Eggplant: health benefits and harms
Well, what does not like eggplant caviar? Eggplant is one of the most popular vegetables in our diet. We talk about their benefits, harm and how vegetables can be dangerous

Without this strong fleshy “well done” of dark purple color, vegetable stew is not stew. You don’t add eggplant to it – the taste is not the same, and the consistency is not the same. On the other hand, why not add?

Eggplant is one of the most summer vegetables: its appearance on the markets and store shelves is like a signal for the start of the season of the most delicious and lightest vegetable dishes: sauté, saltwort, ratatouille, caviar. And if you find fault with words, then berry and vegetable dishes. Indeed, from the point of view of botany, eggplant is, strictly speaking, not a vegetable at all, but a real berry of the nightshade family.

In the people, these unusual berries are sometimes called “blue”, and their scientific name is dark-fruited nightshade, which, by the way, began to be grown in ancient India. Today, eggplant is one of the most popular plants, folk even, one might say. The “blue ones” have tightly entered the diet of s – they are loved fried, baked, salted, in the form of stuffed rolls, in soups.

Let’s see what are the health benefits of eggplant. And what is the harm.

The history of the appearance of eggplant in nutrition

It is believed that eggplant appeared on the menu of the Indians 3000 years ago and for many, many years remained exclusively their culinary heritage. But gradually, thanks to the development of trade, vegetables were tasted in China, North Africa, Japan, Algeria and Egypt. Around the XNUMXth century, eggplants began to be grown in these countries. By this time, Europe had also already learned about them, but they didn’t eat. Europeans kept this plant as an ornamental and planted it in gardens, enjoying the sight of bright fruits. The inhabitants of the Old World learned that eggplants are edible from the Indians: after America was discovered, the Europeans not only tasted these dark purple fruits, but also, following the natives, began to cultivate them as a vegetable crop.

Eggplant reached Our Country only in the XNUMXth century. Historians say that Turkish merchants brought them to our country. At first, this plant chose the southern territories of Our Country – after all, eggplant loves the sun and dry air very much. But over time, the culture spread further. True, not fast. In central Our Country, it began to be massively grown quite recently – only in the middle of the last century.

Composition and calorie content

Eggplants are rich in B vitamins. They contain a lot of beta-carotene, vitamins A, E, K and C. These vegetables are a real storehouse of potassium, useful for the heart, as well as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. They contain sodium, iron, a little zinc. But most of all in these bright vegetables of silicon. In 100 grams of pulp – 97% of the daily requirement! And in the vitamin-mineral top 5 – molybdenum, copper, manganese and cobalt.

Calorie content, like most other vegetables, eggplant is low – 24 kcal per 100 grams. This is 1,57% of the daily value.

Caloric value on 100 g24 kcal
Proteins1,2 g
Fats0,1 g
Carbohydrates4,5 g

At the same time, eggplant contains anthocyanins, substances that have a powerful antioxidant effect. Their concentration is indicated by the color of vegetables, because anthocyanins are natural dyes that give the skin of fruits a rich red, blue or purple color. (one)

The benefits of eggplant

Even Avicenna, whose opinion on the properties of this bitter fruit, by the way, was controversial, believed that eggplant “strengthens the stomach, helps with pain and removes fetid sweat.” Modern scientists have discovered not only its antioxidant properties, which provide a large amount of anthocyanins, but also anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective. (2) In other words, eggplant can be called a natural antibiotic and “liver cleansing balm.”

“Due to the low calorie content, eggplants are recommended for dietary nutrition,” adds gastroenterologist of the International Medical Center “ON CLINIC”, doctor of medical sciences, professor Vitaly Rumyantsev. – They are especially useful for atherosclerosis, since the pulp contains a coarse fiber, which, with regular use, removes cholesterol and toxins from the body. Due to the high content of potassium, eggplant is useful for cardiovascular diseases. They are also recommended for gout and arthritis.

Delphinidin rutinoside (a type of pigment and antioxidant) contained in eggplant has been scientifically proven to stop the development of osteoporosis. The fruit is also useful for the vessels of the brain, removes uric acid salts from the body – the latter property makes these vegetables useful for the treatment of gout. In addition, the eggplant diet, doctors found out, is better than others for people with diabetes. (2) However, in no case should they overuse blue fruits: diabetics can eat eggplant no more than twice a week, boiled or stewed.

In addition, it has been proven that eggplant fruits have an antitumor effect on the body. (2)

The benefits of eggplant for men

Vegetables strengthen the nervous system: this property can be very useful for the stronger sex. After all, often men tend to keep experiences in themselves, without splashing them out.

“Due to their vascular-strengthening properties, eggplant can become a kind of aid in the fight against smoking,” says Professor Vitaly Rumyantsev. – Due to the high content of vitamin PP, the eggplant diet will help to endure nicotine starvation more easily.

In addition, in ancient times, these vegetables were considered a mild aphrodisiac. The vitamins and minerals contained in fruits are also useful for potency.

The benefits of eggplant for women

Eggplant is allowed to be eaten by lactating women. True, with one caveat: not earlier than four months after the birth of the child. Doctors advise introducing vegetables into the diet gradually. After eating a little stewed, baked or boiled eggplant, you need to see how the baby reacts to them within two to three days. If no disorders follow, you can continue to feast on vegetables further, gradually increasing the serving size. The maximum dose for a nursing woman is 100 grams per day, while per week – no more than 300 grams.

The benefits of eggplant for children

Eggplants can be introduced into the children’s menu from 8-10 months. At first – in the form of mashed potatoes and as part of a vegetable soup, and by the age of one and a half years – in pieces. Thanks to the set of vitamins and minerals contained under the bright skin, vegetables cope well with childhood anemia and strengthen bones. They are also useful to include in the diet of overweight children and those who have low hemoglobin.

Eggplant Harm

– In addition to all the usual vitamins, eggplant contains solanine. This is a chemical element that gives eggplant pulp a slightly bitter taste, says gastroenterologist Vitaly Rumyantsev. – This is an alkaloid – a plant poison that is found in many fruits of the nightshade family, including potatoes. Therefore, it must be remembered that the older the eggplant, the more solanine in it, which means that the risk of eating such a fruit is higher, getting food poisoning. Signs of poisoning are fainting, shortness of breath, convulsions and vomiting.

Eggplant should be eaten young. Such vegetables are harmless and even useful.

By the way, scientists have found that 35-day-old fruits are ideal for eating: they have the highest concentration of benefits, and solanine, on the contrary, is less. But the longer the fruit hangs on the branch, the more this plant poison is in it. In recent years, breeders have been working on breeding varieties that do not accumulate solanine at all. (3)

“Also, eggplant should be used with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,” says the professor. – Coarse fiber can exacerbate gastritis and ulcers. With a duodenal ulcer and allergies, eggplant is not recommended at all.

In addition, immunocompromised children and adults may experience an allergic reaction to eggplant.

Application in medicine

The use of mashed boiled or stewed eggplant in moderation is indicated for any liver disease. They advise their patients to include eggplant dishes and oncologists in the menu.

Vegetables can be one of the ingredients of the diet during dialysis, with pyelonephritis.

In cholelithiasis, nutritionists and nutritionists draw the attention of patients to eggplant stewed in sour cream sauce.

“Because of potassium, eggplants are indicated for feeding patients with diseases of the heart and circulatory system,” says gastroenterologist Vitaly Rumyantsev. – Eggplants are useful for patients with anemia, as they contribute to the formation of red blood cells and help normalize hemoglobin.

For the elderly, eggplant dishes are especially useful. The fact is that the substances contained in these fruits prevent the formation of fatty plaques in the vessels.

In folk medicine, eggplant juice is used to heal wounds and ulcers.

Cooking application

As a rule, no one eats raw eggplant. They are fried, boiled, steamed, baked. But in vain. So say the experts of Rospotrebnadzor. (4) According to their information, the more we think about vegetables, the higher their calorie content becomes. In 100 grams of baked eggplant, there are already 70 kcal (against 24 in the same amount of raw), and in fried – all 100! There is even more in eggplant caviar: you can’t call it dietary anymore.

Experts advise: if you want to “squeeze” all the benefits out of vegetables, you need to eat them raw. (4) Cut into thin slices, soak for 30 minutes in water, dry – and can be added to salads. Right with the peel, because it has so many vitamins! Those who are not ready to eat eggplant raw can try slices baked in the oven without oil or on the grill. With this processing, all useful anthocyanins, polyphenols and dietary fibers are preserved.

By the way, if you marinate eggplants, you get an appetizer that tastes like mushrooms.

Important! Before you start preparing an eggplant dish, they must be soaked in water or scalded with boiling water: this will remove harmful solanine from the pulp.

Eggplant stewed in sour cream

Easy to prepare, suitable both as an appetizer and as an independent hot dish

Eggplant300 g
Cream1 glass
Flour1 Art. a spoon
Butter2 Art. spoons

Peel the eggplant, wash and cut into slices. Soak them in hot salted water for 5 minutes. Then put it on a sieve, letting the water drain. Roll dry pieces in flour and fry. After that, put the eggplant in a saucepan, pour sour cream and simmer for 30-40 minutes.

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Greek moussaka with eggplant

This dish of traditional Greek cuisine is essentially a layered vegetable casserole with minced meat in a creamy cheese sauce. Moussaka is also called “vegetable lasagne”.й»

Eggplant4 piece.
Chopped meat500 g
Bow2 piece.
Tomatoes3-4 pieces.
Hard cheese225 g
Dry white wine75 g
Olive oil50 ml
Milk400 ml
Hard cheese170 g
Flour2 Art. spoons
Eggs2 piece.
Butter75 g
Grated nutmegPinch

Clean the onion. Cut the eggplant into slices and dip in salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of liquid) for 20 minutes. Dry with paper towel. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into slices.

Next we prepare the sauce. Melt the butter in a hot saucepan. Add flour to it and fry, stirring. Pour in warmed milk. Continue stirring until the mixture thickens. Remove from fire. Beat the eggs with a fork and gently fold them into the sauce so that they do not have time to curdle. Grate cheese on a fine grater. Stir it into the egg and milk mixture while it is warm to melt the cheese. Season the mass with nutmeg, salt.

Fry eggplant slices in a well-heated pan with vegetable oil for half a minute on each side. Cut onion into half rings, fry, add minced meat. Season with your favorite herbs, pour in the wine. Simmer until liquid evaporates. Salt. Lightly sauté the tomatoes in a separate pan. Put a portion of the fried eggplants in a baking dish so that they cover the bottom. Distribute minced meat on top. Put the tomatoes in the next layer. Repeat layers. Pour the sauce over the casserole and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake moussaka in the oven at 200 degrees for 45 minutes.

How to choose and store eggplant

When choosing eggplant, first of all pay attention to their size. Do not be tempted by large fruits – they contain a lot of solanine. Give preference to young vegetables of medium size. The optimal size is about 15 cm.

Pay attention to the stem. If it is green, then the eggplant is fresh and was picked recently. If brown, sluggish and dried up, then you have a stale “old man” in front of you. You don’t need to take it. If the tail is cut to zero, this should also alert. Often, sellers get rid of “unrespectable” stalks so as not to scare off buyers.

Next is the peel. There should not be any stains, dents or cuts on it. Just shine and shine. If you press your finger on a fresh fruit, then a small dent will appear on its even dark elastic skin, but will quickly disappear. If the eggplant cannot be squeezed, then it is not ripe. And the surface of the “aged” eggplant will remain “with a hole”. In addition, the skin of stale fruits tends to be dry and soft.

If it is possible to cut an eggplant, then by the way the flesh begins to change, you can understand a lot about its quality. A good fruit has white or slightly yellowish flesh. When cut, it stays like that for quite a long time. If the “insides” give off greenery and darken in the very first 20-30 seconds after contact with oxygen, and even dotted with dark seeds, it means that the fruit lies for a long time and there is a lot of solanine in it.

In general, eggplant is a perishable product, it would be good to cook it as soon as you buy it. But if it doesn’t work out, you need to store vegetables in the refrigerator. If the eggplant lies at room temperature for 2-4 days, and then it begins to lose moisture and wither, then in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator at a temperature of + 3 … 5 ℃ and a humidity of 75-85% – up to two weeks. Do not “pack” several eggplants into one bag. It is better to wrap each separately in paper or cling film and put it away from other vegetables – so the “blue ones” will lie for as long as possible.

In winter, by the way, eggplants can be safely stored on the balcony in a wooden box. Also wrapped in paper, but also closed from the light.

Popular questions and answers

How much does one eggplant weigh on average?

In fact, there are many varieties of eggplant – both very tiny and giant. The fruit of miniature varieties weighs from 30 to 60 grams, and large varieties gain weight up to a kilogram. If we talk about the average values ​​of the most common varieties that are grown in our country, then the average weight of eggplant reaches 150-200 grams.

When does eggplant season start and end?

The age of the eggplant, as they say, is short-lived. Just a month and a half. The “blue” season starts at the end of July and ends in mid-September. Although in the south of the country, eggplants can “hold out” even until the first days of October. The rest of the time on the shelves we see imported fruits grown in warm countries.

Can you eat eggplant with bones?

“Eggplants can be eaten with bones, but not all and not for everyone,” says gastroenterologist Vitaly Rumyantsev. – In case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, it is advisable to use seedless pulp or young fruits, and, of course, do not eat overripe fruits. For example, a contraindication is diverticulosis – a hernia of the colon mucosa. Eating dense eggplant seeds can cause inflammation.

Sources of

  1. A. N. Chulkov, V. I. Deineka, L. A. Deineka. Eggplant as a source of anthocyanins, water-soluble natural antioxidants. Belgorod State National Research University // 2012
  2. I. D. Karomatov. Therapeutic and preventive value of eggplant.// Electronic scientific journal “Biology and Integrative Medicine” №1. // 2019. URL:
  3. V. A. Machulkina, T. A. Sannikova, M. Yu. Puchkov, N. I. Antipenko Ecological safety of eggplant depending on the age and size of fruits // 2015. URL: /ekologicheskaya-bezopasnost-baklazhan-v-zavisimosti-ot-vozrasta-i-razmera-plodov/viewer
  4. Rospotrebnadzor. The benefits and harms of eggplant. URL:

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