Eight worst foods for the liver
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It is our main filter and detoxification station. He likes beetroot juice, green tea, and green leafy vegetables. It is harmed by alcohol, a fatty diet and E621. Meet the main enemies of our liver.

What is harmful to the liver? Alcohol

It is the percentages that are the greatest enemy of the organ known as the “big filter”. Drinking more than 80 g of ethanol a day, which is equivalent to 2 liters of beer, 5 liter of wine or 6-XNUMX drinks, significantly increases the risk of liver disease. The observed changes are in the form of steatosis, inflammation or cirrhosis. The risk of liver cancer also increases significantly.

In the case of women, the harmful dose of ethanol is several times lower, and the disease progresses faster than in men. The peak incidence in men is at the age of 40-55 years, while in women – 10 years earlier.

In the treatment of alcoholic liver disease, unconditional abstinence and a balanced diet aimed at supplementing nutritional and vitamin deficiencies are essential.

Drugs and the liver

The vast majority of drugs are metabolized in the liver, which may result in damage to its cells in some cases. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as antibiotics are the most common causes of drug-induced liver damage, occurring with a delay of up to 1 year.

In turn, the main culprit of dose-dependent toxic drug-induced liver injury is paracetamol. In this case, it is very simple to avoid getting sick: medications should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, and over-the-counter preparations in doses and times specified on the package leaflet.

As an aid in ailments related to the liver and prophylactically, it is worth using the natural supplement Liver Support – Pharmovit drops extract. It consists of milk thistle, turmeric and artichoke.

Fast food destroys the liver

A hamburger with fries, pizza, kebab, or maybe a set of wings? When dining in fast food restaurants as part of one meal, we eat an average of 836 kcal, most of which is fat (including trans fatty acids), sugar and salt.

How does fast food damage our liver? First of all, it is an express way to gain weight, and overweight and obesity are the main causes of liver diseases, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is a typical diet-dependent disease.

According to NAFLD statistics, this is a problem for 9 million Poles! It is estimated that the disease occurs in 20-40 percent. general population, in 50 percent. people with type 2 diabetes and in as many as 70 percent. obese people.

As a support for the work of the liver, we recommend Turmeric + piperine for a healthy liver – a natural dietary supplement that can be used prophylactically for liver ailments.

Sugar that is harmful to the liver

The largest gland in the human body is involved in glucose metabolism and acts as a glycogen store. However, too much sugar consumption puts a strain on the liver, disrupting its regeneration process. Glucose-fructose syrup and refined sugar have a particularly negative effect on organ regeneration. In excess, popular artificial sweeteners can also contribute to liver damage.

People who consume fructose-sweetened beverages on a daily basis, as well as processed cakes, cookies, and bars are at a higher risk of not only obesity and type 2 diabetes, but also nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. This is an important problem that 20 percent. people with this condition develop cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma.

Prophylactically for ailments related to the liver, it is worth using Silymarin on a regular basis for a healthy liver – a dietary supplement in the form of capsules.

Monosodium glutamate – effects on the liver

Monosodium glutamate, also known as MSG, is a popular food additive used as a flavor enhancer. It is usually found in pure form in products as E621, but can also be found in the ingredients list as Yeast Extract, Fish Meat Extract, Protein Hydrolysis Product.

Unfortunately, food producers have a weakness for the artificial taste of “umami” and glutamate can be found in many products on store shelves: stock cubes, spice mixes, instant sauces and soups, marinades for meat, fast-food food, cold cuts, pates, sausages, canned food or salty snacks.

A study published in the Journal of Lipid Research in 2009 showed that the “Chinese restoration syndrome” is not the only threat posed by E621. According to scientists, monosodium glutamate contributes to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, especially its transition to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

Salt and the liver

We all know that excessive salt intake may disturb the body’s water balance and increase blood pressure. However, research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2016 showed that the weakness of the salt shaker is also not good for our liver.

Scientists at Jinan University have observed that excess salt leads to abnormal hepatic cell formation, an increased risk of cell death, and a reduced rate of proliferation (cell multiplication). Therefore, it increases the likelihood of fibrosis of a valuable organ, that is, replacing healthy liver tissue with fibrous tissue.

It is worth limiting not only the amount of salt used directly when seasoning a dish, but also remember about its content in processed products. Aromatic herbs will help you find the flavor on your plate: basil, marjoram, oregano, mint and turmeric.

If you want to support the work of the liver, you can also reach for a dietary supplement with active ingredients that support its functioning. The dietary supplement is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Processed meat – the liver doesn’t like that

If you care about liver health, you don’t need to be vegan and eat chickpeas for the rest of your life. All you have to do is limit the amount of red meat to 0,5 kg per week, choose lean pieces, and instead of frying and grilling, steam or bake it.

However, it is worth giving up processed meat, which is a source of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, i.e. bacon, bacon, sausages, sausages and pates, which burden the liver. You can successfully include sea fish in your diet, such as salmon, mackerel or herring, which contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Cigarettes and the liver

Each cigarette is a blow not only to our lungs, but also to the liver. Nicotine smoke contains over 7 chemical compounds – at least 250 of these substances are harmful and 70 are carcinogenic. It is estimated that in European countries every fifth case of cancer is caused by smoking.

The deadly addiction is the cause of over 80 percent. incidence of laryngeal and lung cancer, every second throat cancer, every third mouth and esophagus cancer, and every fourth liver cancer! Moreover, a growing body of research indicates that smoking, including electronic cigarettes, increases the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Take care of your liver every day, using SteroHerbs Liver – a herbal mixture containing, among others, milk thistle and psyllium plantain.

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