Ejaculation: how to delay ejaculation?

Ejaculation: how to delay ejaculation?

It sometimes happens in men that ejaculation occurs sooner than one would like. This is called premature ejaculation, or premature. What is this disorder due to and what are the methods to delay the time of ejaculation?

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is a fairly common functional disorder in men. It results in an inability to control the moment of his ejaculation, which then occurs more quickly than desired. This disorder is very common, especially among young men, at the start of their sexual life. In fact, to learn to manage your ejaculation and therefore to control the “timing” of it, you need to have some experience and know how to control your pleasure. We speak of premature ejaculation when the latter at most 3 minutes before the start of stimulation of the penis (whether through penetration, masturbation or fellatio for example). Between 3 and 5 minutes, we can speak of a “rapid” ejaculation, but not premature. Finally, premature ejaculation is not due to a physical or physiological dysfunction, and is therefore easily treated.

How to deal with premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is neither a disease nor a fatality. Indeed, with training, you can completely learn to better manage your excitement and thus control the moment when you ejaculate. A sex therapist can also be of good advice, and help you define together techniques to work on your pleasure and succeed in delaying when the time comes. Likewise, it is important not to be ashamed and to have a dialogue. Premature ejaculation is sometimes due to stress or too much pressure during intercourse, which accelerates the process and increases the pleasure too quickly and too intensely. This can therefore be discussed within your relationship or with your sexual partners, in order to find solutions.

What is premature ejaculation due to?

There are different explanations, generally psychological, for this sexual disorder. The first, and arguably the most common, is inexperience or “stage fright”. During the first sexual intercourse, the pleasure is often such that it is difficult to “resist” it. In addition, ejaculation is experienced as a relief in men: thus, if the pressure is too strong, the brain can send the order to ejaculate, prematurely. Thus, stress, anxiety or even the discovery of a new sexual partner can be the origin. Likewise, psychological trauma, such as a vivid sexual experience, memory or emotional shock can be the cause of this disorder. Finally, the frequency of intercourse also comes into account: infrequent, or even rare, intercourse increases the risk of frequent ejaculation. Indeed, the more we make love regularly, the longer the erection can last.

What are the techniques to delay ejaculation?

There are, however, certain techniques to delay ejaculation. The first is to make the foreplay last in order to be well prepared and to learn to manage your excitement. Likewise, the positions where the man is above are to be privileged, in order to be able to slow down the pace if he feels the excitement rising too quickly. The “stop and go” technique, which consists of stopping movement, can also be effective in preventing ejaculation. You can also temporarily focus on another topic to calm your sexual arousal. Think Finally, a final technique is to squeeze the frenulum, which is located under the glans, while pressing firmly on the base of the penis. This gesture will begin to stop the physiological mechanism of ejaculation.

Knowing how to manage your arousal and erection

If you want to control your ejaculation and make your erection last as long as possible, the golden rule is to know how to control your pleasure. Indeed, when one is close to orgasm, one can imagine that ejaculation is not very far. So, if you feel that you are approaching maximum pleasure, slow down or even stop the movements completely for a period of time. You can take the opportunity to focus on your partner, by caressing or kissing him, and thus relieve the pressure momentarily. The idea is of course not to lose all excitement, but to regulate it. Finally, an ejaculation experienced as premature by you may not necessarily be so by your partner. If you both feel that you both have time to reach orgasm during sex, then there’s no point in panicking: sex isn’t a competition!

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