Eggplant Patio blu F1

The limited space, as well as often the lack of financial ability to purchase a land plot, pushes many people to grow compact vegetables and herbs directly in the apartment, or rather, on a balcony or loggia. To this end, many firms have specially developed varieties of vegetables intended for indoor cultivation. One of the many novelties of domestic selection is the Patio Blue eggplant hybrid.

Eggplant Patio blu F1


Eggplant “Patio blue F1” is a compact early maturing hybrid, intended for cultivation in pot conditions. This variety feels great on the balcony or in a flower pot outside the window. The bush is small in size (about 50 cm), but rather branched. Leaves and fruits are small. For active growth, the plant is best placed on the sunny side of the apartment. It is best if it is east or southeast.

Important! The plant should not be placed on the south side, because due to the abundant and prolonged exposure to sunlight, sunburn may occur, which will negatively affect the further development of the bush and future fruits.

Small eggplants of the Patio Blue variety densely strew the entire plant from the base to the crown. The indoor hybrid is harvested during the period of technical maturity, as well as in conventional varieties.

The pulp of the hybrid is tender, without traces of bitterness.

In cooking, the variety is widely used for preparing various dishes: from salads, side dishes and soups, to exquisite masterpieces of culinary art.

Peculiarities of growing

Despite the fact that the variety is indoor, the conditions for its cultivation practically do not differ from the care and procedures that gardeners carry out on their site. The difference is only in the scale of the land allotment and the size of the plant and fruits.

Care for indoor eggplant begins with the period of sowing seeds. You can plant the seeds at any time, but it is better to do this in early spring so that the bushes can get the maximum amount of sunlight during the ripening period.

Eggplant Patio blu F1

Further care consists in regular watering, irrigation, weed removal, pruning of side shoots and leaves.

Eggplant Patio blu F1

Eggplant Patio blu F1

Advantages of the variety

Eggplant, intended for growing in an apartment, has a number of positive features and properties, which makes it very popular, especially today. The most striking advantages of the Patio Blue variety include:

  • unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation;
  • bush compactness and good yield;
  • disease resistance;
  • versatility and great taste.

These are not all the advantages of a hybrid variety, but they help to fulfill the dream of many people, even with limited financial resources. Thanks to the breeding of indoor varieties, everyone can fully enjoy healthy vegetables by growing them on their windowsill or balcony.


Praskovya Sergeevna, 81 years old, Murmansk
I live in the northern region of Our Country, so growing eggplant on the window is a unique opportunity for me to get vegetables rich in vitamins, which is important at my age. I love taking care of indoor plants. First, flowers settled in my apartment, then I began to grow onions and dill, and this year I decided to try growing eggplants. I was very pleased with the appearance of the hybrid variety “Patio Blue”. I planted the seeds at the end of February. At the end of June, the bushes pleased me with the first harvest. The taste of mini-vegetables is in no way inferior to the classic varieties, even tastier. I made a salad out of small eggplants. At the family council, they decided that he would decorate our New Year’s table. My dream came true thanks to the advent of indoor hybrids.
Irina Pavlovna, 32 years old, city ​​of Sevastopol
I am fond of floriculture. I have new plants in my apartment all the time. So this year I decided to please myself with a new pet. I went to my favorite store, looked after the anthurium and unexpectedly saw bags of vegetable seeds in pots. At first I thought it was a photomontage and another trick of the manufacturer. I asked the seller to tell me more about outlandish seeds. It turned out that these varieties were bred specifically for growing in apartment conditions. I decided to try. I bought the Patio Blue eggplant. The seeds were sown in pots. They went up quite quickly and amicably. A month later, lush bushes, densely strewn with flowers, flaunted on my window. Soon, small fruits appeared in their place. When they were ripe, I decided to fry them. The dish turned out amazing. My husband did not even believe that these were eggplants grown by me on the windowsill. This is how my passion for flowers has benefited and opened up new possibilities for me.
Elvira Gennadievna, 45 years old, Sochi
Growing flowers and indoor vegetables is my old passion. This year I decided to plant an eggplant. I bought a hybrid early variety “Patio blue”. The seeds were sown in March. Pots with seedlings placed on the sunny side of the apartment. Every day I turned the plants over to the sun. In May, she brought the bushes to the terrace in front of the house. There were a lot of fruits on one plant. They are small but very tasty. The pulp is tender, completely without the bitter taste characteristic of eggplant. There are only positive emotions from growing indoor eggplant.

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