El Toro (El Toro)

El Toro tequila has been produced since 1959. In those days in Europe there was no special fashion for this drink and cocktails from it. El Toro was conceived as an ordinary tequila, moderately strong, with a mild refreshing taste that does not give a hangover. In the middle of the XNUMXth century, the pulp of a piña cost literally pennies, and it would never have occurred to anyone that in a few decades the drink would suddenly fall into the elite category, and its taste would be described in detail, listening with bated breath to the aftertaste and hints of aftertaste.

“El Toro” is a “mixto” tequila, inexpensive, but of high quality. It is subjected to double distillation in stainless steel stills. It has a soft and balanced taste without a sharp alcohol taste and smell.

Tequila “El Toro” was created with the expectation of popularity among ordinary people. Hence the name: El Toro in Spanish means “bull”. For Mexicans, bullfighting and tequila are inseparable. So the tequileros decided to combine two local attractions.

In 1999, the “agave crisis” broke out in Mexico: severe frosts hit in winter, to which heat-loving plants were not accustomed. In the summer, they were struck by illness. Exactly half of the blue agave crop died, and the price of raw materials soared tenfold. The owners of the distilleries, who had their own plantations, still somehow held on, although they also had a hard time: the theft of the agave instantly became more profitable than the drug trade, and it was necessary to hire whole detachments of guards armed to the teeth to keep the ripe piñas.

Under such conditions, small entrepreneurs simply went bankrupt and were forced to sell distilleries that suddenly became unnecessary along with the rights to registered tequila brands for pennies. It was during the Agave Crisis that the American company Barton Brands acquired the rights to the El Toro tequila trademark. In 2009, the firm became a division of New Orleans-based Sazerac.

The Belgian company Sodico Beverages has been importing spirits to European countries for about 60 years. However, the management of the company calculated that it was not very profitable to carry already bottled tequila to Europe: it would be better to bottle it in Belgium, at Sodico Beverages’ own factory. True, in this case, the drink was deprived of the coveted inscription “Hecho en Mexico”, but it was possible to significantly reduce its selling price.

The traditional design of the bottle and label of El Toro with the image of an angry bull was considered by the company to be too aggressive for Europe. The creation of a new look for tequila was entrusted to the Moldovan studio 43’oz. The labels were printed in Riga. An advertising campaign for the drink was carried out under the slogan “El Toro – passion in a bottle.”

The updated El Toro tequila really quickly gained popularity in Europe and Asia. It is ideal for various cocktails.

Types of tequila El Toro

Two types of El Toro tequila are produced:

  • El Toro Silver is a young colorless tequila with an unusual bouquet, in which the core pure aroma of agave combines in an original way with mineral notes. Taste – soft, with a taste of baked agave;
  • El Toro Gold is a straw-golden tequila with a touch of cane sugar syrup. The drink smells of agave and candied fruits. The taste is sweetish, with hints of honey and candied pear.

El Toro (El Toro)

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