Eggplant Taste of mushrooms

Rumor has it that some varieties of eggplant are distinguished by an unusual mushroom flavor that makes them spicy and dishes unusual. But not all summer residents know which varieties are classified as similar. The Sedek company has released a variety with the unusual name “Taste of Mushrooms”. We find out what gardeners say about him.


Due to the fact that it is difficult to grow eggplants in our country, not everyone undertakes it. However, breeders annually bring out new interesting varieties that are not so difficult to grow in Our Country. One of them is “The Taste of Mushrooms”. It is not only tasty, but also interesting in appearance. Consider a table with the main characteristics.

Eggplant Taste of mushrooms

Indicator name

Description for the variety



Description of fruits

Cylindrical eggplants with snow-white skin of medium size (weight up to 180 grams)


To the main diseases, ovaries can appear even at low temperatures, which makes it possible to grow it in central Our Country.


Good, white flesh without bitterness with a characteristic mushroom flavor

Maturation period

Early ripe 95-105 days from the moment of emergence of the first shoots

Peculiarities of growing

For planting in open ground, 30-35 centimeters are left between plants, and the standard distance between rows is 60 cm; no more than 6 plants are planted per square meter, which will turn out to be closed during the growing process


up to 6,4 kilograms per 1 square meter

Mushroom-flavored eggplants are distinguished by their characteristic white skin color. All varieties of this type have a spicy flavor. As soon as they first appeared on our shelves, both local breeders and summer residents noticed this.

Eggplant Taste of mushrooms

By itself, the appearance of the eggplant variety “Taste of Mushrooms” is considered unique. It will please both the summer residents themselves and their guests. The white color of eggplant is unusual, there are only a few similar varieties on our shelves. At the same time, it is important that its yield is quite high, stability allows it to be grown without problems both in the south of the country and in the northern regions.

Growing process

Mushroom-flavoured aubergines add color to any dish. Whether it’s a pickled salad for the winter or steamed vegetables, this variety can only be grown for variety.

This variety of eggplant is grown as a standard, it is not demanding on special conditions. As a rule, the growing process is divided into two stages:

  • growing seedlings;
  • planting seedlings in open ground.

In the southern regions of Our Country, you can plant seeds immediately in open ground, but rarely anyone goes this way.

Eggplant Taste of mushrooms

White eggplant with the taste of mushrooms is distinguished by the complete absence of bitterness. This is often the most important element when choosing a variety. When growing, the following conditions are observed:

  • watering with warm water;
  • soil fertility and looseness;
  • planting in open sunny areas.

The depth of sowing seeds should not exceed two centimeters. It is better to plant the seed immediately in separate cups.

Testimonials from truck drivers

The most important thing is the reviews of those who have already grown white eggplants of the “Taste of Mushrooms” variety at least once. Consider some of them and find out what real summer residents think about him.

Eggplant Taste of mushrooms

Galina, 48 years old, Lipetsk
Planted “Taste of mushrooms” in peat tablets. Seeds sprouted unevenly, which, they say, is characteristic of eggplants. However, absolutely everyone went up. It is very difficult to monitor watering in peat tablets. We will have to fight with the Colorado potato beetles, because there is no resistance to them, and they love eggplants very much. The bushes are low sprawling, the yield is good.
Alexander Stepanov, Kurchatov
An outlandish hybrid of white eggplant with mushroom flavor, which is amazing in itself. The manufacturer “Sedek” is always true to himself, never let me down. It is impossible to plant a variety in a greenhouse, it is for open ground. When growing, I did not notice that it is demanding.
Valeria Kulagina, 42 years old, Samara
The skin is very thin, taste without bitterness. Seed germination is excellent, not a single one was lost, all were planted in open ground in May. The bushes are small, the leaves are slightly whitish. I noticed that the flowers of this variety are not bluish, but also white, like future fruits. There are a lot of ovaries, so there is a lot of eggplant. The pulp itself is cream-colored, the fruits are large. We marinated and dried them, we liked them very much.


Mushroom-flavored eggplant is not enough to grow, but you need to know how to harvest them correctly. This is our video below.

Harvesting (white and blue eggplant). Growing eggplant.

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