Eggplant King of the F1 Market

There is a sufficient number of modern varieties and hybrids of eggplant, which are in great demand among summer residents. Let’s talk about one of them today. This is a hybrid with the interesting name “King of the Market”. Seeds can be purchased from various manufacturers, so we will not talk about specific agricultural companies specializing in the hybrid. We are interested in the characteristics of the variety, the features of its cultivation and the reviews of those gardeners who have already grown the “King of the Market”.


A description of any variety is contained on the packaging of seeds, which the summer resident acquires in the winter. Since the eggplant ripens for a long time, sometimes this period reaches four months or more, it is already too late to pick up seeds in March. At this time, they are planted in the ground and waiting for seedlings. However, we will talk about growing this hybrid a little later. Let’s start with a description of the eggplant variety “King of the Market”.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

We have collected all the information in a table, according to which it will be easy for any gardener to get acquainted with the technical characteristics of the presented hybrid.

Indicator name




Description of eggplant fruits

Long (22 centimeters), elongated cylindrical shape and small diameter (about 6 centimeters); dark purple color, thin skin


Excellent, firm white pulp without bitterness

Maturation period

To technical ripeness 100-110 days, early ripe

Commodity qualities

Excellent, fruits are aligned, long shelf life

Sowing scheme

Standard, 60×40


high yielding hybrid

Attention! The characteristic of the variety also recommends planting plants in greenhouses, but the King of the Market eggplant is also suitable for growing in open ground.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

The hybrid “King of the Market” has a number of characteristics, according to which summer residents and individual entrepreneurs who own greenhouses prefer this particular eggplant:

  • stable rich harvest;
  • standard growing conditions;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • excellent taste qualities of fruits;
  • the possibility of long-term storage of the crop.

Let’s talk about growing this hybrid.

Peculiarities of growing

For every gardener, winter is not the time to rest and cool off. This is the very moment when you need to choose the seeds of vegetables, herbs, berries and everything else that is planned to be planted in the garden. The whole process of growing eggplant is divided into two stages:

  1. Rassadny.
  2. Transplanting into the ground and caring for adult plants.

Both stages are difficult in their own way. Of course, all varieties are grown according to approximately the same principle, but each hybrid has a number of features. This also applies to the eggplant “King of the Market”.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

Important! Eggplant is a thermophilic culture, which is why its seedlings are grown in home greenhouse conditions.

Stage one: growing seedlings

The hybrid “King of the Market” is no different from other varieties in this regard. Already in February-March (depending on the region), the seeds are planted for seedlings. It is best to do this in separate cups, so that it is more convenient to transplant into the ground.

Someone uses peat tablets for this, someone uses plastic cups. It does not matter, the main thing is to choose the method that is convenient for you. One of the seed manufacturers “King of the Market” advises using the following mixture for seedlings:

  • one part of humus;
  • two parts of sod land;
  • some peat.
Advice! Peat gives the mixture the friability that eggplants love so much, so it must be used.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

The seedling method requires attention and a lot of time from the gardener. Seedlings of the hybrid “King of the Market” are grown under standard conditions:

  • if there is not enough light, backlight is needed;
  • watering is carried out with warm water;
  • during the day the room should be warm, and at night a little cooler.

If you plant seeds at the very end of February, in early June they can be transplanted into the ground. For the “King of the Market” variety, a pick is needed. The fact is that eggplants do not like this process, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the presented video first.

How to dive eggplant. Picking eggplant seedlings.

Stage two: transplanting into the ground and care

Experienced summer residents who have been growing this crop for more than a year know that you need to prepare the soil on your site in advance. The hybrid “King of the Market” is demanding on warmth and soil fertility no less than other varieties. The first events are held in the fall.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

The landing pattern is defined as 60×40. This is standard for eggplant. At the same time, 60 centimeters are maintained between the rows, and 40 between the plants themselves. As a result, it turns out that from 4 to 6 plants are planted per square meter, no more. If you plant more, then this will affect the yield, since the ovaries will not have enough sun and space.

The colder the climate, the higher the beds should be. This applies to unheated greenhouses. In addition, it is required to apply organic fertilizer deep into the soil, so that in the process of its decomposition additional heat is created for the root system of the eggplant. The roots of the “King of the Market” hybrid are very fragile; when transplanting, you do not need to press them hard. Eggplant loves loose, light, fertile soils. Additional care for this hybrid is as follows:

  • regular removal of stepchildren;
  • apply mineral fertilizers three times a season (a week before transplantation, during flowering and during fruit ripening);
  • protect plants from strong winds and drafts in the greenhouse;
  • watering to carry out warm water under the root.

Eggplant “King of the Market” is very demanding on heat. The warmer the microclimate in the greenhouse is, the more eggplants will be on your table by autumn.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

Manufacturers recommend even in the southern regions to plant this hybrid in closed ground. Not to be confused with film shelters, where the microclimate is completely different.

The harvest is a special time. The fact is that ripe eggplants are unsuitable for food, they are harvested in technical ripeness, when the fruits outwardly correspond to the description of the species. You need to focus on the period indicated on the package. For the “King of the Market” it is 100-110 days. Additionally evaluated:

  • fruit color;
  • eggplant size;
  • taste qualities.

A beginner can easily cope with this, do not be afraid. Cut the eggplant with a sharp knife. Since the fruits of the “King of the Market” are quite long, when ripe, they can touch the ground and even rot at the same time. To prevent this from happening, the beds are lined with special material or straw.

Feedback from buyers and summer residents

Reviews of those gardeners who have been growing the presented hybrid for more than a year are an independent assessment. Often they contain detailed and interesting, as well as useful tips.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

Eggplant “King of the Market” was highly appreciated by summer residents and owners of large greenhouse farms, this variety is in great demand.

Evgeny Rednikov, 45 years old, Moscow
I have been growing this eggplant variety for four years in a row. Completely satisfied, very unpretentious. There are not so many seeds in the King of the Market pack, so I buy not one, but three or four packs at once. Germination is always 100%, I plant at the end of February in plastic cups, and then dive. By the beginning of May, seedlings will reach a height of about 20 centimeters. In fact, I tried to grow this variety both in a greenhouse, and in open ground, and under arcs – it is equally comfortable everywhere. This is a plus. It is not afraid of cold weather, it bears fruit for a long time. In July, I remove the lower leaves, I do not tie up the plant itself. From the very beginning, hybrid eggplants grow purple and it is sometimes difficult to figure out if it is possible to harvest or not. I check by touch: hard ones are not ripe, but too soft ones are already overripe. When squeezed, the pulp is slightly crushed. As for diseases, I did not notice any special ones. Once this hybrid was attacked by a spider mite. Otherwise, everything was fine, I will continue to grow it constantly.
Natalya Petrovna, Voronezh
Every year I plant eggplants on the site, among them for the third year there has been a hybrid “King of the Market”. There are only 2 grams of seeds in one pack, I think that they are not enough. I need two packs. It ripens very early, I start harvesting already 105 days after sowing. Until May, they grow on the window, and then we move to the dacha for the whole summer, where we grow our crops with my husband. Before planting, I leave eggplant seedlings for a week on the veranda, where it is cooler than on the windowsill. This is a hardening element. Seedlings get used, and it can be planted in the ground. The fruits of this hybrid are large, so they are easy to cut. And they are very tasty. You can leave the crop for a short time in a cool place, it will not turn yellow and will not deteriorate. The microclimate for eggplant seedlings is as follows: during the day + 22-23 degrees, and at night + 15-16, then it turns out to be strong and resistant.

Eggplant King of the F1 Market

Eggplant hybrid “King of the Market” is considered one of the most popular. If you have never tried it, be sure to check it out, because it’s worth it.

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