Elecampane: 10 medicinal properties, application

Elecampane is a perennial herb whose root is valued for its unique medicinal qualities. In addition to being used in medicine, elecampane has found application in cosmetology and cooking, thanks to its delicate, recognizable aroma. Doctors recommend elecampane for the treatment of respiratory and digestive organs, getting rid of helminthic invasions.

What does elecampane look like and where does it grow?

Elecampane grows along roadsides, in open wastelands and fields, in wet meadows, lush pastures. The plant loves shady groves, near-stem circles of garden trees. In moist, well-drained soils, this tall, bristly grass can grow up to three meters in height.

Herbaceous stems are tall, erect, rather thick. Deep grooves are formed on the surface, and branching is visible closer to the tip. The upper part of the stem is covered with dense fluff.

Elecampane has large, oval leaves with a pointed tip. They reach a length of 30-45 cm, at the widest point – up to 10 cm. A leaf plate with jagged outlines, smooth on top and velvety below, is attached to the stem with a long leg. Golden yellow flowers look like large daisies or small sunflowers. They can reach up to 7 cm in size. The flower consists of many petals, each of which has three cloves at the outer end.

The flowering period of elecampane is from mid-July to the end of August. After the petals fall, the fruit is tied. At maturity, it acquires a quadrangular shape and a crest of pale pink villi.

The rhizome of the plant is quite powerful, branched, cylindrical in shape. Its outer shell is yellow, the inner core is white. The root of elecampane smells like a flowering violet, which does not fit in with the bitter taste.

Since the time of ancient Chinese doctors and Indian Ayurveda, elecampane root and flowers have been used in traditional medicine recipes. From it prepared cough medicines, remedies for bronchitis and asthma. Nowadays, vegetable extract is prepared for pulmonary remedies. The value of elecampane is indicated by the fact that it is included in the Official US Pharmacopoeia.

Medicinal properties of elecampane

Elecampane is used for many diseases. The medical community annually conducts more and more new research on this unique plant. There are not very many results of official studies yet, but experience and positive observations contribute to the fact that elecampane is prescribed for the treatment, relief of symptoms and prevention of diseases of internal organs. Elecampane is prescribed as an independent remedy, and as part of herbal preparations.

The chemical composition of elecampane

The healing properties of elecampane prompted scientists to study the composition of the root, which is included in many medicinal recipes.

It was possible to establish that the rhizome of the plant contains a lot of useful elements:

  • Inulin polysaccharides (about 45%) are substances that enhance the absorption of minerals. Complete absorption of trace elements prevents the development of osteoporosis, the destruction of the lining of blood vessels. Inulin polysaccharides enhance local immunity of the digestive system, urinary organs, bronchi.

  • Sesquiterpene lactones (alantolactone and zoalantolactone) cause increased microcirculation in the gastric mucosa, stimulate the production of mucopolysaccharides of protective mucus, accelerate the healing process of ulcers, have a hepatoprotective effect, and have a choleretic effect.

  • Saponins – provide a tonic, sedative, tonic effect. Protect blood vessels from the formation of blood clots, phlebitis and atherosclerosis.

  • Vitamin E – protects internal organs from oxidative stress, promotes the regeneration of damaged cells.

  • Alkaloids – stimulate the central nervous system, heal the heart, relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, promote sputum discharge.

  • Essential oil (about 4,3%) – in turn, it is rich in unique, complex biochemical compounds that provide physico-chemical reactions in all internal body systems. They strengthen the immune system, heal the cardiovascular system, normalize calcium metabolism, and inhibit the growth of pathogenic flora.

  • Gum – necessary for normal digestion, prevents constipation, protects against obesity and diabetes.

In greenery and flowers of elecampane found:

  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that accelerates wound healing, stimulates the immune system, participates in hematopoiesis and hormone formation, removes toxins, and normalizes pancreatic function.

  • Flavonoids – have diuretic, hepatoprotective properties, stimulate the formation of bile, protect the walls of capillaries, suppress the development of inflammation.

  • Isoquercitrin and quercitrin – have an anti-allergic effect, prevent malignant degeneration of cells, suppress the development of inflammation, protect against viruses of a different nature.

10 healing properties of elecampane

1 Improves digestion

Herbal prebiotics of elecampane root support the normal functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to them, a healthy intestinal microflora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) is preserved. Support of microflora provides immune properties of the intestine, prevents inflammatory processes. Active substances relieve intestinal spasms, help with increased gas formation. Elecampane root – first aid for diarrhea, nausea [1].

Elecampane is able to stimulate appetite, increase the absorption of nutrients. Activation of metabolism helps in case of sluggish intestinal motility.

2 With gastritis

In order to determine the advisability of taking elecampane in case of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, first of all, you should know the acidity of gastric juice. With reduced acidity, elecampane is contraindicated, because it inhibits the synthesis of enzymes. In this case, quite a bit of elecampane wine is allowed.

If the acidity turned out to be increased, you need to take decoctions or infusions of elecampane. Active substances neutralize stomach acid, soothe the gastric mucosa.

High acidity is a major risk factor for peptic ulcer disease. As shown by a study involving more than 100 patients with a diagnosed stomach ulcer, elecampane is able to stop painful symptoms, improve blood supply to the gastric wall and heal the affected areas of the mucosa.

3 With pancreatitis

The pancreas needs regulation of enzymatic activity. This function is performed by alkaloids and vitamin E, which are contained in elecampane. The roots and grass of elecampane are included in the fees shown for pancreatitis. You can use folk remedies only as directed by a doctor.

4 With diabetes mellitus

Thanks to inulin, elecampane regulates blood sugar levels, prevents its sharp jumps, prevents the development of insulin resistance, which is important in type II diabetes. Natural substances regulate biochemical processes, inhibit glucose metabolism. In addition, elecampane protects blood vessels from destruction, prevents the formation of trophic lesions.

5 For diseases of the respiratory system

During the pathogenesis of bronchopulmonary diseases, excessive blood flow to the bronchi occurs. This causes hyperemia of the bronchial tree, swelling of the inner wall, which leads to difficulty in breathing. Active phytocompounds of elecampane form a protective shell that suppresses the inflammatory process, soothes the bronchi and facilitates sputum discharge. Thus, bronchial secretion decreases and the lungs are cleansed of mucus stagnation.

Allantolactone, which is contained in the root of elecampane, soothes coughs, soothes, softens the inflammatory manifestations that accompany cough tremors. Antibacterial elements inhibit the growth and development of bacterial infections that cause certain types of respiratory diseases of the bronchi and lungs. During a bacterial lung infection, it is important to facilitate the body’s ability to eliminate toxins – the decay products and vital activity of pathogenic microbes. Here, too, elecampane comes to the rescue, which enhances perspiration.

Experts in the field of herbal medicine point out that with bronchial asthma, whooping cough and bronchitis, elecampane relieves pain. In tuberculosis, the combined anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of plant compounds alleviates clinical symptoms, promotes healing of the affected lung tissue [2].

6 With hemorrhoids

Elecampane is a part of antihemorrhoid suppositories and ointments. It relieves pain in the rectum, relieves inflammation of the altered mucous membrane, and helps stop bleeding from varicose veins. The use of elecampane facilitates bowel movements, prevents damage to the tissues of the anus.

7 Antibacterial effect

A 2009 laboratory study showed the effectiveness of the antimicrobial properties of elecampane against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) [3].

This type of staphylococcus is a potentially deadly pathogen, so elecampane can have a lifesaving effect.

8 Antiparasitic effect

Various parasites and helminthic infestations lead to the death of 16 million people annually. Symptoms of parasitic diseases are easily confused with other diseases, so timely diagnosis and adequate treatment are important. The patient may lose weight, experience digestive problems, anemia, and skin problems.

The plant substances allantolactone and isoalantolactone, which contains elecampane root, have chemical activity against intestinal worms and other parasites. Elecampane preparations are prescribed when roundworms, pinworms, hookworm, whipworm are detected. Efficiency is equal to fluorouracil.

9 For the spine and joints

The problem that every person faces sooner or later is protrusion of the intervertebral discs. This is a pathology that develops gradually, but leads to more severe complications – spinal hernia, osteochondrosis. The disease is accompanied by pain syndrome, limitation of mobility. At the initial stage, the external use of elecampane helps to cope with the problem. The remedy relieves pain, relieves inflammation.

Arthrosis refers to the changes that are characteristic of the elderly. It becomes a frequent cause of disability, as in most cases it affects large joints and leads to impaired motor activity. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of elecampane helps at all stages of the development of pathology.

10 With oncological diseases

Of course, cancer cannot be treated exclusively with elecampane. Folk remedies can be part of complex therapy and taken to relieve symptoms. Elecampane is recommended for healthy people for prophylactic purposes – its active components prevent malignant degeneration of cells.

[Video] Elecampane – A UNIQUE PLANT:

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