Ekaterina Volkova spoke about her husband, daughter and a new country house – photo

Ekaterina Volkova told Antenna about her husband, daughter and repairs.

January 9 2019

– Last New Year coincided with the housewarming. All the holidays our friends stayed with us, we listened to the chimes. This time they celebrated at home again, but in a small company. The table was assembled by ourselves: everyone brought their own signature dish, we also cooked Olivier, herring under a fur coat and meat in French. On a holiday, you don’t need to count calories, – Catherine smiles. – The only task is to have time to eat everything before the end of the holidays.

On Ekaterina: Atelier leg Salon overalls, Nebo clip. Liza is wearing: H&M headband, Cara Mila dress. Andrei wears a tuxedo and a Zara shirt

– Before the appearance of this house, we always lived in an apartment. Only when we moved did we feel that the difference between an apartment and a house is colossal. If you constantly leave the apartment in search of entertainment – walks, theaters, cafes, cinema, then there is only one desire in the house: to stay here as long as possible. How many times have we caught ourselves thinking that we’ll agree to see our friends, but in the end we wake up and have time to make one call: “Or maybe you’ll come to us? It’s so good here. ” Or we have a family day. We also call him seals – we cook, sit by the fireplace, watch films, and then go for a walk with the dogs. Such days, however, happen extremely rarely, I do not even remember when the last one was.

– It’s been four years since we bought this house. And two were doing repairs. I remember when we just moved in, the first floor was in plastic partitions. In one part we lived, in another at that time we painted walls, put windows and doors. And so that construction dust would not fly on things, everything had to be kept in bags. Even now, you have to constantly finish something. Somewhere there are no doors, somewhere another bedside table asks.

Liza (daughter of actress and architect Andrei Karpov is 6 years old. – Approx. “Antenna”) dreams of her house on the street, and her husband dreams of a bath. The house is completely the brainchild of Andrey. He is a professional, and I could only trust him. Although there were, of course, moments when I turned on the girl, resisted and said: “I want a purple sofa.” Andrey looked at me with round eyes: “What? Violet?” But when we bought it and brought it, I agreed that it looks very organic.

Lizun also took part. She has a playroom on the first floor and a nursery on the second. I remember asking: “What kind of wallpaper will I have?” I say pink. And she gives out: “Pink is the color for the little ones. This is my room. How so? ” And we went with her specially to the store to choose wallpaper. Now Lisa puts things in order herself, arranges things. I remember that I cleaned up at her place and arranged the toys in a different way, so Lizun attacked me, they say, Mom, I don’t climb into your closet. Already now, in detail, she carefully guards her space.

Checking homework for my husband and daughter

– This year my daughter started going to the design circle. If I am not at home, Liza and Andrey draw together or do school homework. True, then we need to double-check what they wrote there, which I do when I return. And when they finish, they lie on the couch in front of the TV, fire the fireplace and watch movies. They get carried away so much that they even forget to have dinner. You come home, and then Liza: “Mommy, can I eat?” I say, “Liz, you’re big already, tell your dad you’re hungry.” In general, Liza is little Andrei. They even take offense in the same way. Hot-tempered, but also move away quickly. In the evening, they fall asleep on their backs and turn over on one side as if with a click.

On Ekaterina: Loive dress. On Liza: H&M suit and wings

– Of course, Lizun and I also have girls’ affairs. This is cooking and cleaning. Lisa loves to go to performances with me. I jokingly call her my makeup artist. In the theater, before going on stage, she will paint my eyes and touch up my lips. We help our props to carry out the costumes. And he always does not sit down in the hall to watch the performance, but watches me from behind the curtains. On the set, she also has a key to my dressing room, if she gets tired, she just says: “Mom, I’m going to my place.” He collects legos there or reads. When Lisa was four years old, she was offered a role in “The Voronins”. At first she was delighted and began to study the text. And then I realized that her desire appears more according to her mood. One day he wants, the second is moaning. Then I already insisted that they take another girl. And now she was on fire with the idea of ​​filming and asked me to even talk to the writers. But there is no role yet. Because our oldest daughter is 15 according to scenario, the youngest is only 4, and Liza turns out to be in the middle between them. But she plays in preschool performances, reads poetry. And she likes it.

If there are always scandals, you can’t live like that.

– I believe that it is important for a person to leave choice and space. In the house Andrey has his own study, Liza has a room. And I also catch myself thinking that sometimes I want to be alone. Then, if there is no one on the ground floor, I sit by the fireplace in the corner on the couch and read scripts or just sit in silence. But again, according to the mood. Andrey and I have been together for nine years, and there are also different periods. Sometimes we have peace and quiet, and sometimes Italian passions are raging. But we don’t break the dishes. This, I think, is good … If everything was smooth, I think we would both get bored. And if there are always scandals, then you can’t live like that either. When the relationship is like a swing, it’s better. So they are real, sincere.

We surprise each other. We can unexpectedly present each other with a trip, if we know for sure that both are free. We are undermined by something together. For example, since the summer we decided to eat right together. And now we haven’t eaten after six for a month now. At least we are trying. I also gave up sweet and starchy foods. It’s incredibly hard for me: I love buns. Sometimes I just take a donut, bring it to my nose and smell it. I can stand like this for ten minutes, and only when my brain is saturated with the smell, I remove it. I know it’s funny, but there is no other way. I tried to give up milk. I bought almond, coconut milk, but this is definitely not mine.

Catherine wears: Loive dress, Cartier earrings. Andrey is wearing a Mango jacket and pullover.

It is difficult to live a completely healthy life with our schedule. You come to some city, order a Greek salad, and the answer is: “What’s this?” You: “Well, cucumbers, tomatoes.” And then the waiter says: “Cucumbers, tomatoes are here in the summer. And now it’s winter. ” And you understand that either this is not there, or it is very expensive. You order a chicken. It is both delicious and prepared with a soul, but that’s just all in oil. And again the diet is postponed …

Or you are thinking of arranging a day off for yourself. Sign up for a manicure, pedicure, coloring, training. And you wake up and think: “Well, this is my day off. The only one”. You cancel, hug your family and go to watch movies. And here you can work out in sports. We have a beautiful open-air playground not far from the house. And a tennis court.

With this attitude to nutrition, I have not changed the size of my clothes since school.

Recently I dug up a school prom dress from my mother and got into it. The only thing is, the top is a little tight for me. It seems that I have shaken my chest a lot over the years. For the rest, I even lost weight … I laugh when people write on Instagram: “Look, she did plastic surgery. Like, she had cheeks. Where are they now? ” I just want to say that, firstly, 15 years have passed, and secondly, with our schedule and lack of sleep, this can not happen.

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