 meters, we pull a coaxial cable to the monitor – KVK 2 * 0,5;
    We buy cables to connect a street electric lock
  • if there is no image (only a handset for communication without image transmission), we will connect the calling panel to the handset with a KSVP 2* 0,5 cable;
  • for power supply we take ShVVP 2 * 0,5 (better ShVVP 2 * 0,75) or VVGng 2 * 0,5.

Take the footage with a margin: for a supply, more convenient laying, bypasses. The laying method is most likely air. It is safer to bury in the ground, but then lay the cables at least in a corrugated sleeve. The most ideal option is in thick-walled plastic pipes. If you put it in metal, at the exit / entry points of the cables, wrap the edge of the pipe with electrical tape – insulation is most often rubbed here.

Wiring diagram for an electromechanical lock in an intercom with a video signal

The very connection of the lock to the intercom is elementary. The intercom has power outputs +12 V and -12 V. We connect the cable to them. We start the second end on the lock. Two conductors are derived from it – blue and red. The minus from the power is fed to blue, the plus to red. That’s all, the lock is connected to the intercom.

But the system must also have a calling panel, otherwise it will not be possible to communicate with the visitor. Here, too, it is not difficult, just four conductors. We connect the cable to the intercom outputs for the call panel and lead it to the call panel. We pull the power to the call panel with a separate cable, otherwise the work will be unstable.

What is BUZ and why is it needed

If you connect an electric lock on the gate according to the diagram above, it will work, but the call panel will function intermittently. When power is applied to open the lock, the voltage to the call panel disappears completely or sags significantly. Noise appears or the sound/picture disappears. To exclude this, a separate power supply is used for the lock or a BUZ is installed. Full title – lock control unit. The option with a second power source is not bad, if there is where to get 220 V. If this is not possible, they put an BUZ.

What does the BUZ (lock control unit) look like?

BUZ is a small device that stores energy. There is also a diode isolation, which eliminates the voltage drop supplied to the calling panel and intercom. So the presence of an BUZ in the circuit stabilizes the operation of the entire system.

Connection diagrams with BUZ

There are two working schemes for connecting an electromechanical lock with an BUZ. In the first one, it receives power from the call panel, in the second – from the intercom.

Scheme of serial connection of the BUZ with an electric lock

In the first scheme, power is supplied to the gate lock through the call panel. The opening button is located on the intercom, and the panel only broadcasts the command. Why is this option bad? The fact that the lock will not work if the panel or BUZ is damaged. That is, the reliability of the system is low. The advantage of this scheme is less cable consumption, but this is not the case when you should save on cable.

We supply power to the BUZ from the intercom

If you supply power to the BUZ from the intercom, you will have to pull two cables to the gate: to the block and to the panel. But this option is more reliable, because it will be possible to open the gate even if the call panel does not work. But the cable will need twice as much.

Connecting electromagnetic models

As we said above, electromagnetic locks are good because they are compatible with electronic devices. They can be opened with electronic keys (cards). To implement all the features (reading key cards, for example), you need a remote access controller – ACS.

Connecting an electronic lock through the controller

These controllers are available in a wide variety of options, with different capabilities. To connect a home automatic lock, you need the simplest one. The connection scheme will be simple: connect all devices to the corresponding inputs / outputs of the controller. It is only necessary to choose the wires correctly, clean the ends well from insulation and fix them in the appropriate ACS sockets.

As you can see in the diagram above, only the intercom monitor in the house is connected through the call panel. But this is due to the peculiarity of the intercom. If only the handset is used (no monitor), the circuit will be similar. Only between the handset and the call panel is enough to throw a two-core cable (KSVP 2 * 0,5).

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