Electric breast pump – types, advantages and disadvantages. How to choose an electric breast pump?

The electric breast pump is a device that allows the process of expressing milk to be fully automated. Just connect it to the power source, put it on the breast and run – the food will flow into the container without the need to involve your hands.

Electric breast pump – structure and operation

The construction of an electric breast pump differs from that of a manual breast pump. Although there are different models available on the market, their basic design remains the same. The device consists of an electric module, a food container, a lid with a cable, a funnel, and a power supply.

The operation of the breast pump is reduced to creating a vacuum, which results in the flow of milk from the breast. Depending on the model, you can set the optimal suction power – so as to adjust the pumping speed to your individual needs.

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Electric breast pump – types

There are 2 types of electric breast pumps:

  1. single-phase – they only reflect the phase of slow and deep sucking, which may reduce the efficiency of milk flow;
  2. two-phase – imitate the baby’s suckling reflex (the phase of fast and shallow suckling and the phase of slow and deep suckling), thanks to which stimulating lactation is more effective.

All electric breast pumps have adjustable suction power, which allows you to adjust the speed of the device to individual needs and expectations.

Electric breast pump – indications for use

There are no specific guidelines for the use of an electric breast pump. Although it can be used by every newly-minted mother, it is especially recommended in the case of:

  1. problems with stimulating lactation in the first hours after childbirth,
  2. lactation crises occurring around the 3rd and 6th week of a child’s life,
  3. Frequent pumping and feeding of food to your baby
  4. return to work and willingness to continue feeding with natural food,
  5. problems with excess food, which can cause a lot of unpleasantness such as painful swelling of the breasts or food stagnation,
  6. problems with the child’s suckling reflex,
  7. problems with a hiding nipple, which thanks to the action of the breast pump is softened and enhanced, which in turn will help the child to suck,
  8. problems with emptying the entire breast by the child (sometimes there is simply too much milk and the child cannot eat everything at once, and the breast pump in such a situation allows you to express it),
  9. problems with your baby sucking on the breasts, for example, if they have a cold and stuffy nose. 

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Electric breast pump – advantages and disadvantages

An electric breast pump is a device with advantages and disadvantages. The analysis of all “pros and cons” will allow, among others, in the selection of equipment adequate to the needs and expectations.

The most important advantages of an electric breast pump are:

  1. effective stimulation of food,
  2. work automation,
  3. the ability to express more milk in a shorter time,
  4. the ability to express milk from two breasts at the same time (for some models),
  5. the ability to adjust the operating mode to your own expectations,
  6. the possibility of using a smaller one than in the case of a manual breast pump,
  7. large selection of available models.

The downside of electric breast pumps is:

  1. high price – higher compared to the purchase of handheld devices,
  2. louder work,
  3. less mobility – if the breast pump is powered only by a cable,
  4. in practice they are more difficult to sterilize.

An electric breast pump is a useful device that can increase the efficiency of pumping. When choosing this type of equipment, it is worth considering not only the price, but above all the phasing (the best will be a two-phase breast pump), the possibility of adjusting the suction power or the possibility of transforming the breast pump into a manual model.

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Electric breast pump – what to consider when choosing?

If we want to choose the best electric breast pump, we should take into account some of the most important elements.

1. The frequency with which we intend to use the breast pump

Before buying, a woman should think about how often she intends to feed her baby with expressed milk from the bottle. If your baby is fed up to two times a week, a good option will be to buy a breast pump, which will allow you to express milk from both breasts at the same time, which will keep the level of lactation maintained. If the baby is fed less than twice a week, a single breast pump is sufficient.

2. Speed ​​and efficiency of operation

The speed at which it works is a big advantage of an electric breast pump. This is very important for women who work professionally and want their baby’s food to be expressed quickly and efficiently. Additionally, it matters when the baby has trouble sucking on the breastwhich means that he cannot feed himself properly, and the electric breast pump will be a great support for him.

3. The range of the suction power

It is worth buying an electric breast pump that has the option of a variable suction frequency, which mimics the natural suckling of a child, and thanks to which it is possible to maintain lactation. As a result, breast milk does not become stagnant, and feeding in times of excess food will be easier. Thanks to the possibility of adjusting the suction power of the breast pump, every woman can feel comfortable while using the device and avoid discomfort in the nipples.

4. Compatibility of the electric breast pump

It is crucial that the purchased electric breast pump allows you to express the milk directly into the bottle that will be fed to the baby. For this purpose, the electric breast pump should be equipped with a special adapter that allows you to connect the breast pump with bottles of different sizes.

5. Variety of types of power supply

The issue of the type of power supply for an electric breast pump is very important, because it is not always possible to connect to the mains supply, and it would be good to be able to use the device outdoors. Therefore, it is worth buying an electric breast pump that will be equipped with the option of switching from mains power to batteries.

Electric breast pump – how to use it in a safe way for you and your baby?

For effective pumping, a woman should prepare for it in advance:

  1. read the instructions for the breast pump, thanks to which you will avoid any technical problem,
  2. wash your hands thoroughly before and after each pumping session,
  3. make sure that you have everything you need around you, such as: tissues, nursing pads, bottles for storing milk, telephone, etc.,
  4. find a comfortable position where you can relax, as any discomfort or anxiety can negatively affect the amount you eat. This has to do with the hormones that control lactation.

In addition, remember that:

  1. if a woman experiences pain in her nipples while pumping, lower the suction power of the breast pump. It should be remembered that while expressing milk, the woman should not feel any pain,
  2. the same amount of milk should be expressed from each breast, so that more milk will not accumulate in one breast,
  3. the first few days of pumping, your breasts may not give too much milk. However, if you express your milk regularly, your breasts will get used to it and start producing more milk, usually after a few days.
  4. a woman should set the pace of the breast pump operation so that she feels comfortable,
  5. when the milk flow slows down and the breasts are not full, turn off the electric breast pump,
  6. after pouring the expressed milk into the bottle, it’s a good idea to write the date on it and put the bottle in the fridge.

If a woman wants to increase lactation, she should:

  1. use the electric breast pump between feedings or after feeding the baby,
  2. extract the breast with the breast pump until it is completely empty,

In addition, it is worth considering the use of the 7-5-3 method, consisting in cyclic pumping, respectively: 7 minutes, once from one breast, once from the other, then 5 minutes, once from one breast, then from the other breast, and finally after 3 minutes. minutes once on one breast, then on the other.

Important things every woman who uses an electric breast pump should remember:

  1. used breast pumps must not be used, because they can transmit viruses and bacteria from the previous user, which may result in the infection of the woman and her child,
  2. you should buy an electric breast pump with appropriate breast shields, because if they are too small, they can cause pain and sore nipples. The breasts may also remain full due to inadequate suctioning of the milk.
  3. pay special attention to any damage to the electric breast pump. If any damage is noticed, stop using it immediately.

Electric breast pump – how often to use it?

You can use electric breast pumps as many times a day as you want. However, you should bear in mind that the use of a breast pump consumes more milk than if the breast was sucked by the baby. Therefore, you should not use the breast pump too often, so that the woman can be sure that there is enough milk.

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Electric breast pump – price

Electric breast pumps are much more expensive than their manual counterparts, and the prices range from PLN 150,00 to even PLN 600,00. The price depends on the equipment of the electric breast pump and its design. For example, some models can run on the mains, while others will rely on replaced batteries. For some, it is possible to charge with a car charger.

Two-phase breast pumps are usually more expensive than single-phase breast pumps. Although electric breast pumps are more expensive, it must be remembered that they do not require force to use them and are much more efficient than manual versions. In addition, they better stimulate lactation and make it easier for a woman to return to professional duties. The electric breast pump is a safe device, provided that it is used in accordance with the instructions attached to it.

Electric breast pump – hygiene

When using a breast pump, remember to follow the rules of hygiene. It boils down to the need to thoroughly wash each of the elements of the device that come into contact with food and a woman’s body.

Hygiene issues differ depending on the age of the child, because in the case of older infants, it is enough to thoroughly wash the parts of the breast pump, and in the case of the first weeks of life of newborns or premature babies, not only thorough washing, but also sterilization will be necessary. Therefore, it is worth buying an electric breast pump model, which can be disassembled into many elements, it will make the use of such a device fully hygienic.

Electric breast pump – side effects

Using an electric breast pump may have several side effects, such as:

  1. giving your baby expressed milk in feeding bottles may make the baby unaccustomed to the nipples and thus may not recognize them when mom wants to feed her baby naturally;
  2. the milk expressed by the pump may be contaminated and pose a serious health risk to the baby;
  3. an electric breast pump, or rather wrongly selected sizes of the funnels and wrongly selected suction power may damage the nipples;
  4. storing excess milk for later use can cause more milk to be produced, causing your breasts to swell.

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