Eight diseases that can infect your dog or cat

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Quite a lot is said about the diseases humans can catch from animals. Few of the owners, however, know that the reverse is also possible when the owner infects his pet with the disease.

While knowledge about animal diseases that can be dangerous to humans (the so-called zoonoses), is already quite common, we rarely consider the reverse. There are no statistical studies on this subject in Poland, but English-language academic literature comes to the rescue. Over the past three decades, more than 50 scientific papers documenting the transmission of diseases from humans to animals (the so-called reverse zoonosis). We examined domestic, farm and wild animals and it turned out that the diseases we gave them were caused by: bacteria (38%), viruses (29%), parasites (21%) and fungi (12%).

Flu, diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Both humans and animals can catch colds, and the viruses that cause a runny nose need not be different for each species. The dog or cat is likely to be infected. Unfortunately, the same can be said for the flu. Until recently, we were convinced that it does not spread from person to animal, but viruses constantly mutate, changing entire DNA sequences. This means that some can infect humans and their cats and dogs. And while the risk is low at the moment, we don’t know what the future holds.

The first documented case of a pet owner contracting the flu was in Oregon (USA) in 2009 and was described by scientists at the state university there. The woman living with the cat developed a serious infection and was hospitalized. During her stay in the ward, pneumonia caused by the same H1N1 flu virus was diagnosed in her pet. The cat did not leave the house, he had no contacts with other people or any animals.

In 2011-2012, further cases of transmission of H1N1 infection from humans to their pets (13 cats and a dog) were identified in the United States. A series of serological studies have also been performed to confirm exposure to and response to human influenza viruses in domestic animals. The symptoms of the disease have always been similar to those seen in humans – respiratory failure and lack of appetite. In addition to the H1N1 swine flu virus for dogs, and mainly cats, the H5N1 bird flu virus is dangerous, causing severe, often fatal infections.

– One time a dog with laryngitis came to me – says Anna Sternak, a veterinarian from Gliwice. – During the interview, I found out that he has very close contact with his master and sleeps with him in the same bed with his mouth next to his face, and you just finished suffering from laryngitis. When I compared the symptoms, it turned out to be the same. In an interview, I always ask if there is any contagious disease at home. If so, it often turns out that the animal got infected from a human.

– Several dozen times after my dog ​​was diagnosed with angina, I asked if anyone at home had or had acute tonsillitis – claims Adam Szymaniak, a veterinarian from Łódź – and I got confirmation. Usually, the sick pet is most closely related to this person, e.g. he sleeps in the same bed with him.

Mumps or parotitis

Mumps is an infectious viral disease caused by an RNA virus in the paramyxovirus family. It most often affects children, and its symptoms are fever and headaches, usually accompanied by the characteristic painful swelling of the parotid salivary glands. Since 2004, vaccination against mumps (MMR) has been obligatory in Poland, but because the disease affects people of all ages, we still register about 1500-2000 cases annually. Vets say that although this is rare, dogs can catch the mumps virus. Symptoms are similar to humans: fever, lack of appetite and swelling of the salivary glands below the ears. While there aren’t any specific cures for mumps in dogs, your vet may order symptomatic treatment to ensure they recover as comfortably as possible. Most recover within five to ten days.

Skin mycosis

Ringworm is a skin infection that affects both humans and animals and is caused by fungi. The primary symptom in humans is an itchy, circular rash. In dogs and cats, rough, round lesions appear on the skin that may or may not itch. Hair starts to fall out in these places as well. Sometimes we also encounter mycosis, which does not show any visible signs.

The mycosis is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person (human or animal), as well as through contaminated items, most often personal hygiene, such as brushes, towels, etc. It is treated topically with antifungal ointments (after previously shaving the infected areas) and, if necessary, systemic antifungal suspension or oral medications. It is also recommended to use special shampoos that minimize the spread of spores to avoid further infection.

– In addition to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the most common reverse zoonosis are dermatological diseases – says Dr. Anna Sternak – among them the most popular is mycosis, which easily spreads in both directions. It is the most common two-way infectious disease in humans and animals.

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MRSA, which is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

MRSA is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which have developed resistance to several types of popular antibiotics (including, for example, penicillins). They are particularly common in healthcare facilities and are the most common cause of nosocomial infections, to which immunocompromised patients are particularly susceptible. Staphylococcal infection usually causes skin infections, but pneumonia, surgical site infections, and sepsis (bloodstream infection – sepsis) are also possible. MRSA can be transmitted by humans and pets in both directions. Fortunately, pet owners working in healthcare facilities have very little chance of transmitting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus to their pets. They can only be dangerous if they become actively infected.

Treatment for MRSA is by taking a strain for culture and testing to what antibiotics it responds to. The patient usually takes the chosen medication for 6 to 8 weeks, and after it is finished, the staphylococcus is regrown to make sure it has cleared. An infected animal can be identified by swabbing a non-healing wound, and treatment is similar to that of humans.


Salmonella is usually associated with food poisoning, but it can be transmitted to animals through contact with infected people and vice versa. In both humans and their pets, salmonella causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and painful abdominal cramps. We may be comforted by the fact that dogs and cats are more resistant to it than humans.

Giardia lamblia, or giardiasis, giardiasis

It is a parasitic disease of the small intestine caused by protozoa. It occurs all over the world, more often in subtropical and tropical countries with a low standard of living (10-20% of the infected population) than in highly industrialized countries (1-5% infected). In humans, although common, it is usually asymptomatic, as in most adult tetrapods (in the examined focus of giardiasis caused by contaminated water, two-thirds of those infected had an asymptomatic form). Young animals are most often exposed to the development of the disease. Dogs, cats and even exotic animals can become infected with protozoa.

It spreads through contact with the faeces of sick people (it takes six months or more to pass the lamblia in the faeces) or through the cyst-contaminated drinking water from puddles, wells, lakes, streams and pools. The disease can be transmitted from person to animal, although it is most commonly transmitted between animals, such as in a pet store or in a crowded farm. The incubation period is 9-15 days. Symptoms include chronic foul-smelling diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, weight loss, loss of appetite, fever. Their intensity depends on the intensity of the invasion and the individual sensitivity of the organism. The vet confirms the diagnosis by analyzing the stools.

  1. Also read: Seven diseases we can catch from dogs


It is a chronic infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Human tuberculosis rarely infects animals. In cattle, Mycobacterium bovis is the cause of tuberculosis, and most warm-blooded mammals, including domestic animals, farm animals, and humans, can become infected with tuberculosis. Symptoms in animals include coughing and weight loss, as well as lumps, abscesses, or bite wounds that refuse to heal. Dogs and cats can become infected in a number of ways: by mouth (drinking unpasteurized contaminated cow’s milk, eating meat from infected animals) or by inhalation (close contact with infected animals or humans). Animals can also become infected by a wound infected with bacteria in the environment.

Human infection of an animal is theoretically possible, but difficult to prove. Nevertheless, when an animal is identified as positive it may be a sign of household tuberculosis. As a result, pet owners are screened for hidden infection.

Civilization diseases

It is a question of human practice that can serve pets badly. For example, smoking, especially passive smoking, is harmful to all household members. It turns out that side-stream smoke contains 5 to 15 times more carbon dioxide and 2 to 20 times more nicotine. When inhaled, it has been proven to cause many serious diseases such as respiratory diseases and cancer. So we have another reason to quit smoking, or at least not to smoke, in the rooms where our pets are staying.

Another condition of modern man that is easy to pass on to a dog or cat is obesity. A study on overfeeding dogs was conducted in Denmark. Although the selected group was not large (250 individuals), interesting relationships were shown. 20 percent the animals were obese or overweight, and were predominantly overweight. People who did not control their weight had obese dogs twice as often as people with normal body weight.

  1. Also read: Seven diseases that we can catch from cats

How to protect our pets?

The fact that the owners are not aware that they can infect their pet is mentioned by Dr. Anna Sternak. – Usually, the owners of animals do not inform us that they have just suffered an infectious disease – says Dr. Szymaniak – They are reluctant to admit to mycosis. Some people completely do not connect the facts that if they are sick and have, for example, a cough and fever, and then their dogs or cats have identical symptoms, it means that they could have become infected with them. Most often, animals are blamed for transmitting infectious diseases, not humans. So let’s not avoid compulsory vaccinations, and also use flu vaccines every year. And the most important – let’s follow the rules of hygiene. Even if the probability of transmitting the disease to our dog or cat is low, let’s not forget about simple precautions, such as:

  1. washing hands before and after stroking, feeding and the toilet,
  2. avoiding licking your face
  3. preventing drinking water from the toilet,
  4. sneezing into a handkerchief, not on a pet,
  5. avoiding sleeping in one bed.

Keeping pets safe from disease is no different than taking care of yourself and your family. We should not rely solely on the Internet, in the event of illness, let’s discuss with your family doctor and vet the potential possibility of transmitting it to a dog or cat. The risk is always greater in animals with a weakened immune system, suffering from an immune disorder due to infections, chemotherapy, steroid use, diabetes, etc.

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