Ekol cucumbers
Ekol cucumbers are a hybrid variety that is distinguished by good yield, high taste, and also has many other advantages. In addition, the plant is easy to care for. You can make sure of this if you grow cucumbers on your own on the site.
How is the Ekol cucumber variety characterized?
This crop is a tall but compact shrub with tough green leaves. Fruiting can last 3 months, from early June to September.
Ekol cucumbers can be grown outdoors or in a greenhouse
Ripe cucumbers are dark green in color, on the surface there are clearly defined tubercles with white thorns. The fruits are in the shape of a cylinder, 7 cm long and weighing up to 75 g. The diameter of a cucumber does not exceed 3,5 cm. Their flesh is juicy, dense and crunchy, with a pleasant smell.
A ripe crop should be harvested every 2 days when the length of the fruit does not exceed 7 cm
Gherkins can be eaten fresh or used for preservation. During heat treatment, voids are not formed in them.
In any form, this hybrid has excellent qualities.
Growing cucumbers Ekol from seeds
Sowing in open ground is carried out at the end of May, when the ground warms up to 15 ⁰С, the daytime temperature will be about 24 ⁰С, and at night not lower than 18 ⁰С.
Before planting, the seeds should be soaked for several days in an Epin or Zircon solution. This is necessary to enhance immunity and stimulate growth. When they swell, they can be sown into the ground.
To grow cucumbers, you need to choose a sunny place on the site, without drafts. In this case, the best predecessors are cabbage, onions or potatoes.
Sowing seeds is done in this way.
- Dig up the soil in the selected area and add manure or compost to it. Cucumbers grow well in loamy soil.
- Prepare the garden bed, make small holes, at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. Leave a distance of about 50 cm between the rows.
- Pour some water into each hole.
- Deepen a few seeds into each hole, 2 cm into the soil and sprinkle with earth.
The seeds are sown in open ground. After this process, cover the bed with plastic wrap overnight to keep it moist and warm.
When several shoots appear, thin them out, leaving 10 cm between them. When the first leaves are formed, thin out the garden again, but leave at least 25 cm between the bushes.
In the future, you need to take care of the plant as follows:
- water the bushes under the root with warm water, at least 2 times a week;
- loosen the soil shallowly and remove weeds;
- periodically apply mineral and organic fertilizers to the ground.
The care consists of standard measures.
The grower will be able to harvest a ripe and tasty harvest about 2 months after sowing. The main thing is to follow simple rules when planting and growing this crop.