Owners of private houses and summer cottages know how important it is to always keep lawns in good condition. But in order to achieve such a result, you need to use special equipment that will help you get an excellent result with minimal time and labor. Modern gardeners and summer residents prefer electric lawn mowers. Next, we will consider some of the features of this type of device, and also rank the best electric lawn mowers in 2022.
Benefits of electrical models
Today, there is a large selection of lawn mowers (mechanical, electric, gasoline, battery and hovercraft lawn mowers). Each owner of a summer cottage independently chooses the type that is most suitable for him, but in recent years a large number of fans of electric lawn mowers have appeared. Consider what advantages this type has, why they are the best. The main advantage of lawn mowers of this class is high environmental friendliness and low noise level during the operation of the mechanism.
Electric lawn mowers introduced to the market in 2019 are equipped with high power engines, which allows them to compete with their gasoline counterparts. Also indisputable advantage is the small weight and overall dimensions. So, the average weight of a gasoline lawn mower is about 30 kg, and an electric one is 20 kg, that is, this unit will be convenient to use even for women and teenagers.
Due to the small size of the electric motor, electric lawn mowers have more capacious grass collectors, and some models are equipped with additional units that increase the functionality of the unit and thereby raise the rating of garden equipment in this category. Electric lawn mowers are easy to maintain – just turn on the toggle switch to get started. Also, in the event of any malfunctions, this device is much easier and cheaper to repair. Modern technologies have made it possible to improve the design and create self-propelled electric lawn mowers, which greatly facilitates lawn care on the site.
Video “Choosing an electric lawn mower”
Tips from the pros on choosing a quality electric lawn mower.
How to choose a device
In the 2022 season, new models and manufacturers have appeared on the market, so the selection and purchase process must be taken very responsibly. In order to choose the right unit for specific requirements and the landscape of the site, it is necessary to study various indicators, as well as ratings compiled by experts, and analyze some important parameters of lawn mower models, for example:
- Cutting width. This parameter directly depends on the size of the knife. Cheaper models have a cutting width of about 30 cm, more expensive – up to 46 cm. It is clear that the wider the mowed strip, the higher the productivity.
- The height of the cut grass. All modern lawn mowers are equipped with this feature. The most convenient way to adjust is to change the height of the knife using a button or lever. It should be noted that in practice this function is not so in demand.
- Power. This parameter is selected based on the estimated mowing area. For a small area of about four acres, it is enough to purchase a device with a capacity of 600-800 watts. For large volumes, it is better to use a lawn mower of 1-000 watts.
- Grass catcher – a container for mowed grass. They are equipped with the predominant majority of wheeled models. It is better to choose devices with a rigid grass catcher, as it is more practical and convenient.
- Deca. This section contains knives. The deck can be made of aluminium, steel or plastic. Naturally, aluminum is the most reliable material, but for a small area, an electric lawn mower with a plastic deck may well work and serve for a long time.
- Manufacturer. An important point when choosing a unit for your site is the manufacturer. Experts advise giving preference to eminent companies that do not want to lose their reputation and produce the best equipment. The 2019 ranking of the most reliable manufacturers of electric lawn mowers includes the following: Bosch, Stiga, Oleo-Mac, Gardena, AL-KO and others.
A number of electric lawn mowers, presented at the exhibition and marketplaces in 2019, have additional useful features in their arsenal that make work more enjoyable and efficient. For example, the grass mulching function. During operation, the cut grass is crushed and poured into the cultivated land in a crushed form, thus, a good fertilizer is obtained.
Top models rating
This ranking presents the best models of electric lawn mowers that will help keep your lawn in perfect condition not only in the 2022 season, but for many years to come. Which one is ideal for your site, decide by reading the rating:
- Bosch ROTAK 43
This electric lawn mower is lightweight and highly manoeuvrable, making it easy, quick and efficient to cut grass in various terrains and hard-to-reach places.
- AL-KO Classic 3.82 SE
This device is suitable for medium-sized areas. It is especially convenient for her to work near curbs and fences due to the very good placement of the wheels – they do not protrude beyond the edges of the body. In addition, it is light (less than 15 kg) and maneuverable – you can even operate it with one hand. That is why she occupies such a high place in the ranking.
- Oil-Mac G48TE
The case of this model is made of steel, which increases the level of its reliability. This unit is characterized by simple operation and operation and increased productivity. Please note that the wheels on this mower are mounted on hubs, which ensures a perfect mowing result even in bumpy areas.
- Makita ELM3310
This unit occupies a leading position in terms of sales in 2019. The lawn mower has a folding handle that provides maneuverability and good work speed. Also included is a voluminous, but lightweight grass collector.
- Ladder Autoclip 127
For work on areas up to 12 acres, this device is ideal. This lawn mower also performs well on slopes and is highly stable.
The given rating of electric lawn mowers shows that devices of this type are multifunctional and reliable. Each user can choose for themselves a unit that will fully satisfy their needs.
Video “Expert opinion on electric lawn mowers”
Video description of various models of electric lawn mowers, comparison of their parameters, advantages and disadvantages.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina