Eggplant Murzik

Eggplant variety “Murzik” has long been known to our gardeners. However, there are always those who come across this name for the first time, and I really want to try it, because the packaging says that the fruits are large and the variety is high-yielding. Let’s see if that’s the case.

Eggplant Murzik

Description of the variety “Murzik”

Below is a table with the main characteristics. This will allow anyone who decides to land him on his site to understand in advance whether he is suitable for one or another indicator.

Indicator name




Maturation period

Early ripe, 95-115 days from the moment of emergence of the first shoots to technical maturity

Description of fruits

Medium, dark purple with glossy thin skin, not elongated; weight up to 330 grams

Landing scheme

60×40, picking is carried out and side shoots are removed to the first fork


Excellent, taste without bitterness

Disease resistance

For weather stress


High, 4,4-5,2 per square meter

The variety is excellent even for central Our Country due to the fact that temperature changes are not terrible for him, and early ripening allows you to harvest before the onset of cold weather. It can be grown both outdoors and in greenhouses. Care is the same as for other eggplant varieties and hybrids.

Important! The plant “Murzik” is sprawling, so planting too often is not worth it, this will lead to a decrease in yield.

Eggplant Murzik

Since picking is a very delicate issue, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video below:

How to dive eggplant. Picking eggplant seedlings.

Consider a few reviews of gardeners.

Eggplant Murzik


There are enough reviews on the net about this eggplant. We present to your attention some of them.

Znakovskaya M.V., 45 years old d. Angars
Seed germination is really excellent, I bought those with the trade name “Aelita”. The yield is good, by the end of July you need to leave 6 ovaries of the largest, and remove the rest.
Mikhail Sokolov, 51 Moscow
Eggplant “Murzik” I grow two years in a row, it is convenient to prepare, the fruits are delicious. I plant about five bushes per square, constantly making sure that the soil is loose. A slight drop in temperature does not affect the plants in any way. Good variety!
Zinaida Pavlova, Krasnodar city
Grows well and gives a good harvest! We deal only with tomatoes and eggplants, they are almost the same in terms of care. We plant in open ground in May. Early ripe with weighty eggplants. The biggest plus is that the eggplant “Murzik” gives a lot of ovaries, some of them even need to be removed, otherwise the fruits will shrink.


One of the eggplant varieties resistant to our weather conditions, which is recommended for cultivation. See for yourself!

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