Eggplant variety Andryusha: description, photo, reviews

Eggplant Andryusha F1 is an early-ripening hybrid from the Partner agricultural company, which specializes in breeding new types of vegetables and flowers. According to many gardeners, he is one of the best and shows high productivity even in unfavorable seasons for crops. Eggplant Andryusha is also valued for its high palatability, since its pulp contains a minimum number of seeds and is never bitter. But in order for the hybrid to show a high stable yield, it is necessary to properly plant and follow the recommendations for caring for plants in the future.

Eggplant variety Andryusha: description, photo, reviews

Eggplant Andryusha is suitable for open ground and greenhouses

Description and characteristics of eggplant Andryusha F1

The hybrid differs in appearance of bushes, fruits and characteristics. In order to grow it successfully and regularly harvest, it is necessary to study these features in advance. Also, this information will allow you to find out how productive Andryusha eggplant is in comparison with other types of culture.


The hybrid is characterized by semi-spreading bushes, which are recommended to form in three stems, which guarantees high yields and excellent fruit quality. Plant height reaches 90-100 cm. Stems and petioles have anthocyanin tint.

The plates of the variety are large, shaped like oak leaves, up to 25-30 cm long. They are dark green in color, smooth on top, and pubescent on the reverse side. Large flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. The buds have a light purple hue when opened.

The fruits of the Andryusha eggplant, when ripe, are dark purple in color with a smooth, shiny surface. They grow up to 30 cm long and about 7-10 cm in diameter. The average weight of eggplants in hybrids ranges from 200-300 g. Their shape is leveled, ellipsoid, slightly expanded from above. The skin is thin, evenly colored. The pulp is white with a small amount of seeds. It has an elastic texture.

Eggplant variety Andryusha: description, photo, reviews

The hybrid is characterized by an accelerated growth rate

Taste and purpose

Andryusha eggplant fruits have a pleasant sweetish taste and retain it in any period of ripening. The variety is suitable for cooking caviar, salads, stewing, marinating, baking. During the heat treatment, the pulp retains its consistency.

Important! The fruits of the hybrid do not require pre-soaking in salted water, as they do not contain bitterness.

Terms of maturation

Eggplant Andryusha is a medium-early type of culture. The duration of its growing season is 100-110 days. The first fruits on the bushes appear in early July, subject to the seedling method of growing a hybrid.

Eggplant yield Andryusha

Eggplant Andryusha is characterized by high productivity, which is due to a long period of fruiting for 3,5-4 months. Subject to the rules of care, the volume of harvested fruits from 1 sq. m reaches 7-10 kg.

Important! The yield of a hybrid when grown in open ground can be higher than in a greenhouse.

Growing regions

Eggplant Andryusha is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country. In the southern and central regions, planting in open ground is recommended, and in the northern regions – in greenhouses. The hybrid tolerates temperature changes well without loss of productivity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Eggplant Andryusha has many advantages, which is confirmed by the reviews of gardeners. But it also has certain disadvantages that must be taken into account.

Eggplant variety Andryusha: description, photo, reviews

The hybrid has a high life potential

Main advantages:

  • good yield;
  • stable fruiting for four months;
  • early ripening;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • immunity to viral diseases;
  • large-fruited;
  • lack of bitterness;
  • low seed;
  • accelerated growth rate.


  • susceptible to drought;
  • needs good lighting;
  • requires regular feeding.

Growing seedlings

It is recommended to grow eggplant Andryusha in seedlings. Seedlings by the time of planting in a permanent place should be 65-70 days old. Therefore, sowing seeds at home is recommended at the end of February, at the beginning of March.

For planting, it is necessary to prepare wide containers up to 10 cm high with drainage holes. They need to be filled with a nutrient soil mixture consisting of turf, sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1. Also, in addition to the substrate, it is recommended to add perlite at the rate of 0,5 l per 10 l of soil and mix thoroughly.

Two days before planting, the soil must be disinfected. To do this, it is necessary to pour it with Fitosporin solution, and then dry it slightly. Before planting, moisten the substrate, compact and level the surface. Andryusha eggplant seeds are recommended to be spread out at a distance of 3 cm, and then sprinkled with a layer of earth 0,5 cm thick. At the end of planting, the soil should be sprayed with a spray bottle, and then cover the container with film or glass.

The container should be moved to a dark place with a temperature of + 23-25 ​​° C. And after the appearance of friendly shoots, which occurs on the 7-10th day, it must be rearranged on a light windowsill and the maintenance regime should be reduced to + 20-22 ° C. This will restrain the excessive growth of the above-ground part and accelerate the development of the root system. Eggplant seedlings require standard care. After the seedlings get stronger, they need to be adapted to external conditions and the shelter completely removed.

At the stage of two true leaves, eggplants must be dived into separate containers to build up a powerful root system. And after 10-14 days after that, carry out top dressing with a complex mineral fertilizer intended for seedlings.

Eggplant variety Andryusha: description, photo, reviews

Andryusha eggplant seeds do not require pre-sowing preparation

Transplanting seedlings into the ground

You can plant hybrid seedlings in a greenhouse at the end of April, and open ground at the beginning, mid-May. To do this, it is necessary that constant warm weather is established at a level of + 14-16 ° С. In order for the seedlings to tolerate the transplant well and quickly adapt, they must first be hardened. To do this, you need to start preparing in a week. For the first time, take the seedlings outside to a dark place for an hour, and with each subsequent day, increase the time interval by another half hour.

Seedlings should be planted in holes with an earthen clod, without deepening them. The recommended planting scheme is four plants per 1 sq. m. After the procedure, water the seedlings abundantly.

Important! Transplantation to a permanent place is recommended in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Further Care

Eggplant Andryusha needs regular watering with a long absence of precipitation. For irrigation, it is necessary to use settled water with a temperature of + 20-22 ° C. Watering should be carried out under the root at the rate of 1-3 liters for each bush, depending on its stage of development. The frequency of moisturizing is 1-3 times a week. During hot periods, it is recommended to lay mulch at the base of the bushes to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Caring for a hybrid involves pinching the bushes, which will redirect the forces of the plant to the formation of an ovary. You also need to periodically weed the bed with a hybrid and loosen the soil after each watering.

Andryusha eggplant should be fertilized regularly throughout the growing season. The first top dressing should be carried out ten days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. For her, you can use chicken manure 1:15 or mullein 1:10. In the future, you can use yeast, wood ash, and also use 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfide per 10 liters of water. The frequency of application of fertilizers is once every two weeks.

Eggplant variety Andryusha: description, photo, reviews

Fertilize after watering or rain

The Andryusha hybrid is susceptible to late blight and various rots. Therefore, it is necessary not to ignore the preventive treatments of bushes with fungicides. They need to be carried out three times with a frequency of 10-14 days.


Eggplant Andryusha F1 is a new generation hybrid that is deservedly popular with beginners and experienced gardeners. Its distinguishing feature is the ease of cultivation and stable yields, and the yield of marketable fruits is 95%. And this means that even when growing only a few hybrid bushes, you can provide seven blanks for the whole winter.

Reviews of gardeners about the eggplant variety Andryusha

Svetlana Portnova, Moscow
I grow eggplant Andryusha in the country, where I can visit only on weekends. But even with minimal care, it gives a generous harvest. Moreover, the bushes bear fruit until the end of October, if weather conditions allow. The hybrid is characterized by rapid growth, when planted in a permanent place, seedlings easily adapt and fully develop. From each bush I get about 6-7 kg of fruits, which are great for cooking various dishes.
Oksana Semenova, Kaluga
I have been growing this hybrid for the last two seasons. It completely suits me in terms of productivity and unpretentiousness. The fruits of eggplant Andryusha have an attractive appearance, an elastic texture of pulp, in which there are very few seeds, and a sweetish taste. Therefore, they can be used fresh to add to salads, as well as grilled and other types of processing.

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