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Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by ticks found in the United States. It is caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia transmitted by the black-legged tick and has an incubation period of 5–11 days. Symptoms include headaches and muscle aches, high temperature and a feeling of being unwell.

What is Ehrlichiosis?

Ehrlichiosis is a bacterial disease belonging to tick-borne diseases caused by ticks. A bite by a sick tick causes the bacteria to be transferred to the human blood, and through it to various organs. It can therefore involve multiple organs. The disease was first diagnosed in humans in 1986, while in Europe itself it was diagnosed in 1991 in Portugal. Erlichiosis is caused by bacteria Ehrlichia transmitted by the black-legged tick. Currently, the disease is present in the central-eastern and south-eastern regions, mainly in the United States. It rarely occurs in Poland, usually in summer and in rural areas. Symptoms of Ehrlichiosis are flu-like, there are muscle pains, high temperature and skin erythema. They are non-specific, so if you don’t associate them with a tick bite, your doctor has trouble making a diagnosis. The disease can sometimes lead to the death of the patient.

The causes of ehrlichiosis

As mentioned above, Ehrlichiosis is caused by bacteria from the Ehrlichia group. Additionally, we distinguish two types of this ailment, namely:

  1. human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) – a disease caused byEhrlichia chaffeensis,
  2. human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE)the disease is caused by Anaplasmaphagocytophilum.

The bacteria that cause Ehrlichiosis are transmitted in the United States by ticks of the family Ambyomma americanum, on the masses in Europe Ixodes ricinus. Deer game is a reservoir of infection. A person becomes infected with the disease when bitten by a tick. Then they get into the blood and along with it are transported further to organs, incl. heart, meninges, kidneys and lungs.

Erlichiosis – symptoms

Ehrlichiosis may be asymptomatic or may be very scanty. The mortality rate of the disease is very high in immunocompromised, elderly or debilitated people.

The symptoms of the disease depend on the form of the disease and they are mainly:

  1. high fever,
  2. headaches and muscle aches,
  3. enlargement of the lymph nodes,
  4. nausea and vomiting
  5. sometimes a skin rash,
  6. lack of appetite
  7. bad mood,
  8. pharyngitis,
  9. cough,
  10. stomach pain,
  11. chills.

Ehrlichiosis infection may have various severity of symptoms – from a very mild course to death. In a small percentage of cases in patients with Ehrlichiosis, significant drops in blood pressure, respiratory disorders, renal failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, meningitis and encephalitis, severe infections with opportunistic bacteria were observed. In extreme cases, ehrlichiosis can lead to death, although it happens very rarely (about 1% of patients).

Erlichiosis – diagnosis and treatment

The basis of diagnostics is a carefully conducted medical interview with the patient. It is important to determine whether the patient has recently come into contact with a tick, especially since the disease gives little specific symptoms. For confirmation of Ehrlichiosis, it is necessary to perform laboratory blood tests (presence of antibodies, PCR method). The disease is accompanied by changes in blood counts and changes in blood biochemical parameters. However, they are not very characteristic, so they are not sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. Bacteria are visible in a blood smear, previously stained and viewed under a microscope.

The treatment consists in introducing antibiotics (usually tetracyclines) in the patient.

How to protect yourself from Ehrlichiosis?

First of all, avoid contact with ticks. However, if this is impossible and you are going to the forest or other places where ticks occur, remember to apply a special insect repellent and wear clothing with long sleeves and legs. After returning home, it is worth undressing and examining your body carefully. If you find the presence of a tick – get rid of it as soon as possible.

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