Eight proven ways to get rid of swelling and the feeling of heavy legs
Berlin-Chemie Menarini Publication partner

Do you feel that your legs weigh more than they really are? Are they tired, sore and swollen? Fortunately, we know ways to help you. More vegetables and fruits on the plate, “venous gymnastics”, anti-oedematous gel heparin are just some of them.

Where do the “heavy legs” come from?

Let’s start with the fact that you are no exception. The so-called The “feeling of heavy legs” accompanies many men and women of all ages. Both people working physically and those working in the office complain about the bothersome symptom – staying in a sitting position for a long time. It is estimated that the problem of “heavy legs” affects more than 50 percent. Poles!

Why is this happening? The feeling of heavy legs is the result of a malfunctioning cardiovascular system. The job of our veins is to transport deoxygenated blood from all over the body and deliver it to the heart. This is done against the forces of gravity. In the case of the lower extremities, blood has a long distance to travel, and moreover, blood flow is often difficult, especially when we spend most of our time standing or crossing our legs while sitting.

However, the very feeling of heavy legs is not everything – very often it is accompanied by other characteristic symptoms: swelling of the legs and ankles, especially in the evening, tingling sensation and muscle cramps, tension in the legs, spider veins, i.e. dilated blood vessels (telangiectasia), skin discoloration. All these ailments are evidence of chronic venous insufficiency, a disease that progresses without treatment, leading to varicose veins and thrombosis. Therefore, experts point out that the repeated feeling of heaviness and discomfort should be an alarming symptom, prompting the performance of diagnostic tests.

How to make your legs feel light?

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can help improve the blood flow in your legs, thus relieving bothersome symptoms and reducing the risk of developing complications. Where to start? From “adopting” a healthy lifestyle. A healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity are key to help us maintain a healthy body weight.

Eat more vegetables and fruits

The condition of our veins will be improved by the menu, which is dominated by vegetables and fruits. They contain flavonoids, polyphenols, folates, carotenoids, as well as vitamins E, C and rutin – substances of plant origin that inhibit atherosclerotic processes, seal and strengthen blood vessels, prevent capillary rupture and have anti-thrombotic properties. Vegetables and fruits also contain potassium, an element that regulates the body’s water balance and thus prevents swelling.

Limit salt

In our daily diet, the amount of salt that causes water retention in the body should be limited – according to WHO recommendations, its daily consumption should not exceed 5 g. This is as much as one level teaspoon. It is worth remembering, however, that salt can be found not only in the salt shaker, but also in processed foods: breakfast cereals, salty snacks (crisps, salty sticks), fast food or instant products. We should give up highly processed food containing sugar, saturated fatty acids, hydrogenated trans fats and salt for one more reason – it increases the risk of overweight and obesity, which are risk factors for the development of venous insufficiency.

The power of H20

Also, sweet carbonated drinks or sweetened juices do not serve our figure. The best and cheapest way to stay hydrated is to drink water regularly, preferably in small sips, throughout the day. We can also successfully reach for green tea and herbal infusions.

Give up stimulants

When it comes to stimulants, people struggling with the feeling of heavy legs should categorically quit smoking, which damages blood vessels, and limit the amount of alcohol consumed. Alcohol dehydrates the body and promotes edema.

Start moving

Movement is undoubtedly an ally in the fight to “feel light”. Regular exercise to improve blood circulation in the veins of the lower extremities can also counteract the formation and development of superficial venous insufficiency. People struggling with the feeling of heavy legs are recommended walking, cycling, running, Nordic walking, swimming, as well as stretching and pilates.

Venous gymnastics

What can help us to stay flexible and keep our veins in good condition is “venous gymnastics”, which we can do at home and in the office. Although it sounds enigmatic, these are really simple exercises: toe and heel climbing, foot circulation, alternating leg extension in the knees, or alternating bent knee lifting. To relieve discomfort, swelling, pain or a feeling of tension, venous gymnastics should be performed regularly, preferably every day for 10-15 minutes.

Heparin decongestant

In the case of a feeling of heaviness and swelling of the legs, it is worthwhile to use heparin medications, such as Lioton 1000 gel, intended for use on the skin. Heparin is a chemical that prevents blood from clotting in blood vessels. It has anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and anti-swelling properties.

As an active ingredient in Lioton 1000 gel, it works in several ways. By acting on inflammatory mediators, it can alleviate symptoms associated with superficial vein diseases, such as heaviness and swelling in the legs. In addition, heparin reduces the exudate from inflamed vessels, which prevents the formation of edema. It also inhibits the clotting processes and helps to improve microcirculation.

The advantage of Lioton 1000 is its gel formula ensuring effective penetration of heparin through the skin. In addition, the non-staining gel provides a pleasant cooling sensation immediately after application. The drug should be used according to the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product.

Compression stockings

People struggling with the feeling of heavy legs and swelling should also remember what to avoid … First of all, it is worth giving up high-heeled shoes, and instead choose comfortable shoes with a flat sole. Also, tight tights and socks are not advisable. Relief, however, can be obtained from compression stockings available in pharmacies, which will help our muscles and veins pump blood back to the heart. On a daily basis, we should also avoid spending a long time sitting and crossing our legs.

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