Elderberry – the best for colds!
Elderberry - the best for colds!Elderberry – the best for colds!

The days are short and cold, there are many viruses in the air spread by cold people, we are constantly exposed to temperature changes when leaving heated rooms outside, where rain, snow or frost are raging … Unfortunately, despite all these threats, you have to function somehow – walk to work, school, shopping, meeting friends. During the winter, our body goes through quite a difficult period. We have good news: you can help your body fight seasonal infections in an effective and fun way. Elderberry is one of the best natural cold remedies!

It is a fast-growing shrub that blooms in spring. Then it takes the form of white cream flowers, which in autumn transform into dark blue fruits. Both fruits and flowers have many health benefits. Elderberry has been used as a medicine for centuries.

  • Elderberry flowers – only those fully developed are collected, always in the period from May to July.
  • Elderberry fruits – their collection lasts from September to October.

This excellent herbal raw material has diaphoretic, expectorant, analgesic and fever-reducing properties. Relieves colds and any infections of the upper respiratory tract.

  • Flowers contain flavonoids, triterpenes, mucilages and phenolic acids. Perfect for a fever.
  • Fruits are rich in pectins, anticyanin glycosides, fruit acids, tannins, vitamins (mainly vitamin C and provitamin A) and mineral salts. They show e.g. diuretic properties.

Dried and processed flowers and fruits can be drunk in the form of juice, syrup or tea. Some freeze elderberries or make juice from them themselves. However, if you don’t have these types of supplies or time to make them, you can buy 100% elderberry juice, available at any herbal store. Those that you can buy in ordinary stores and supermarkets are mainly syrups containing only the addition of juice, so their medicinal values ​​are definitely lower. In addition, they contain a lot of sugar or glucose-fructose syrup. It is always worth checking their composition before buying, because many are simply apple juice with a few percent content of elderberry syrup. 100% elderberry in the form of juice costs from PLN 20 to PLN 30. for 500 ml. Remember that it must be used within 7 days of opening the bottle.

How to use elderberry for a cold?

When you feel that something “takes” you or you just want to strengthen your immunity, start with dried fruit tea. Pour a spoon or two of dried herbs into a cup, pour boiling water over it and after ten to fifteen minutes of brewing under the cover, strain. Drink two to three cups a day, always hot! Syrup, which is prepared only in ripe fruit, will also help. Drink it twice a day, one tablespoon, preferably between meals.

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