Eggplant varieties: description

Eggplant varieties: description

The modern seed market offers a huge selection for gardeners. Eggplant varieties are no exception, because almost every year new wonders of selection are born. In addition to the usual blue-purple fruits, now you can find varieties of the most bizarre shapes and colors. White, green or striped eggplants have already firmly established themselves in personal plots, you just need to be able to choose the right variety that will bring a big harvest.

Description of the best varieties of eggplant

Before deciding on the choice, you should familiarize yourself with the descriptions and main characteristics of the varieties. Probably, no one wants his expectations for the harvest to be disappointed or a striped miracle grew instead of his beloved “blue” ones.

Choose early-maturing eggplant varieties in cooler climates

  • Variety “Almaz” is intended for cultivation both in the open field and in greenhouses. Ripening time – 115-150 days. It has good resistance to drought and mechanical damage. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, grow up to 18 cm in length. The weight of the fruit is in the range of 100-180 g. Ripe eggplants are brown-brown in color.
  • The Epic variety is an early ripe hybrid. The ripening time from the moment of planting seedlings to technical maturity is 65-70 days. The mass of a ripe fruit is on average 200-220 g. The pulp is light without seeds, there is no bitterness. Productivity and disease resistance are high.
  • Variety “Violet Miracle” is one of the most popular hybrids. It can be grown both outdoors and in a greenhouse. It does not need intense lighting, therefore it is in demand among gardeners in the northern regions. The fruits are dark purple in color, the weight of one eggplant can reach 300 g. The ripening period lasts from 90 to 100 days.

This is only a small part of the eggplant varieties, but they are all worthy of growing in every vegetable garden. Remember that seeds must be purchased only in specialized stores or nurseries – this is a guarantee of the quality and reliability of the product.

How do you choose the best eggplant varieties?

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying seeds or seedlings is the zoning of the variety. The plant must be adapted to the climatic conditions of your region. For example, in the Urals, early and mid-season varieties grow best, and they must be grown in a greenhouse.

Experienced gardeners recommend choosing several varieties with different ripening periods. In this case, the crop can be harvested 2-3 times per season.

Before buying seeds, you need to decide on the method of growing eggplants. If they will be grown in greenhouse conditions, then it is advisable to purchase self-pollinated varieties. And for open ground, early maturing types of eggplant are best suited.

A good choice will allow you to enjoy tasty and healthy vegetables for a long time. The versatility of eggplants provides great opportunities for housewives to prove themselves in the field of cooking and homemade preparations.

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