People have known about the healing properties of elecampane for a long time, because it is not for nothing that the plant got its powerful name. In the literature of antiquity there is a mention of this plant, including in the writings of Hippocrates, who treated various ailments with this plant.

According to old Russian beliefs, the plant has 9 main effects (strengths), which is why it received such a name in Russian-language literature. It was believed that this remedy is able to strengthen male power and protect the heart, tone the entire body. This plant increases emotional tone and mood, and an infusion of its flowers is able to fight the symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

This plant belongs to the Compositae family. It grows to a height of 3 m, has large dark green leaves and large yellow inflorescences. Outwardly similar to a shrub, most of the foliage is concentrated in the lower part, and the flowers on the stems rise up. Elecampane grows near water bodies in fields, ravines and steppes. The roots of the plant are especially valuable, they concentrate up to 45% of inulin, a biologically active compound that regulates metabolic processes and digestion. This is one of the options for dietary fiber, which, when released into the intestinal lumen, increases in volume, forms a soft stool and has a laxative effect.

This herb is useful for people who suffer from constipation as it gently and effectively helps in passing stools. Inulin is also a natural probiotic that stimulates the growth of beneficial gut microbes. When it enters the lumen of the colon, the bifidoflora actively breaks it down and nourishes its forces. In addition, it has the ability to enhance the absorption of calcium with magnesium, strengthening the skeleton and muscles, removes excess cholesterol from the intestines.

Elecampane contains various resins, a number of essential oils and alkaloids, as well as vitamins – ascorbic acid and tocopherol. In addition to them, the plant is rich in terpene compounds that help with coughing.

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Medicinal properties of elecampane

The rhizomes of elecampane are a natural medicine that has a powerful effect due to its diverse composition. It is used both for the preparation of fees, and the only component in the treatment of a number of different pathologies. For example, it is actively used as an expectorant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory component in the treatment of colds, upper respiratory tract infections, especially in combination with other herbal preparations (drugs).

Elecampane roots help to normalize metabolic processes and increase appetite, they are used in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, the treatment of various types of wounds and ulcers. Also, elecampane horses are actively working with various gynecological problems, infusions and decoctions fight against helminthic invasions. The plant is useful in the treatment of influenza, kidney damage and viral and infections, preparations with elecampane are applicable for colitis and peptic ulcer, as well as for venereal infections.

Contraindications nine

With all the positive properties of elecampane, not everyone can use it. So, it is forbidden to take it in the presence of serious problems with the heart or blood vessels, since its active use can provoke a deterioration in the condition and provoke complications.

You can not use elecampane for pregnant women at any time and nursing mothers, as well as people with low stomach acidity. With increased acidity, alcohol tinctures of elecampane are prohibited. In some women who are prone to bleeding, strong decoctions of elecampane root can provoke the onset of menstruation. Do not take elecampane preparations at low pressure, it can provoke orthostatic fainting.

The use of elecampane

Even in the absence of contraindications, it is important to consult with a phytotherapist or your doctor before starting treatment with elecampane root. An incorrectly prescribed course of treatment threatens with serious complications. In general, for different groups of patients, the effects may vary slightly.

Elecampane in the treatment of women

One of the uses of elecampane root is gynecological diseases. Centuries ago, elecampane root was used to relieve uterine pain. In addition, it was used to even out the menstrual cycle with a tendency to delay. Various forms of the drug are used for inflammatory processes in gynecology and the urinary system, there is a lot of vitamin E in the root of the plant, which is necessary for the reproductive sphere. Also, the complex of vitamins and minerals of the plant strengthens women’s immunity, cares for hair, improves skin structure.

Baths with elecampane root and decoctions with it help in eliminating acne and healing wounds, in cleansing pores and eliminating inflammation on the skin.

Elecampane in the treatment of men

Often dried elecampane root is used in the treatment of male infertility. This is effective due to the fact that plant materials contain substances that increase the activity and speed of spermatozoa movement, improve the quality of sperm in general. In addition, elecampane root helps in the prevention and treatment of male urological diseases, prostate problems, enhances potency and strengthens the health of men in general.

The use of elecampane in the treatment of hemorrhoids is effective. It eliminates the inflammatory process, reduces pain and the risk of bleeding, helps in reducing the size of the nodes, normalizing blood circulation. Also, the drug has a laxative effect, which reduces pain and straining during bowel movements against the background of hemorrhoids.

The use of elecampane during pregnancy and the treatment of cycle disorders

It is important to know that elecampane during pregnancy is prohibited in any trimester. Even in ancient times, its abortive effect was known, since its root contains a number of phytohormonal agents that can provoke bleeding from the uterus, which leads to rejection of the endometrium and miscarriage or the onset of premature birth. In pregnant women, it is permissible to use only external ointment forms, in small volumes and in emergency cases.

In addition, it is high in ascorbic acid, which stimulates the activity of its own hormones, causing the onset of menstruation. But if the delay is caused by illness or pregnancy, self-medication with this remedy can seriously harm. Therefore, herbal medicine with elecampane can only be prescribed by a specialist.

The use of elecampane in children

This medicinal raw material is permissible in the treatment of children only on the recommendation of the attending physician or phytotherapist with strict adherence to dosages and preparation technology.

The drug can fight coughing attacks, has an active expectorant effect and anti-inflammatory effect. Tea with elecampane root is a general tonic, helps in stimulating the immune system, and protects against viral aggression.

Elecampane for weight loss

Elecampane root has a preventive and healing effect on the body, it can be added to a weight loss plan and dietary dishes in small volumes. It has the ability to regulate appetite, it can be significantly reduced due to the proper preparation of raw materials.

Elecampane in the treatment of pathologies

This herbal remedy can fight many diseases. For example, it is used in complex treatment:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pancreatitis without exacerbations;
  • gastritis outside the stage of exacerbation;
  • bowel problems with a tendency to constipation;
  • colitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • liver pathologies;
  • cystitis, prostatitis;
  • bronchitis and colds with cough;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • helminthiases;
  • immunity problems.

There is evidence that elecampane helps in the treatment of oncology and recovery after chemotherapy. But it should be taken with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Recipes for healing compounds with elecampane

Each of the options for preparing herbal raw materials has certain medicinal characteristics and is more effective in certain pathologies. Therefore, in different cases, doctors will recommend certain forms that need to be properly prepared. For example, tinctures will help to rub the skin, and infusions or decoctions for coughing.


Pour 1 teaspoon of dry plant root with a glass of chilled boiled water. Infuse for 8 hours, then strain.

Apply 1/4 cup 15 minutes before meals 4 times a day.

This is one of the best means in the treatment of digestive pathologies as part of complex therapy. Plus, it tones the body, strengthens the immune system, helps fight coughs, and resists viruses. Let’s say taking infusions at elevated pressure, when applied topically, it cleanses the skin of acne and inflammation.


1 st. Pour a spoonful of dry raw materials with 1 cup of just boiled water, place in a water bath and simmer for at least 10 minutes, then leave to cool for 2 hours.

Apply depending on the pathology in doses determined by the doctor.

Most often, decoctions of this plant are used in the treatment of respiratory pathologies. They are effective in the period of bronchitis, help in thinning and coughing up sputum. External lotions with decoctions help in eliminating skin problems, and are also used in baths to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. No less useful decoction for rinsing hair.


1 st. Pour a spoonful of dry raw materials with 0,5 liters of vodka, mix thoroughly and close tightly. Place in a dark place for 14 days, shake occasionally. For external use, make a concentrated solution in a ratio of 1:10.

Use only as directed by a doctor, 10-20 drops up to 3 times a day.

It is forbidden for pregnant women, children under 18 years of age and people with problems of the heart, blood vessels and liver.

Elecampane root tincture can help with problems with the intestines and stomach, normalizes the digestion process, and increases appetite. Helps in activating the metabolism, which is useful for people struggling with excess weight. Reduces inflammation of the joints, suppressing pain, has a choleretic and cleansing effect. Useful for coughs and colds. For external use, it is used in the treatment of acne, redness and inflammation.


Pour 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials with a cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

Take 1 cup per day with a spoonful of honey, otherwise the drink will be bitter.

It is permissible to add elecampane to tea from a mixture of herbs. It is combined with St. John’s wort, thyme, birch buds and calamus. You can add blueberries, rose hips, raspberries to enhance the effect.

Periodic intake of elecampane root tea eliminates headaches, rheumatism and joint problems. Tea helps prevent skin diseases, eliminates acne. It has a tonic effect, stimulates the immune system, supplies the necessary minerals and vitamins, helps in the prevention of SARS.


Grind into powder 1 tablespoon of the root of the plant, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or unsalted lard (ground with a blender).

It is important to bring the ointment to the consistency of sour cream by thoroughly mixing the components.

Apply the ointment to the affected areas, gently rubbing a thin layer into the skin. The effect is enhanced by adding sorrel root to the mixture.

Elecampane is used externally in an ointment for the treatment of skin lesions and joint problems.

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Reviews of doctors about elecampane

Korsun Elena, Ph.D. head Department of Phytotherapy, ICM RUDN University, Head of the Educational and Health Center at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

– Birch and elecampane leaves were studied by Professor V.G. Pashinsky with his students. They wrote a monograph “Elecampane high: adaptogen and antihypoxant.” We, herbalists, greatly appreciate elecampane for its properties to support all organs and tissues, to have a general strengthening effect in case of tachycardia, hypertension, weakness during the recovery period after debilitating diseases, and in general for weakened patients. He is a powerful corrector of metabolism. Included in the pulmonary, antihelminthic fees, fees for the liver, pancreas, nervous system.

Olga Zorina, pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr:

– The rhizomes and roots of elecampane have a very rich active composition (more than 20 isolated components). In herbal medicine, raw materials are used mainly as an expectorant, but also have a multifaceted effect on the digestive tract (which must be taken into account when prescribing for coughs).


  • elecampane is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women;
  • in kidney disease is used with caution;
  • not used simultaneously with antitussives (those used for dry cough, such as Libexin, Omnitus, Sinekod, etc.).

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